
Teen Wolf: Hail to the King

Born into a not only powerful but wealthy werewolf family like the Adolphus Pack whose line can be traced back to the legendary Lycaon himself, you would think Cyrus the only child of the current Alpha and head of the family, would have an easy life. and yet, Cyrus' life up until now has been anything but a cakewalk. When he was 8 his entire pack and extended family were decimated by a coalition of multiple hunter families in a quick and coordinated attack. Just two years after that, Cyrus who was sent away during the fighting to live with the hale pack had to endure yet another tragedy. Now at the beginning of the spring semester in his Sophomore year of High School, Cyrus is back in Beacon Hills, looking to not only reestablish his pack but bring the name Adolphus to new heights. This is the story of the man who in the future would earn the epithet, "King of the Wolves". ----------------------------- Hey guys! I hope you decide to check out my fic and please make sure to leave any feedback you may have!

LazyCaveman · テレビ
3 Chs


(Asterios POV)

'ugh, shit, I don't have much longer.' Astrerios thought as he felt the copious amounts of wolfsbane flowing through his system.

'Fuck, even if I could find a druid who would help me, there is no guarantee that they could stop the wolfsbane I mean hell, I've got three different types flowing through me thanks to that shitty coalition of hunters. What the hell did we ever do to them to warrant this, I thought the code was supposed to be sacred or some shit.' Asterios thought grimmly with a touch of sarcasm at the end.

"Uncle." Asterios heard Cyrus as he came to his side and looked worried for him, not quite understanding everything that had happened.

"It's fine Cyrus, I'll be fine-"


As he was finishing his sentence, Asterios collapsed on the ground unconscious thanks to the wolfsbane reaching too much of his system, at this rate, he would die any day now.

(Beacon Hills)

Sitting within a sizable house were three werewolves, a woman who looked to be in her early 40's, a younger woman who resembled the older women and was around 20, and finally a man who looked to be related to the other two women who was in his mid twenties.

(Talia Hale POV)

"So sister, is it true, has the Adolphus Line been extinguished?" Her little brother Peter asked with curiosity and a hint of dismissal.

"Yes, sadly it is true," Talia said with a low sigh as she was good friends with Alexios Adolphus and was saddened to see not only him but his line which was a very ancient one cease to exist.

"No way, how can the hunters manage to get the drop on such a large and expansive pack, one that is made up of multiple alphas and their betas?" Laura, her eldest daughter and child asked with a gasp surprised at the sheer numbers it would've taken for the hunters to storm that compound.

"Well, it seems that the Argents formed a coalition with the Calaveras, and a British hunting family called the Lockharts among several other smaller hunting families and groups," Talia said with a frown as she read from the message she had received a day or so back

"Talia you can't be serious, all of those families barely even tolerate each other, how the hell could the Argents keep a hold on them?" Peter asked in disbelief knowing that most hunter-families keep to their own except for the occasional alliance.

"From what I've heard and from what it says in this message, the Argents promised the Calaveras and Lockharts a large portion of the wealth that was stored in the compound, plus they would receive the heads of one of the Adolphus Alphas of their choosing.

"You can't be serious, those bastards did this for money and glory!" Laura roared her eyes glowing a brilliant gold.

"Sit." is all Talia needed to say with her eyes glowing a dark red, this action caused Peter's eyes to glow an eery cold blue as Laura sat down and all of their eyes went back to normal.

"So, now that that's out of the way, what did you call us in here for exactly?" Peter asked intrigued at his sister's odd actions of calling for their council since she usually just makes the decisions on her own.

"I called you two for your opinions, I received a message from Asterios Adolphus, the younger brother of Alexios, apparently during the chaos of that night, he managed to steal away Cyrus and they are currently on the run, but, he doesn't have much longer left to live due to the multiple wolfsbane bullets he took during their escape," Talia said with a hard expression, knowing that if they gave the boy sanctuary they would paint a target on their backs.

Hearing her words, Peter scoffed at Talia before quickly stating his opinion on the matter.

"You can't be serious here? I mean, taking the boy in would just put the biggest target on our backs by the hinters, I mean, sure, they have yet to find us in our new abode, but what's stopping them from doing what they did two generations ago and finding us out?"

"Uncle, you can't possibly be suggesting we let the poor boy rot out there, and condemn him to a terrible fate at the hands of the hunters, sure they have the code, but it is Gerard leading them and we all know how he likes to throw the code out when it pleases him," Laura said in rebuttal to her heartless uncle.

Laura and Peter would go on for several more minutes arguing while Talia sat there thinking of what to do and weighing their options before she finally signaled them to be quiet so she could give her judgment on the matter.

"Enough! I've made my decision." Talia exclaimed causing the arguing duo to quiet down.

"We will retrieve the boy and give him sanctuary, however, we will also need to take a few precautionary measures to further protect our family and pack," Talia explained seeing Peter's apprehensive look and Laura's thankful nod

"What kind of measures are we talking about?" Peter asked intrigued at his sister's words.

"Firstly, Laura, I need you to contact Satomi and her pack, preferably a face-to-face meeting but if not then send them a message telling them of what happened and what we will do, I'm sure they must have heard by now but just in case," Talia explained as Laura got up and left do go and do what Talia told her to.

