

GRZG12 · テレビ
10 Chs


"So...are you excited for tonight?"

With the question posed by the bubbly, familiar voice, Allison Argent looked up from her food tray, which she was using her plastic fork to poke at the food on the plate. Even though she had only been friends with the chatty, gorgeous redhead for a couple of weeks, Allison was now able to recognize Lydia Martin's voice.

"Oh? And what's tonight," the long-legged brunette asked as Lydia sat across from her.

"We are going out," Lydia chirped up, picking a fry off her friend's plate.

"And where, pray tell, is our destination," Allison pressed, already knowing she'd gladly go wherever the redhead suggested.

"I keep forgetting you are new here," Lydia replied, whipping her fingers on a napkin. "The Silver. The coolest, well the only under age club in town."

"So tonight we introduce the newbie to The Silver," Jackson Whittemore asked as he slid in next to Lydia.

Allison watched as the extremely handsome boy scooped the back of his hand around the back of Lydia's flaming red hair and pulled her in for a kiss. The new girl could hear her friend moan in response to the kiss from the square-jawed boy, and Allison couldn't help but feel a pang of envy...and maybe, just maybe, a dampness in her panties.

However, her thoughts were interrupted as she saw another handsome boy walk by from her peripheral vision. His name was Scott McCall, and though they had only had maybe a handful of conversations, she found that they had this animalistic, carnal attraction to each other. The fact that he was olive skinned, extremely ripped and the new star of the school's vaunted lacrosse team didn't hurt his appeal either.

"Alright you two, keep it PG...we're at school, remember?" Allison said.

"Mmm...fine. We'll let common sense prevail...this time," Lydia countered as their tongue-filled lip lock was finally broken.

"Alright, you two work out the details for tonight. I have to quickly pound some protein before hitting the weights before next period," Jackson stated, raising from the table.

* * *

The girls didn't need much time to work out that they both needed to go home first before heading out for the evening. Therefore, giving the proximity of their houses to the club, it was decided that Jackson would pick up Allison first before grabbing Lydia. Though it was dark outside and a little cool, Lydia waited outside in the driveway for the Porsche-driving boy who didn't keep her waiting long.

"Wow," Jackson said, staring at the girl from his open window.

Jackson was use to good looking girls throwing themselves at him, but the sight that greeted him in the well-lit driveway made his breath catch in his throat. The tall dark-haired girl had decided to accentuate her best features, namely her amazingly long legs and slim, athletic feature. Thus, she chose a tight-fitting dress her aunt Jane had lent her which ended north of her mid thigh. To help draw the eye down to her impossibly lengthy pegs, Allison wore black leather boots that rode up just to beneath her knee.

"Hi Jackson," she replied, tucking a loose strand of her wavy brown hair behind her ear as she blushed from his comment.

"Sorry, I mean, get in," he tried to recover, a mask of super cool confidence sliding back into place.

Allison slid into the passenger seat and barely had her seatbelt in hand before Jackson pulled out of the driveway in a tear. The pair chatted easily in the car as the lacrosse captain navigated the suburban streets as they headed towards Lydia's home. Jackson hid his gazing at her fit teen body well, not wanting to creep the new girl out, especially since she still thought him to be a nice boy, not some hormone-fueled, sex-crazed guy that he was.

"So any boyfriends at your old school," Jackson asked conversationally as they neared Lydia's.

"Umm, no. Well, not many. None really serious," Allison replied. 

"And how about here," he continued, making another turn. "I see you and McCall talk regularly in the halls and after practices."

"Nothing official or anything," the brunette answered, though in a way that said she wished it was something more.

* * *

With Lydia in the car, Allison wieled the front seat of her boyfriend's vehicle to her, sliding into the back. It was a short drive to the club anyway, and before long they were parked, inside and dancing. Though she didn't have a date, mainly because Scott mentioned that he was grounded this evening, she still had a dance partner, as Jackson shared himself between both gorgeous girls.

"Why don't I get us more drinks," Jackson commented between songs, flashing his half empty flask from his inside vest pocket.

