
Chapter 22

"You requested me." Andre looked over at his depressed son.

"When is the last time you went home, baby?" Victoria peered over at Noah and Andre turned his attention to his wife with a raised eyebrow.

"A week ago." Noah spoke in a low voice that was barely audible.

"I'm sorry. What am I missing here?" Andre spoke with his hands behind his back.

"Darling..." Victoria shook her head and looked at Andre. "That's too long to be away from your baby and fiancée."

"Again, what did I miss?" Andre glanced between his wife and son.

"Where have you been staying?" Victoria stood up and crouched down in front of a saddened Noah.

"A hotel. I was gonna go home tonight or tomorrow, but- I- She doesn't want me." Noah swallowed hard as tears fell down his cheeks.

Victoria touched his thighs. "Oh, baby. You're wrong. Andre? Why don't you tell our son about what happened when he was thirteen?" She peered up at her husband, who had straightened up in a panic.