
Weighing Things

Marcus Zephanie held the vial in his hand. He toyed with it as he thought over the events that went down during his announcement.

Seeing his brother again after that eventful day one year ago made him think of a lot of things. He shouldn't have underestimated his brother's capabilities. He should have counted the possibility of him having a resistance to the mechanism he had built. He should have thought of all angles before safely assuming that it was enough.

Marcus shook his head. He could think of all those 'what ifs' for the whole day, but it won't change anything. What happened has already happened. All that he could do right now is to brace himself for the future which reminded him of the vial in his hand. 

Raising it against the light, the clear color refracted against the crystal with the fluorescent light shining above him.

He smirked. Despite how his announcement had gone today, there was one thing that he could celebrate about.