"You know I'm good for more," a tipsy Lydia replied, her body beginning to stay to the newest song, grinding her curvier body against Allison.

"Well..." Allison pondered, noticing both their eyes on her. "The night's still young so why not."

"I'll catch up shortly then," the square-jawed youth commented before disappearing into the mass of bodies.

* * *

"I hope you guys don't mind me hitching a ride home with you," Allison said as she sat in the back seat once more.

The trio had a great time dancing and drinking away the night, though Jackson said he had stopped consuming alcohol early enough to be still good to drive. Which was a good thing, because both she and her new best friend sitting in the front seat were still buzzing. Not drunk, just feeling good.

"Not at all," Jackson said.

"So drop Allison off first then you and I head back to my place for a nightcap," Lydia spoke to Jackson, placing her hand on his thigh as he speed down the street.

"My parents are gone until tomorrow and they have a fully stocked liquor cabinet," Allison offered, not realizing Lydia meant to fuck her boyfriend's brains out as soon as she got rid of Allison.

"Allison, no," Lydia answered, shaking her head. 

"Come on Lydia, where is your sense of friendship," Jackson spoke up quickly, silencing his more talkative girlfriend. "We gave Allison a good time tonight, not to mention two rides, and now you don't want to let her reward us for that."

Lydia looked at him with her big eyes wide on him, wondering what the boy was playing at. However, when he put his hand over top of hers, which was still resting on his upper thigh. He couldn't offered to give her a look because of the speed he was travelling at, but Lydia was made to understand he had a plan in mind as he moved her hand up until it was resting on the lump in his pants.

While Lydia leaned further towards her boyfriend so she could use her body to shield Allison's view, she unzipped Jackson's pants deftly and began stroking his cock. She couldn't help but give a little moan as he hardened in her hand, always getting a perverse thrill of rubbing his dick with her best friend 3 feet away.

"Hate to break it to you two but we are almost at my house," Allison commented, apparently aware that the pair were up to something sexual in the front seat.

"Sorry Allison," Lyda grunted her disapproval as she shifted back into her seat. "I get all horny with some drinks in me and a night of dancing with beautiful creatures," she added, placing her hand over Allison's, which was resting on the back of the redhead's chair.

Allison was confused the her new friend's touch on her hand when the car was suddenly stopped. Looking up, she saw her house, the porch lights still on and her parents car nowhere in sight, just like they promised. She had no idea the reason her mother, father and Aunt Kate were gone was to hunt a werewolf, but that didn't matter much right now.

"Come on, let's go upstairs," Jackson stated, shutting off the car and opening his door.

"You heard the big strong alpha man," Lydia mused, jumping out of her side, pulling the seat up and helping Allison out of the Porsche.

Lydia wasn't 100% sure what Jackson's game was, though she certainly wasn't going to argue with him. She knew that with Jackson, life was a bit of a roller coaster, but when it came to sex it was guaranteed to be highly pleasurable and very wild. Whatever the stud lacrosse player was angling for, she figured she'd find out soon enough and just hoped the payoff would be worth it.

"So this is where the new girls lives," Jackson commented as Allison unlocked the door and let them inside.

"Ohh, we should send your wannabe bae a picture of you all dressed up," Lydia gushed, entering the living room. "I bet he immediately adds it to his spank bank."

"Lovely," Allison replied, trying to act disgusted by the comment but her smile was all over her face. "Can I get either of you something to drink?"

"Do you have any wine?" Lydia asked as she looked around at the paintings on the walls.

"I don't know, I'll check," Allison said, opening cupboards. "Ahh, here we are. Jackson?"

"Whiskey or rum, either one," Jackson answered, tossing his vest over one of the chair's backs.

By the time Allison had retrieved two wine glasses and a tumbler for her guests, they had made themselves comfortable, Lydia on the sofa and Jackson in her father's chair. She hoped not to embarrass herself as she used a corkscrew on the unopened bottle of wine for the first time, but luckily having watched her mom enough times had transferred the skill to her.

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone you're giving alcohol to minors," Lydia mused as she accepted her glass.

"She's just trying to get me drunk so I can be taken advantage of," Jackson quipped, taking the first sip of his amber liquid.

