
Tell the secret

Unlike other kids, she was special, really special. Anyone who saw her would think she was a witch who uses magic to heal people but no. Nature loved her and granted her the gift to use nature to heal. Alora grew up as a peasant, always helping her mother and others on the farm. But luckily, the head of the kingdom adopted her and she became a lady. Life doesn't give us what we always hope for but what if what life gives us is a blessing in disguise of a curse. Vampires, humans, werewolves and witches were the four creatures who descended on Earth millions of years ago but due to some reasons, they separated. Witches being the creatures in hiding because of their magic. Alora was forcefully taken away by the Alpha of the werewolf to settle the dispute between werewolves and humans. It wasn't as bad as she thought at first. A sudden twist came when she found out that she was his dead mate.........

Limah_Lisah · ファンタジー
171 Chs

Chapter Thirty nine


 "What happened that night in the forest?" She asked. 


"Oh, a coward stabbed me with silver blades that had been created to break immediately when it touches blood. I wouldn't have bothered but if you noticed there were silver arrows on the floor, I was also attacked with it. I was busy tracing the intoxicating scent that looked like that of my mate and I fell into a trap. If you didn't come early I would be history by now." He replied. 


"From where did you sniff my scent? Were you in Arran before?" Alora asked. 


"Kind of."


"What about those women you took from the kingdoms you conquered?"


"Somewhere. I don't know. Some of them would probably be serving as sex toys in the brothel. It's so nice to have a human female…."


"Eww." She rolled her eyes. 


"What? It is normal to want a woman the way I badly want you." He winked at her and her cheeks turned tomato red. "Aww, don't worry I'll control my desires and I won't sleep with my mistress anymore. I'll wait patiently for when the time comes." Radolph said dreamily. "I think it's time we go. It's getting quite late." 


"Yeah." Alora replied as she wore her clothes while Radolph pulled his own off.


"Are you ready for your first ever wolf ride now?" He asked. 


"Yes." She squealed.


"Pick up my clothes for me and don't look at me while I shift. I know you don't want to see me naked." Radolph winked at her teasingly and she groaned. 


She turned and he shifted. She faced him when she heard a silent howl and she saw the same werewolf she saw the werewolf when helped and nursed back then.


His raven fur was attractive and his gray eyes pierced into her. His fur looked even more silky and beautiful than the time she saw him. 


"It's nice to see you." She smiled, running her hands through his fur, making him howl silently due to pleasure. "I have to admit you are cuter than Radolph."

Radolph's wolf gave a loud and happy howl making her chuckle. 


She climbed on and he started running into the woods at a very high speed. It didn't take them up to ten minutes to get to the palace. As soon as she got off and he shifted, she ran to throw up in the nearest bush. 


"Remind me to run a bit slower next time." He messaged her neck gently. 


"Thank you. My first ride was so not pleasant." She replied, making him chuckle. 


"Oh, you're adorable." Radolph pecked her cheeks as they walked into the palace. 


"I was thinking,'' Radolph, why don't you take me to the village of the witches." Alora asked as she walked out of her dressing room in her night dress. 


"Why?" Radolph asked her. 


"To look for answers you know. It is really needed. About my position as a witch too." Alora replied as she laid down next to him. 


"Well that's a good idea." Radolph thought. "Well a normal village. The white witch and black witch live together but their leaders don't like each other at all for reasons best known to them."


"Why did the witches hide from the rest of the world?" Alora asked. 


"They hid from the humans to be specific. We and the witches still have connections because we can go to their place to seek healing herbs and protections sometimes. Well, we'll go there in three days so no need to worry." 


Alora nodded before she hugged him and yawned. "Goodnight Radolph." 


"Goodnight." Radolph kissed her forehead and they both went to sleep.


Alora found herself running into the woods in the dark night with the rain pouring heavily. She sobbed as she ran at her fullest speed, thorns and twigs pulling her white dress but she fought hard running from the people chasing her. She was wearing no shoes and her legs bled and the thorns tore her soft skin. As soon as a lady in a cape who covered her face with the hoodie of the cape grabbed her and sank her white and bloody fangs into her, a scream escaped her lips.