
Tempest of the Steel Mecha

Suppressing miracles Concealing the truth Eternal fervor and passion An immortal legend of tyranny!

Daoist5LB6oW · ゲーム
98 Chs


Of course, these things are nothing to the Blade Warrior, advantage?

Ha, that's what they say to others. People have fixed ideas. If the Blade Warrior is not at a disadvantage, then there is a problem. There is no worse model than BS001 these days.

But people are curious to see how the Blade Warrior will deal with the aerial advantage of the Moth. With the attacking power of BS001, only lasers can be used and they must hit the target's vital points. Of course, people like to see miracles happen.

Li Feng doesn't care if anyone is watching. He just wants to move his muscles and bones. Suppressing the opponent with crazy bombing won't have the effect of tempering him. Every battle for Li Feng is treated as a real fight, and he must learn something from it, like this one. The reason why he chose this opponent is precisely because of his aircraft model.

The Flying Beacon chose the plain without hesitation. He also knows the rules of the Blade Warrior. Although they may be privates, they are big shots, and he himself is not confident. Just by watching those videos, he is afraid and definitely wants to choose terrain that is advantageous to himself.

And the plain is naturally the most conducive to aerial bombing.

The appearance of the Blade Warrior has kept the game company's staff busy. This person is…so amazing. Doesn't he know he can make money? At least let them prepare. For Li Feng's appearance, the staff were called up to prepare for publicity, but Li Feng didn't want to wait for them. As long as he chooses a challenger, it's done.

Without the official intervention, this has become an open competition. As long as both sides are willing, this competition can be made public, but the capacity is limited. It depends on who is faster.

The crowded players should not be too delighted. In a space combat game room, once a player enters, others stop playing and connect directly to the screen. Everyone eagerly anticipates the gameplay. This is almost like a science fiction movie, even more interesting. The players are getting a bit dry-mouthed.

Blade Warrior, BS001 VS Flying Beacon, Moth

Location: Plain

When the players saw the plain, they had no other reaction except for cursing the shamelessness of the Flying Beacon. The plain was so flat that it was almost ridiculous, without any cover or obstacles, it was a completely flat terrain chosen by this guy to maximize his attack advantage. It lacked any aesthetic appeal and was purely functional. Additionally, this rogue even added thick clouds in the air, allowing for increased interference and error if anything went wrong.

The game begins.

The Flying Beacon is very cautious, not immediately attacking. Moth takes off and maintains the best safety position. Other BS001 players might be okay, but facing Blade Warrior, caution is necessary!

Shameless? Damn it, I am shameless!

As long as I can defeat Blade Warrior, I will definitely become famous overnight. Some of the players who fantasize about defeating Blade Warrior have been working hard. His existence is the biggest irony to them. Besides, this is just a tactic.

Li Feng also enters a state of intense concentration, moving around casually to get a feel for the game. However, when he moves, the Flying Beacon in the air is startled, thinking that the opponent is going to start attacking. Blade Warrior's shooting skills have been proven to be fierce. The Flying Beacon immediately raises its height and flies into the sky, leaving Li Feng somewhat puzzled. He cannot fight back at such a height, but his opponent cannot attack either.

The players watching the battle burst into laughter. How dare he challenge Blade Warrior with only a little courage! Being too timid is not good!

The Flying Beacon in the sky did not notice this. It was nerve-wracking to have so many people watching, and Blade Warrior was always so abnormal. He must be worried. If he were killed as soon as the battle began, he would lose face.

The Flying Beacon continues to be cautious. However, seeing that Blade Warrior only moved around casually, it puts its mind at ease. As long as it pays attention to Blade Warrior's laser, this battle will be unbeatable. Moreover, he still has a real killer move. This battle is timed. If it does not end within fifteen minutes, it will be a tie. Even if he cannot win, a draw will be advantageous to him.

The Flying Beacon began its bombing. This type of fantasy aircraft is far more sensitive than the realistic Normandy models, and the distance in the air is naturally superior to close combat. The Moth belongs to the bomber type, specifically designed to deal with ground mobile warriors. The Flying Beacon first tentatively attacked several times, and BS001 could only dodge, which made him slightly bolder.

Pursuing a winning streak? No, that's just the view of other players. Li Feng doesn't have such constraints when playing space battles. As in this game, he didn't plan to immediately kill his opponent. Perhaps some players hoped to see the Blade Warrior suddenly shoot a laser and knock down the Moth, continuing his legendary journey. But in fact, in the first dozen or so exchanges at the beginning, the Blade Warrior did not make a single attack, as if he was warming up for the Moth, just evading the Moth's attacks.

Do not underestimate the Flying Beacon. Once it discards its nervousness and fully unleashes the Moth's attack power, it will be very difficult for ground mecha to deal with, especially BS001. The players couldn't quite understand the Blade Warrior's intentions. Although BS001's laser is relatively slow and weak, it still has resistance. And with the Blade Warrior's marksmanship, it can definitely make it difficult for the Moth to fully exert its power, but now it is clear that he is being used as a target.

The Flying Beacon is not a fool and naturally realized this. Regardless of whether it was intentional or a trap, he absolutely could not give up such a good opportunity, unless his intelligence had regressed to kindergarten.

The Moth is doing very beautiful spins in the air. Of course, this is not just for looks, but mainly to make it difficult for the opponent to capture. The attack begins, rows of lasers raining down from the sky. The Moth is a model with continuous shooting ability, and Li Feng is fully focused. This is definitely not a joke. If there is a slight mistake in cooperation with BS001, the result will be an explosion.

Facing the attack, BS001 moves slightly to dodge, with lightning-fast steps, using the smallest movements to dodge the laser attacks and vibration range. Only someone who understands the power range of the laser can do this, and the opponent's judgment of the laser's power range is bone-deep.

Li Feng's face is excited. This feeling is too wonderful. He can't learn the cold and ruthless state of Devil Jin's war no matter what. Although he is very excited, his body reactions are not the slightest bit slow, but rather more agile. In the end, Devil Jin had to admit that this may be a special exception among human beings, recorded in the archives as belonging to a very small number of individuals.