"Something tells me you don't need to be drunk for that," Allison joked, tasting her red wine.

"Actually, I'm trying to get both of you drunk so you'll make out," Jackson said, making Lydia nearly spit out her wine as Allison took a seat on the sofa beside the redhead.

"I knew the gentleman thing was just an act," Allison said, grinning as she took a sip of her wine. "I think I'm going to make a quick trip to the bathroom."

While Allison rose from the sofa and exited the sitting room, Lydia also got to her feet but with a much different purpose in mind. A naughty little smile crossed her face as the redhead moved to straddle Jackson. With a knee on either side of him, wedged between his thighs and the arms of the chair, she pressed her large tits for a 16 year old as she leaned in and kissed him.

Putting his hands on her lower back, Jackson gently nibbled on her lower lip as he returned the kiss with equal fiery intensity. Moving strong hands down her back, the lacrosse star grabbed hold of a large butt cheek in each hand, groaning at how great her ass felt. It was thick, but not flabby, firm instead.

"I really want to have him," Lydia said, reaching down to rub his cock through my pants.

"He really wants you to get him too," Jackson replied, reluctantly letting go of her wonderful ass as she slid back off his lap.

Locking eyes with her boyfriend from her knees, Lydia grinned as she reached out unbuttoned his pants. After pulling down the zipper, the super horny redhead fished her hand through the opening in the front of his boxers and grabbed hold of his manhood.

"Wow," Lydia said, her eyes wide as she pulled his cock out in the middle of her best friend's living room. "I've been thinking about this all night."

"That's because you're a cock-crazed ginger," Jackson grunted while his eyes rolled up into the back of his head as Lydia leaned in and licked the underside of his manhood

The redhead didn't respond to his comment because his statement was extremely true. Still resting on her knees before him, continuing her lick of his dick until she reached the top. Leaning down a little further and parting her luscious lips wide, she took the head of his cock into her mouth, tasting trace amounts of his pre-cum as she did so.

"God, that feels good," he said, always enjoying the feel of her pillowy lips and skilled tongue on his dick.

"Oh whoa, don't mind me," a shocked Allison said.

The couple knew that Allison was back shortly, yet this was all part of Jackson's plan. Aware of her entrance, the tall brunette had actually stood in the entryway to the living room for a good few seconds before announcing her arrival, watching as her best friend blew the rich and handsome boy. In fact, even as she stood there looking a little embarrassed, Jackson hid a smile as he realized she was staring at his cock that was still in Lydia's mouth.

"Hey Allison, you want some of this," the kneeling ginger offered, pulling off her boyfriend's cock.

"No I'm fine. I think I'll just leave you two alone," Allison answered even though her eyes didn't stray from the exposed penis, nor did she even move a muscle.

"Come on, I'm very willing to share and I'm sure Jackson wouldn't mind," Lydia offered, leaning lower to lick his balls, letting Jackson know that she didn't forget about him.

"I...well...he's not my boyfriend or anything but, he kinda is," Allison replied, seemingly coming out of her stupor as she remembered Scott.

"Technically you aren't an item...plus I'm not offering for you to fuck him. I'm nice and letting you have a little taste," the redhead explained in her sing-song voice, idly stroking his cock the entire time.

"Unless you want to do more," Jackson added, not ruling out a proper threesome. "And sharing is nice, after all, it tastes good, doesn't it babe?"

"So good," Lydia agreed, leaning down and taking him back into her mouth for a quick suck.

"You seem to be doing a good enough job by yourself," Allison said, fidgeting as her eyes drifted back to Lydia's mouth on his cock.

"I've never given a double blowjob before," Lydia said, popping her mouth off the cock. "I bet it'd be really fun, our tongues bumping into each other and mingling around Jackson's dick. He'd probably love it too, watching us trade off turns stuffing this thing in our mouths."

"I'm sure he would," Allison said, Jackson catching that she was edging slightly forward.

"You'd love to have both of us suck your beautiful cock, wouldn't you?" Lydia asked him between licks around the head with her tongue.

"Totally," Jackson agreed, unable to hide his excitement.

