

A few years have past and the once peaceful place of Tempria has fallen. Three sisters must come together with some strange people to defeat the darkness that awaits them all.

GeekyCryBaby · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Episode 8

Morgan and Margret fall out of the portal and on some dark red ground.

"Ouch!" Morgan groans as she growls. She notices red glass in front of her eyes.

"Oh my god.." Margret was standing up and staring ahead.

Morgan looks up. Her eyes go big. "Is that..."

"A vampire castle? Yes. Yes it is." Margret smiles. "I can't believe we're here!" She says excited.

The vampire castle was huge. It sat on a cliff that was above a large pool of blood. Well every where was above a pool of blood.

"Someone's too excited." Morgan stands. "You know we're here to kill them right?"

Margret rolls her eyes. "Still little sister. I want to study them." She pulls out a book out of her satchel.

"What's that?" Morgan asks.

Margret flips it open. "Just some old notes from father."

"Notes?" Morgan walks over to her. Looking down at the old book. "Whoa..Dad wrote about them?"

"Yeah. Remember back then vampires weren't always evil. So dad studied every supernatural."

Morgan smiles. "He really was a scientist."

They hear loud footsteps coming towards them.

"Crap! Guess we better hide!" Morgan said as she grabbed her sisters hand.

They both dash behind some black bushes with bright red flowers on them.

"This place is strange.." Morgan sniffed one of the roses.

Margret chuckles. "Dad said that these roses are made out of blood. It helps the vampires maintain their small figures."

"Noted.." Morgan throws the rose off the cliff they were on.

"See! I told you that he opened it!" A few teenagers said as they approached the portal.

"Whoa!" One of them said as they stared at it.

"I thought it was closed?" A snobby girl said as she crossed her arms.

"Well yeah! But it reopened cause of Prince Kai." A boy respond to her.

"Prince?" Both Margret and Morgan both whispered to one another.

*Next Scene*

Kyle gets pinned against a rock wall by the woman. He looks scared.

"So handsome.." She stares at him.

"I think she went this way!" A man yells as he is seen from the woods. He notices them. "Damn it Princess Star! You know you can't just run off without telling us!" He walked closer. He was a very tall man. Long dreads that laid down his back and little over his shoulders. He wore a red armor suit.

"I don't care! I just wanted to have fun!" Star, the shaved hair girl, groaned as she looked at him.

He sees Kyle. "You found a human?"

Kyle smiles weakly. "Hi?.."

Another man walks up to them. "Wow! A human! Cool!" He looks excited. He was much smaller than the others. He wore the same armor as the other man.

"Back off! He's mine!" Star growls.

'I think their vampires. Just on how they all look..' Kyle thinks.

"Oh we are!" The smaller man answers.

Star laughs. "Wow. Not much of a brainiac are you?" She plays with his hair. "It's been so long since I've drank from a human."

"Princess you know you can't. We don't know where he is from." The large man demands. "Now lets get you back before your father-"

"Gimbal clam down! I know that! But if I have to go back I at least want a pet!" She growls.

He sighs. "Not happening."

"Oh yes it is!" Her eyes glow bright. She quickly turns to Kyle. "Say you'll be mine and mine forever!"

Kyle doesn't look at her.

"Hey! Say it!" She pulls his face to his.

"Star stop!" Gimbal goes to stop her but he is too late.

Kyle makes eye contact. His eyes go dark. "I'll be yours. Forever and ever."

She smiles. "Yay!"

Gimbal groans. "Fine! But I'm not the one going down for this!" He looks at the small man. "Samual, go through the portal with Star first."

"Yes sir!" Samual nods.

Star smiles. "Um what's your name pet?"

Kyle responds. "Kyle my love."

"Kyle? Nah. Your new name is Gary." She smiles.

"Yes my love." Kyle answers.

"May we go princess?" Gimbal waves her towards the portal.

Star nods. "Let's go Gray!" She walks into the portal.

Kyle drops the book that he was holding and walks behind her.

Samual walks in as well.

Gimbal rolls his eyes before going in as well.

*Next Scene*

Micky takes a drink of water as he stares into the woods. He stood in the kitchen.

"Where is everyone?" Melody walks through the door. She was rubbing her head.

Micky turned to her. "Oh your up." He put the empty dish in the sink. "Your sisters went to the portal with Kyle. They were looking for Kai."

"Kai? What happened to him!?" She starts to panic.

"Hey hey..sit down." He sits her down at the table. "You've been resting. You need to be careful."

She rubs her head. "Kai..I seen him.."

"You did?" He looks at her surprised.

"Yeah..I woke up and saw everyone flying in the air. I couldn't move or speak. But...I saw him. Kai. He was...he was helping everyone." She looks up at him.

"You saw Kai? How?" He tries to think.

"I don't know...I just did..it was like everything was in slow motion.." she looks down at the ground.

Micky stands. "We need to get to that portal!"

"What? Why?" She also stands.

He grabs his shoes and hers. "Listen, since I've been here I've read some of your dads research books."

She takes her shoes. "So? Margret does as well."

"Well, in the vampire book it states that ONLY vamps can see slow motion." He outs his shoes on.

She finishes putting hers on too. "Meaning?"

He looks at her scared. "It could also happen to half vamps as well."

Her eyes widen. "No...I can't be.." her heart running fast.

"Melody, don't start to freak. We need to get you to your sisters so we can make sure. I could be wrong." He puts his hands on her shoulders.

She nods. "O-Okay.."

They both head out of the tree house.