
Tell the secret

Unlike other kids, she was special, really special. Anyone who saw her would think she was a witch who uses magic to heal people but no. Nature loved her and granted her the gift to use nature to heal. Alora grew up as a peasant, always helping her mother and others on the farm. But luckily, the head of the kingdom adopted her and she became a lady. Life doesn't give us what we always hope for but what if what life gives us is a blessing in disguise of a curse. Vampires, humans, werewolves and witches were the four creatures who descended on Earth millions of years ago but due to some reasons, they separated. Witches being the creatures in hiding because of their magic. Alora was forcefully taken away by the Alpha of the werewolf to settle the dispute between werewolves and humans. It wasn't as bad as she thought at first. A sudden twist came when she found out that she was his dead mate.........

Limah_Lisah · ファンタジー
171 Chs


Eun-ji sat before the mirror as the attents dried her hair. Seo-yeon's face was on the cover of the magazine she was staring down at. 

She was going to be giving out her one identity which was the Empress of the music industry. She knew she was really never nothing without that title she held. 

Eun-ji was sure Seo-yeon would be the one she would crown tomorrow. 

"I'm the worst." Eun-ji sighed as she rested her back well as they straightened her hair. 

Flashback to the other day when Do-yun visited.

"Apologize to Seo-yeon? In front of the whole world?" Eun-ji looked at him in shock. "What the hell are you saying?"

"You should be thanking me for lending you that piece of advice. You're too dumb to think about it. If you do, you might still have the chance to build a future outside the music industry." Do-yun explained in a cold voice. "But if you don't want to do that, that's your problem."