"See, everyone here wants you to join," Lydia said, stroking his cock as she turned her head to look at Allison.

"Except me," Allison said, though she didn't sound totally convincing.

"You sure about that?" Lydia asked, letting go of his dick and standing up.

"Pretty sure, yeah," Allison responded.

"Have you ever kissed a girl?" Lydia asked out of the blue.

A look of shock and confusion crossed Allison's face for a moment as she was caught off guard by Lydia's question. But then just as she was opening her mouth to answer, Lydia reached out and grabbed Allison's cheeks in her hands and kissed her.

Jackson donned a wider smile and his cock gave a lurch as the two gorgeous 16 year olds kissed in front of him. Sure it only lasted a moment before Allison managed to push Lydia away, but it was instantly filed away into his personal spank bank. He really did appreciate Lydia's determination in making the threesome happen, though he suspected it was more so she could bed Allison rather than out of her willingness to share him with another girl.

"Mmm, you're almost as good a kisser as Jackson," Lydia said, trying to get through Allison's defenses for another kiss.

"Stop, I'm not into that," Allison said, trying to fight off Lydia.

"As truly hot as seeing you two extremely beautiful and sexy girls kiss was, maybe it's time we call it a night," Jackson suggested.

The comment from the horny boy caught both women by surprise, given that he was equally as enthused for the threesome as Lydia was. However, the rich boy decided a new tactic was needed since Allison was proving resistant to the straightforward approach where they tried overwhelming her buzzed brain with sex. Instead, he would play the nice guy card, not pressuring her to join with the hope that she'd come to that conclusion on her own.

"I'm not leaving until you take me into a bedroom and fuck me," Lydia said, turning her head to look at Jackson. "If Allison doesn't want to join, it's her loss, but I can see it in her eyes that she wants to come too."

"I don't," Allison said, letting her defenses down for a moment as Lydia talked to her boyfriend.

As if realizing that Allison had stopped fighting Lydia grabbed the back of her head and pulled her back in for another kiss. Jackson could see Allison's eyes go wide and her hands went to Lydia's shoulders to push against them. Lydia obviously wasn't as willing to give up a second time though because she kept a firm hold on Allison despite her attempts to push off.

Jackson sported a wolfish grin because after a few seconds Allison's resolve seemed to falter. Her arms went limp and her hands dropped to Lydia's sides. Finally signaling her ultimate defeat her eyes closed and she moaned into Lydia's kiss.

"Bedroom?" Lydia purred after continuing the seductive kiss for another handful of seconds, though still pressing herself against Allison. When Allison merely nodded, Lydia grabbed her hand before turning to grab Jackson's. "Lead the way."

Getting out of the chair Jackson held his pants as he was led by the two gorgeous girls to the tall brunette's bedroom. As she pushed open the door Lydia breezed by him with Allison in tow. By the time he'd closed the door behind the three of them Lydia had pounced on Allison again and was kissing her.

"Mmm, why don't you show Jackson what you've got?" Lydia asked, panting a bit as she broke the kiss.

"Not him, just you," Allison said softly, giving the boy a small smile as if to tell him it wasn't strictly about him, but rather her sense of loyalty to her not-official boyfriend.

"Not cheating if it's a girl?" Lydia asked, picking up on the smile as she reached around behind Allison to unzip her dress.

"Something like that," Allison said, arms instinctively raising above her, her brain on auto-pilot as Lydia started to pull her dress off.

"Then I guess Jackson will just have to make do with fucking me while I fuck you," Lydia said, though her tone made it clear enough that this was her preferred arrangement as well. This way she got to have both of them while Jackson stayed only hers. 

The rich boy was a little disappointed that he wouldn't get to do anything to Allison, but that disappointment was eased by the knowledge that he'd be fucking the hottest girl in school, Lydia. Not to mention that Jackson was probably at least going to see Allison naked and possibly even get to watch two hot girls go at it. Needless to say, though it wasn't exactly the best situation, it was still an unenviable situation.

