
Act five, Scene two

Next morning

{In class}

KELVIN: (walks towards Rex) hey dude,seen john around

REX: orhh,am suppose to be asking you that,you go to his place,and you two always come to class together (pretending to be concerned)

KELVIN: I went to his apartment, but he wasn't there

REX: (smiles secretly) take a chill pill kelv,I'm sure he's fine,not like he's missing or something, maybe he went for a walk,or went somewhere

KELVIN: he would've told me or called,and I searched all possible places he could be,but I didn't find him,his phone's switched off,plus John would never miss a class,he wouldn't want to spoil his perfect attendance,I just hope he's okay (concerned)

REX: hey,chill,it might've been urgent,so he couldn't call,or maybe he's battery's down,I'm sure its a minor situation, so calm down bro,he's fine (then he walked away) fine,more like fin..(smiles)

KELVIN: something isn't right.....

After class

Mr Finn: where's john,he never misses classes,and I haven't seen him in school, and Melisa

Trina: em,Lisa's sick, with eeh a fever,I mean she's coming down with something, so she stayed home

Mr Finn: how about john,sick too (no reply).............

{At Melisa s apartment }

Melisa: (opening her eyes ,she yarns, then sat up) my head (stood up staggering) what,what happened (remembers the last unfolding events,wakes up fully) john,Rex,class (about running to the bathroom, then she stopped) forest,john (ran to the forest) no one (confused) was it a dream , ah,men,then why do I hurt so much (holding her head) where did they take them to ?, ...Rex,class, need to go to class (ran back to the apartment)

(Back in class)

Mr Finn: after I leave, if john comes in,tell him to.... (Interrupted)

John: (standing by the entrance with one leg resting on the wall, arms folded,gasping) am right here sir,what would you like to tell him?

Mr Finn: where the heck has he been,and why did he miss classes?

John: he had to head somewhere, not like he was almost killed or something (glancing at Rex)

Mr Finn: okay....,try after school period next time (left) ...kids

James: what the hell, how the fuck is the shocker alive?..

Jude: told you,we shouldn't have left him there

James: but there's no possible way he could survive 3hits...

Rex: uhn (sighs angrily)

John: (gave them a side glance, then smirked,still gasping heavily,he sat down right in front of Kelvin)

Kelvin: hey,where the fuck have you been ?(dragging his ear)

John: hey,owch aww,that hurts (groaning in pain) I went to the bank, and there was a long cue, sorry I didn't tell you, now can you pls let go of my poor ear

Kelvin: uhn (left it) I forgive you

John: thanks...(holding his ear) uh (then Melisa ran in) Lisa (surprised)

Melisa: (looking around, she caught a glance of him, then walked over) hey john (pretending not to have ran a marathon to the school,holding herself from panting) hey Kelvin

John: hey,you're okay

Kelvin: what do you mean,was she not?

John: eeh she was,you know sick as Trina said

Kelvin: okay I'm buying that,only because I'm sure you'll decide to speak when you're ready to,I'll be back (stood up,then walked away)

Melisa: so what happened (gasping heavily)

John: were you holding that? (Jokingly)

Melisa: 30 kilometers, are you kidding me (still trying to catch her breath)

John: sorry (smiling)

Melisa: so what happened? (Stops gasping)

John: uhn ,all I remember was.........


John: (wakes up) where am I? (Looking around)

Alex: in my apartment, those fools think they've won urhn,how could they possibly think they could kill a demon with mare poison arrows,he even let then touch him,because the more he's defeated, the stronger he'd become

John: (stood up) orhh (feeling sharp pains all over,and feeling entirely weak) men,why do I feel so heavy?,everywhere hurts

Alex: its the poison,don't worry,you'll get over it, it's kinda strange you survived it though,you're quite strong, your body fought the poison from passing,for a normal human,that's impressive, 3 stabs,even two is too much,you should be paralysed,or truthfully dead,we're talking poisonous venom here,and surprisingly, it left you no permanent scar,or injuries, now I know why kazara chose you

John: chose me?

Alex: just have some rest,ignore I said that

John: okay...,so where's kazara,since he aren't dead

Alex: (smiles) somewhere quiet, and deserted,calm enough for a demon to relax,he's where he belongs......

»Back to reality↓

John: so that's it

Melisa: he's right,it is unusual for a normal human like you to survive such a dangerous knife,maybe because you've been living with a demon for a while,so you've become...

John: extraordinary

Melisa: yah,actually I was going to say a demon,but that could work

Rex & frank: hi (smiling,from behind)

John: hello (smiles back) oh you now school here?

Frank: yah,got a problem? (no reply)

Rex: am surprised how you survived, but I promise you,next time,you wouldn't (turns to Melisa) and next time,I might forget blood (walks away)

Frank: good luck without kazara (laughs then he walked off after Rex)

Melisa: he's right,we can't deal with them without kazara,we've no chance against them,what're we going to do?

John: I don't know....…