"What about me sister?" Peter asked

"For you Peter, I need you to contact a couple of the other packs in the county and ask them for an alliance of sorts, if not then at the very least warn them of the possible increase of hunter activity in Beacon Hills and the surrounding area.

And with that, Peter got up and left, Talia herself going back downstairs to enjoy some quality time with Derek and little Cora.

(Cyrus POV)

'What do I do, what do I do!' Cyrus thought alarmingly as he watched his Uncle come in and out of consciousness.

'Mommy, daddy I need you.' Cyrus thought sadly on the verge of crying for his parents who he could only assume he wouldn't see again.

"C-Cyrus," Asterios uttered through gritted teeth as the pain continued to worsen and threatened to overwhelm him.

"Yes uncle, I'm right here!" Cyrus said frantically going to his uncle's side.

"I, I need you to stay strong for me, I-I've sent w-word for h-help," Asterios said through deep breathes

As the two were sitting together, Cyrus picked up a familiar scent, one that surprised him greatly.

"It's Grandpa Elliot!" Cyrus exclaimed running toward the door before stopping as it slammed open revealing the figure of the old butler Elliot and his damaged form.

"Haha, it s-seems little Cyrus still has some energy hmm?" Elliot said with a weak chuckle as he went toward a wall and sat down with a thump, nursing his arm that held a bullet wound, though it thankfully came from a regular bullet and not a laced one.

"Elliot, what are doing here I didn't see you that night?" Asterios asked with renewed vigor at seeing his long-time mentor and uncle figure alive and mostly well.

"Well, I somehow managed to make it out of that hellscape alive, sadly the same can't be said for... many others," Elliot said with an ashen expression

"Grandpa, is... is my dad ok?" Cyrus asked apprehensively not wanting the answer that he was sadly expecting as he saw Elliot's face darken.

All Elliot did in response was give the boy a slow shake of his head, signaling the worst had come to pass.

Although he tried his hardest, Cyrus could not help but let some tears fall down his cheek, surprising himself that he even had any left to shed anymore.

(A few days later)

(Elliot POV)

It had been a couple of days since Laura Hale, the oldest child and heir of the Hale Packs Alpha Talia Hale had arrived and given them the good news.

Cyrus has been relatively quiet during this time, only talking when engaged by someone or when he's at his uncle's side.

"Asterios my boy, it seems you don't have much longer as I feared," Elliot said with a heavy sigh filled with sadness to a now gaunt-looking Asterios while Cyrus was at his side, tears threatening to burst out at any minute.

"T-Thank you, Uncle Elliot. At least you were able to extend my time even if it was just a few days." Asterios coughed out as he took heavy breaths between every word.

As the trio were somberly talking with one another, Laura walked into the room they were in.

For the past couple of days, they had been staying in an abandoned cabin in northern California.

"Good news, my mom has sent word that the hunter coalition led by the agents has finally fallen apart due to infighting for loot and what have you," Laura said with a small smile happy about the dissolution of the coalition.

"So, are we good to head to Beacon Hills now?" Elliot asked a quite shocked Laura before explaining how Alexios had once visited Talia at their home.

After that, the group started to pack up, however, as they were about to leave, Cyrus with tears in his eyes alerted Laura and Elliot that Asterios wasn't breathing.

"Damn it!" Elliot exclaimed as he rushed toward Asterios to try and do anything he could, after several minutes of trying chest compressions and trying to give Asterios some of the medicine to slow the wolfsbane, Elliott finally gave up when Asterios' body went completely limp.

And now, with the death of Asterios Adolphus, the sole heir to the ancient line of werewolves now fell to the young Cyrus Adolphus, the last remaining of his line as far as they are aware anyway.

(Beacon Hills, several days later)

(Cyrus POV)

The trio of Elliott, Cyrus, and Laura kept stalking through the woods until they finally came upon the large Hale House, the most recent abode of the Hale pack who had to move a couple of decades back due to hunters finding their old home.

As they walked to the front door, Cyrus could see several children and teens playing around outside being watched over by some adults, most of whom were all werewolves, save for a few.

As they walked, Cyrus felt a looming presence approaching them, one of power and dignity.

Cyrus' eyes started to glow red almost involuntarily as he saw a woman come out of the front door, her eyes also glowing a dark red, however, Cyrus' eyes seemed to be not only brighter but more crimson in color.

"So, it seems the stories are true, the Adolphus line does in fact pump out alphas like it's nothing." a man behind the women said his eyes glowing an eerily bright blue. 

"Hello Cyrus, I am Talia Hale, the alpha of the Hale Pack and I was a friend of your dad's, I'm sorry you... had to go through what you did, from now on however my home is yours so feel free to ask anything of me and if it's within my power I will help you, it is the least I can do for the son of Alexios." Talia greeted Cyrus, a sad look in her eyes before a motherly smile broke out as she welcomed Cyrus and Elliot into their home.

While they were walking in, no one saw how Peter eyed the boy curiously, the gears working in his mind planning what? who knows.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, only a few more until the start of the show begins! If you enjoy this story please drop those stones on me and make sure to make a review or comment if you have feedback or enjoy the story!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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