Seeing that Allison's dress was down to her waist while Lydia's was still covering everything, Jackson decided to rectify that little bit of oversight. So while Lydia was tugging Allison's dress down over her slender hips and to the ground, he reached out and pulled down the zipper on the back of Lydia's dress.

"Naughty boy," Lydia purred, taking a moment from her undressing of Allison to let her boyfriend take off her dress. "Now sit down and watch for a minute while I get Allison warmed up."

Without taking his eyes off them for fear of missing a single instance of the lesbian action, Jackson started to walk backwards. He'd spied a chair earlier, which was only a few steps behind him. When his fingers found the arm of the chair he sat down while still watching everything happening.

With girls down to their bra and panties, Lydia had Allison turn around so her back was to us. Leaning in Lydia started kissing Allison on her neck and shoulders and her fingers found the clasp of her bra. When the hooks came free, the tall brunette gasped and instinctively clasped the cups to her chest.

"No need to be shy," the more confident and experienced Lydia said as she removed Allison's hands from in front of her.

As the bra fell to the ground Lydia had Allison turn around and heard Jackson groaned a little at the sight of her bare breasts. Ever since he laid eyes on her he had wanted to see them and the desire to see them hadn't decreased one iota in the month since. What made the sight of them so much better was the fact that she was technically with his rival Scott McCall, yet for all JAckson knew, he was getting to see Allison in the buff before her quasi-boyfriend.

"Don't those look yummy," Lydia mused, licking her lips as she also openly leered at Allison's chest.

Allison blushed a little at the attention, but a smile crept across her face that said she kinda liked it. The smile turned to a moan though when Lydia decided to see if Allison's tits tasted as yummy as they looked by leaning in and taking one of her nipples into her mouth. Jackson instantly felt pangs of envy, wanting to jump up and take the other small but perfectly shaped breast in his mouth, but he knew that would only ruin things.

His eyes darted between Allison's face, eyes half closed and her lower lip caught between her teeth as she savored the feel of Lydia's mouth, and Allison's chest where his horny girlfriend was busy suckling. And being a butt man, Jackson's eyes couldn't help but wander down to where Lydia's ass was practically staring him in the face with only the thin line of fabric running between the cheeks, keeping him from seeing everything.

But as Lydia pushed Allison down onto the bed, Jackson started getting antsy about being benched, even if momentarily. After all, having to sit and watch while one hot girl slowly strips another one without being allowed to do anything was almost cruel and unusual punishment. He decided to at least try to endure for a bit as Lydia started kissing her way down Allison's body.

"I've never done this before," Allison moaned, laying down flat on the bed.

"Me neither," Lydia admitted. "But ever since I've met you, I've just wanted to rip off your clothes and take you."

Maybe it was the fact that Lydia confessed she was far from experienced in this realm of sex, putting them on equal footing, but it seemed to melt more of Allison's nerves. Or it could have been Lydia ramping up the pleasure, flooding her mind and distracting her from more in-depth thoughts. Either way, Allison hoisted her hips off her bed after Lydia gave her bellybutton a little lick before hooking her fingers in the waistband of Allison's panties and pulling them down her long legs.

As Lydia peeled Allison's panties down, Jackson was shocked to view a near hairless pussy, barring a single, half-inch strip of brown fuzz. It wasn't the perfectly shaved pussy that his girlfriend possessed, but it suited the slim brunette well and kicked his saliva glands into overdrive.

"Look's good enough to eat," Lydia commented as she licked her lips in anticipation. 

Allison barely had time to interrupt her friend's words as Lydia pushed her legs apart. Leaning in she stuck out her tongue and ran it along the length of Allison's slit. Only problem was that as Lydia moved between Allison's legs it severely blocked Jackson's view and instead his eyes were left to start to wander over Lydia's almost naked body.

As Lydia's ass wiggled while she started to work over Allison's pussy, the privileged boy couldn't take it any more. Sliding out of the chair and onto his knees, he made the short journey towards the bed, losing his shirt along the way to expose chiseled abs and hard pecs..

"Silly boy. Aren't you supposed to be in the chair?" Lydia asked, looking behind her when she felt hands grab hold of hips.

"I was getting lonely," he said, tugging on her thong until it started to come down over her ass.

