
tempered in blood and bone

alexander campion, a student versed in robotics and his professor are working on something revolutionary, but it all goes wrong suddenly, and alexander ends up in a place far from home.

herohero · ファンタジー
22 Chs


These expenses out of the way I ate a late breakfast from a bakery along the way, enjoying the soft bread to the fullest I leisurely walked to the edge of the city, knowing that my father would have barricaded the city walls in a manhunt for me, more interested in the things I stole than his son's life.

Skirting around to one of the small groves lining the wall I searched for one of the clandestine exits, wading through vegetation, I reached it squeezing into the narrow, craggy cavity. Reaching the end of the tunnel I beheld more buildings outside the wall, most likely a peasant's bungalow, the houses within the walls were too expensive for the likes of farmers and their rag-wearing farmhands.

Now outside the walls I dust down my tunic and trousers and circumvent the wall's border looking for a carriage, I have two primary reasons for catching this transportation, firstly to escape my father's territory, there is no way that vindictive man won't have already locked down the entirety of his territory, expanding over six counties.

Even if I left at night instead of hiding out in the inn I would just be forced to ride with those sketchy people, usually active late at night, bandits and the sort and while I don't fear them, I know that the commotion would draw attention when exposed and that would just give my dear father a lead.

The other reason is my destination, I didn't just leave suddenly after another of my many fights with the count, if I was so weak-minded, I would have left earlier or not left at all, the reason I left on this occasion is the time.

On the first day of the third month, every three years the magic academies open their gates to potential disciples, to inherit their age-old legacies and groom a more powerful generation, so they may expand their mighty influence.

For this monumental event, they change the location every time, well on this continent, I heard that customs are different in different arias, this year's it will be held in a port only a two-week journey from the count's territory, normally there would be a specialised coach and carriage traveling between deferent territories, it would be impractical for me to get this carriage, however, as father would most definitely know where and why I left, he'll definitely monitor this carriage well within his jurisdictions, anyway it doesn't make difference to the academies, whether you arrive by the set means or not.

The only reason they ran it was so they could keep as many potential talents alive as possible, as some arias were dangerous, they also check for any archaic talent, but that too is done at their testing ground.

I looked around in the open plaza, mud smeared on my face to avoid recognition, I could have worn a cloak however it would just be meaningless weight, which draws suspicion, In that situation, I would be the first person to be pulled over and searched.

Looking around I struggled to find a carriage traveling in the right direction, and when I found one it was to a city or town within fathers' territory, it was meaningless trouble. And when I found one willing to travel outside his territory, they would demand an extravagant price, and while I could afford it, having that kind of money for someone my age would draw suspicion and envy.

After an hour or so, I eventually found one for an affordable price, during that time I had to hide from four soldiers of the count's private army.

The owner of the carriage was a kindly older man, with iridescent blue eyes that glowed purple in the light, his temperament seemed affable, and his lustrous silvered hair pinned him as highly hygienic, something rarely seen in someone of his profession.

On the back of the gleaming, new-looking carriage was a collection of five people, three on one side and two on the other, boarding onto the back beneath the canvas hood, I nestled into the corner next to a gruff looking man and across from a younger woman dressed in the common garbs of a knight in training, it was juxtaposed by her porcelain skin, I guess that she's from a fallen noble house, probably a Baronett.

Wandering idly, I tried testing the capabilities of the chip tasking it with scanning the woman, the chip scanned every inch of her frame, projecting the information directly into my head. During the process she didn't even flinch, her resting face remaining equally calm.

The chip compiled the information to make it easier to digest and understand, it was formatted roughly like the games I saw a Cole, for the sake of comparison I brought up my own statistics, which I knew instinctively, as it lingered at the back of my mind, almost parasitically.

Alexander Campion

Occupation- ex noble

bloodline- pure Campion bloodline- weak demonic bloodline-?...

physical state- healthy (weak demonic blood awakened after failed summoning, increased all stats by a factor of between 0.5 and 1. opposing affinities tempering body).

Compatible affinities- darkness (high), water (high), astral (weak), fire (weak).

Physical prowess- 4.2 (1 being the average man, at their peak. An average knight would be 5). physical potential- 8.9 (the maximum level possible for you to achieve, without any drastic changes in routine, physique, bloodline, or magical enhancement). vitality- 6.3 (can be tempered, multiple methods to increase, will increase with physical prowess.) arcane reservoir- 10 (starting level- can grow from here. The average is between 1-2, can be higher based on your raw talent and soul capacity). arcane foundation- 5 (impossibly hard to increase requiring at least a bloodline evolution or equivalent). arcane control- 0.2 (weak demonic bloodline, can grow with training + other).


Occupation- unknown (potential- knight in training, ex-noble).

bloodline- impure (dwindling) unknown bloodline

physical state- injured- sprained ankle

compatible affinities- earth

Physical prowess- 3 (was 3.5 injured). physical potential- 6.8 vitality- 4 (was 5 injured). arcane reservoir- 2 arcane foundation- 6 arcane control- 0

Looking over her stats I realize now that it factors in my inferences as possibilities and considering her bloodline she must have some relation to a powerful figure, if only distantly.

It's also worth considering its ability to recognise the injuries sustained and how it affects their physical ability. I look down at her ankle inquisitively, and a sudden chill spiked up my back as I slowly looked up at her.

Her restful smile fell as her closed eyes darted open glaring intently at me, their onyx black shone with the dull light of murder, those eyes are unspeakably cold, incomparable to the guards and knights I have seen roaming around home.

Cold sweat built up as I looked at her piercing eyes, but before my mounting fear overwhelmed me, I repeatedly told myself, a whisper that lingered in the depths of my cowering mind, Imm stronger, I held that mantra close.

It was simple, I was stronger than her, I could defeat, I could kill her, then who would be screaming bloody murder.