Using the brain as an Axis to process large amounts of data, an Advance Computer was made that is faster, accurate and more efficient than Quantum Computers. The only downside was it consumed an infinite amount of energy within a short period of time and also make the human brain stop functioning after prolonged use. Nevertheless, when a looming threat of destruction encroached on Earth for the second time due to excessive Energy emitted by Beta Asteroid Core, humanity decided to use the Advance Computer to siphon away the excess Energy! And the fastest way to do that was to make a VR MMORPG Cabin that will allow billions of people to dive in and make use of the Energy. **** Seth was born with a very low body constitution that made him almost a cripple due to his body getting stressed very fast from any extended physical activity. He escaped reality by gaming and when he met with an accident he stopped gaming. But when the ultimate game was out, Asteroid Online, Seth was asked to dive again. Sadly, he found an exact replica of his real-life body in the game. At first, he detested it, but on that first day, Seth was intrigued by the game and wished to explore more. To his utter shock, when he raised his Skills to Talent in the game, his real-life skill also improved. A series of other unexplainable events keep happening to him which steel his resolve to crack the game mystery. **** I don't know if the concept of this story was used before but I have not seen it anywhere. So, the story may have its unique concept and slightly different classes that were used in other VR Games. Don't worry, you will not be disappointed!
The next step after smearing the sweat on them was activation. As they are now just a sweat dropped on their skin and nothing more until he willed it to be pain.
Seth chose Almight first.
The man was troublesome and to his astonishment, the man's reaction was beyond his assumption. He got lost in it.
Seth contemplated whether the man was faking it or if he made the pain extra powerful, but he dropped that assumption as the pain was weaker than what he had felt.
At that moment, he came to the conclusion that his pain threshold was greater than theirs.
The pain he brought out was from Meno's Aura he touched, and when he touched it, he was using Aura Sense as well as Aura Grabbed, which made him feel the pain to his core.
Almight killed himself but that made Seth smile as he looked at the other two of his experiments and activated them.