When the thong was down to her knees, Jackson grabbed one of Lydia's butt cheeks in each hand and without warning pulled them apart so I could lean in and lick her pussy from behind. She groaned and pushed back against the shirtless boy, her body going rigid at the unexpected maneuver. It wasn't like it was the first time Jackson ate her out, but oral sex wasn't exactly a priority for the good-looking, albeit selfish boy.

"Fuck, that feels good," Lydia moaned as his tongue lapped away at her labia. "But I want you to fuck me. I need to feel you inside me."

Grinning because of how well he had trained the redhead, although to be fair, she was quite the nympho before he had hooked his perverted talons into her, Jackson straightened up behind her. Unbuttoning his pants, he wasted no time in pushing them and his boxers down around his knees. 

Horny and wanting his cock, Lydia thrust her thick, wide ass back in his direction as he got into the right position, holding his cock in one hand. Not bothering with a condom, they had moved past that pesky practice, he used his other hand to rest on the small of her back while pressing the head of my cock against her opening. Instead of instantly pushing forward though, Jackson dragged it along the length of her slit, teasing her. He had long ago realized that by drawing out her pleasure, it made Lydia that much more wilder of a fuck.

"Please?" Lydia begged, pushing backwards in effort to get his cock inside her.

"Don't forget about Allison," Jackson demanded while slyly smirking at Lydia's begging. When she grunted and turned her attention back to the pussy in front of her, he finally thrust forward, burying half his cock inside her without warning.

"Oh shit," Lydia gasped, her head drooping until her forehead rested against Allison's crotch, getting a fresh smear of the tangy juice on her porcelain skin.

Easing back a little, Jackson grabbed Lydia's hourglass hips with both hands and pulled her back onto his dick. She moaned loudly into Allison's pussy, to which she had just lowered her mouth to devour once more. Lydia shuddered as her own cunt gripped the entire length of Jackson's cock, much to both of their absolute pleasure.

Jackson was kind and gave Lydia a moment to get used to having his wide, 7-inch cock inside her as he pulled about half of it out before pushing back in, though a little slower and gentler than the initial penetration. Moaning Lydia pushed back against him in response as she collected herself and went back to work on Allison.

"Oooh," Allison moaned, biting her lower lip. 

The brunette's eyes seemed to dart between the thrusting Jackson and Lydia as the redhead ate her pussy. Jackson surmised that Allison's moans seems to get louder whenever her eyes were focused on him, though that may have been his ego talking, or maybe because Lydia was a first-time pussy eater and maybe not great at it yet. Regardless, Jackson couldn't hide his smirk, giving his flame-haired girlfriend harder thrusts in response, her ass rippling with each blow from his pelvis.

"Fuck me, Jackson, fuck me," Lydia demanded, shoving herself back onto his cock with as much power as she could muster without losing track of Allison's pussy.

Taking her at her word, Jackson started to fuck Lydia the way her preferred - hard. However, he didn't want her to get too comfortable so he altered his pattern, both in terms of speed and in number of strokes before he changed again. A series of hard and fast thrusts were followed by a handful of slower ones, followed by a few intermediate ones. With each change Jackson also shifted the angle of penetration just enough to keep her on her toes, technique borne from hours of practice.

"Oh God," Lydia gasped, a tremor coursing through her body.

He was extremely familiar with Lydia's body, but even he didn't, he would still be able to recognize the tell-tale signs. She was starting to get close to cumming but there was no way he was ready for that, fearing that her steam would be dissipated before this threesome really got going. 

"Noooo," Lydia groaned as he all but stopped fucking her.

Gripping Lydia's hips, the square-jaw boy grinned as he leaned forward. Running his hands up her sides until reaching the strap of her bra. Grabbing hold of her bra strap, he deftly unhooked it while leaning down over over her so he could whisper into her ear.

"Get Allison off and I'll make you cum like only I can," he hissed to Lydia, moving his hips just enough to move his cock fractionally inside her. 

