
Chapter 19

Olivia stirred the sugar and cream through her coffee. Noah quietly dipped his warm croissant into his own cup of coffee.

"Do you think it's ever gonna be the same between us?" Olivia slowly swirled her spoon around her cup and rested her cheek on her fist.

"Do you?" Noah raised his eyes to look at her and how the light of the cafe bounced off her hair and face, making her glow.

"I- I really don't know." Olivia sighed and took her spoon out, setting it on the white cloth napkin. She sat back in her chair and peered down at her cup as she clasped her palms around it. "I want it to be, but..."

"Trust is hard when we both did what we did. I get it." Noah ran his hand through his hair and set his soaked croissant back onto his plate, finding it hard to eat.

"But why her?" Olivia's bottom lip began to quiver, and her hands began to shake as tears burned her eyes.

"I could ask you the same." Noah sighed and picked at his croissant. "Why him?"