Lydia must have really liked the promise because before Jackson could even straighten up behind her she was already tossing her bra aside and grabbing hold of Allison's thighs. Jackson could only smirk in satisfaction and wish Allison luck for the sexual torrent that was about to be released upon her by the red-haired nympho.

From behind Jackson couldn't really see what Lydia was doing beyond the general movement of her head but he could see Allison's reaction. And when the movement of Lydia's head increased, Allison's eyes opened wide and she sucked in air as her lips parted in a silent O. After a few seconds her head lolled back and her moans got more vocal.

"Oh god," Allison moaned, arching her back as ran her hands through flowing brown hair.

Since Lydia appeared to be holding up her end of the bargain, Jackson decided to at least start to hold up his. Taking hold of her hips, the lucky boy slowly pulled back until little more than the head of his cock was still inside her snatch. After holding there just long enough to make Lydia feel antsy, he suddenly slammed forward, burying the whole thing in her once more.

"Uhhh," Lydia moaned into Allison's pussy as she was filled up.

While Lydia continued to lash away at Allison's virgin pussy with her tongue, Jackson continued to drive in and out of her cunt with his cock. He wasn't going full bore, mainly to keep himself from blowing too early, but it was still a pace that was fast enough to keep Lydia happy without actually pushing her too close to the brink. His goal was simple; keep her within reach so that when she finally got Allison off then Jackson could finish her off without too much trouble. However, it was a fine line because he didn't want to get her so close that she might cum before Allison did.

"Right there, ohhhhh," Allison moaned, hunching her hips against Lydia's face.

Allison didn't know what to expect when Lydia first started kissing her downstairs. She hadn't ever kissed a girl before and though she struggled at first, she was happy she allowed the redhead to persevere. After all, if she didn't then she wouldn't have Lydia currently between her thighs, munching her pussy for the first time ever and so thoroughly enjoying every lick, suck and lap of her gushing twat.

Sensing correctly that Allison getting close, Jackson started to pick up the speed on his thrusts into the insanely curvy redhead. All while fucking his beautiful girlfriend, he watched Allison closely as her face contorted in pleasure with each lick Lydia gave her. And each lick Lydia gave Allison he matched with a thrust of his cock into Lydia's gripping cunt. That, in turn, spurred Lydia to lick Allison's pussy faster and created a positive feedback loop that pushed the three of teens to greater heights.

"Oh god, I'm gonna, ohhhhh," Allison panted as her body started to shake.

As Allison's eyes rolled up in the back of her head in orgasmic bliss, Lydia's head popped up. No longer needing to worry about pleasuring her best friend, Lydia was free to push back to meet Jackson's thrusts and focus on her own needs instead.

"Uhhhh, fuck, oh yeah," Lydia grunted, turning her head to look back at her boyfriend as he opened the throttle and really started to drill into her. "Fuck me with that beautiful cock of yours."

Even a casual observer could see the two were perfect for each other as they matched the others sexual intensity to a tee. Feeding off her dirty talk, Jackson leaned forward so he could grab hold of Lydia's hair. Wrapping his hand in the long, flaming locks, he gave it a slight tug, just hard enough for her to test her reaction but not hard enough to do much damage.

"Yes, pull my fucking hair harder," Lydia growled, leaning her head forward to put more tension on her hair.

Jackson couldn't help but soak in the view before him, starting at the point where his cock was disappearing into her tight pussy. One of Lydia's two best features, her thick ass, rippled with the force of their fucking, while her other prime asset, her wonderfully shapely tits, looked downright mouth watering the way they were swinging back and forth.

"So close," Lydia gasped, rolling her head back and forth to tug against the handful of hair Jackson still held. "Make me cum, Jackson. Make me cum all over your fucking cock."

"Earth to Allison! Want to help her out?" Jackson asked, though it wasn't really a question. He had almost forgotten about her as he and Lydia fucked with more intensity, until noticing that she was just laying there watching the action intently.

"How?" Allison asked, her eyes jerking up to look at him as if being shaken from a trance.

"Suck on her nipples," Jackson stated firmly. He had been hooking up with the ginger for long enough to know she had sensitive tits, and right now he needed the help as he was aware he was in a race to climax that he really didn't want to lose.

"Yeah, suck on my tits," Lydia said, bowing her back and thrusting her tits out for effect.

With a look of apprehension on her face, Allison slid off the bed and knelt on the floor next to Lydia. Acting tentatively, the tall brunette reached out and cupped one of the Latina's much larger breasts than her own in her hand. When Lydia moaned and lifted a hand to put it on Allison's shoulder to help steady her, Allison responded by leaning in so she could the tit to her mouth.

"Almost," Lydia moaned, her hand sliding up Allison's shoulder until she had her hand on the back of Allison's head, holding it in place.

Having her head locked in place by the need sex nympho was actually a vote of confidence for Allison, or at least that's how the first-time titty-sucker interrupted as. Growing in confidence, Allison suckled at the redhead's nipple harder, feeling it grow erect in her mouth. 

Wanting to make sure Lydia got off before he did, Jackson decided to play one last trump card. Normally he didn't really care if he made Lydia cum, but with Allison present, he wanted to show the leggy new girl that he was a compassionate lover. With his hand already on the small of her back it didn't take much to slide it backwards until his thumb started to dip into the crack of her ass.

Finding the puckered opening of her asshole, Jackson lightly rubbed around the outside with the tip of his thumb. He had discovered within the last month of regular hook-ups with the curvy redhead that she liked some light anal play, and once again tonight he was hoping it would pay handsomely. His assertion was a correct one as Lydia gasped loudly at the contact before turning into a loud moan.

"Shhiitt, I'm gonna cum," Lydia hissed, pushing harder against his cock as Jackson felt the spasms start in her snatch.

As if on cue her pussy clamped down on his cock and her body went rigid, pushing Jackson right up to the brink of orgasm along with her. He thought about creamping inside her tight teen pussy but he knew she loved tasting him so, through gritted teeth, Jackson slipped out of her cunt. With his fist still coiled in her hair, he used it turn her head to face him as he moved around her.

Through the fog of her orgasm, Lydia opened her eyes seemed to realize what Jackson wanted and opened her mouth without having to say it. When he'd stuffed my cock into her mouth she closed her pillowy lips around the shaft and let the horny boy handle fucking her mouth while she concentrated mainly on not biting while the occasional tremor still coursed through body.

After a few thrusts into her mouth, each one going to the very back of her mouth, Jackson started to feel the cum rise inside his balls. He had no intention of pulling out and neither did Lydia, grabbing his ass with her hand and holding him to her as his cock started to pulse in her mouth. Allison watched one as Jackson's shoulders shrugged as he let Lydia take over as the first spurt of cum erupted into her mouth.

"Fuck," he grunted through gritted teeth as Lydia practically sucked the jizz out of his balls.

When Jackson was done and Lydia had finally let me go, he stumbled backwards, using the desk behind him to steady himself while he recovered. It was, after all, quite the intense tryst, the first threesome for any of the participants.

As Jackson took a deep breath to calm himself, but just as he was starting to feel normal again, movement caught his eye. Lydia was in the midst of leaning down to kiss Allison. What got his interest peaked, aside from two gorgeous girls kissing again, was when Allison's eyes suddenly opened wide and she tried to pull away from the kiss. It took him a moment before it dawned on me that Lydia was likely trying to give Allison more than just a simple kiss.

"There, now you got a taste," Lydia told Allison, turning to look at me with a smile on her face that could only be described as naughty.

"You two stay, I'm going to go have a shower," Allison said, sliding off the bed and heading to the bedroom door. There is a guest room down in the basement that you two can use."

As Allison closed the door behind her, Jackson confirmed with Lydia. "Were you a good girl and share before you were both bad girls and swallow?"

"Mmhmm...you know my dirty mind so well," Lydia replied with an amused grin.

"I think you scared her off," he said, sitting on the edge of Allison's bed.

"She wanted it," Lydia answered with a shrug of her shoulders. "If she didn't, then she would have spat it out. This way, she got to taste you without actually doing anything wrong. Win for everyone."

"Except for Scott," Jackson muttered with a self-satisfied grin. "Now let's go see if the bedroom has a shower."