
Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic

Thomas, a teenager who lives in Beacon Hills, finds out he is a werelion. He will discover new needs and new abilities, while trying to find his way of living and undercover his past. ---------------------------------------- While it is a harem I'll try to make it a good one with romance and logic. It isn't an harem just placed there casually, as werewolves have packs, MC will have his own pride. As time pass plot may get some changes. I can already tell you that I'm planning to add a volume about Mc's past toward the end. I hope you all will help me get better in english by pointing out any errors i make. Also the chapters get longer as time pass. ----------------------------------------- If you want to be 10 chapters ahead of the public release schedule you can join my Patreon, where you will also get to take part in pools and read exclusive non-canon R18 chapters. My patreon is also named WebReaderPub. patreon.com/user?u=60696780 ----------------------------------------- This is the link to my discord--> https://discord.gg/3gdmy26q ----------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Teen Wolf doesn't belong to me, I only own the MC and some OCs.

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85 Chs

chapter 65

--MC POV--

"I'll go to get Laura I don't have much time if I want to use the eclipse."

"I'll go save my father" Said Stiles.

"Count me in, I'll come with you" said Erika, who had remained behind to help Stiles wake up.

"Stiles can I trust you with my mother too? I need to be there with Derek or I fear there will be a carnage."

In another corner of the room, Victoria was speaking to her daughter.

"Leave rescuing your father to me. Helps your friend".

"You will let me go? Even if it is dangerous" asked Allison.

"You have grown into such a capable woman in this period of time. Let me do something too, I have grown somewhat stronger too after becoming a werewolf".

"We need to go now Allison, or we won't make it"

"I'm coming" I turned to leave as Allison reached me, but suddenly I realized there was something else I needed to say.

"Scott from what I understood, the darach is mostly moved by her drive for revenge and even if she got amazing powers they are limited since she is still just a human. Use her needs to have the perfect revenge against her" I have no idea if what I said will be useful to him, but I wanted to help even a little.


--Stiles POV--

"It was here that I nearly hit Scott" said Victoria as she abruptly parked the car.

I must have lost three year of my life in these few minutes and fortunately, with the sheriff who has disappeared and the many deaths that happened, no one had time to go after someone who surpassed the speed limits, even if she surpassed them by a large margin like Victoria did.

"Ok, let's go" she said as she sped up.

"Follow her, I'll reach you there soon. We need to be fast" hearing my words Erika sped up too and soon she disappeared in the forest.

Damn I want to be that fast too.

--Scott POV--

There are no word to describe the scene I saw, Boyd, Isaac and Derek where on the floor bleeding, but fortunately still alive.

The alpha pack had suffered too, Kali was dead and her body was covered in pieces of glass, while Ethan was on the floor holding the dead body of his twin.

The only one who was still standing was Deucalion and beside him stood on her knees Jennifer who was being held by her throat.

"I was waiting for you Scott. I knew you would have come. In this precise moment your mother is about to be buried alive under the Nemeton. Can you feel the storm? It is her doing, but if you kill her now you'll save your mother and the parents of your friends"

"Your pack has been destroyed, but you still got the time to try turning me into a killer"

"Only strength matters in this word Scott, if they were weak, they have to pay for it. I would like to give you some more time to take the obvious the decision that killing her is the best option you have, but in a few second the eclipse will start, so I'll have to force your hand" he said as he run to an unbelievable speed toward me and took one of my hand, intending to use it to slash Jennifer's throat.

I was prepared for this and I used one of Allison's flash-bang arrow heads to blind him.

"I noticed the day you fought with Thomas, that when you were transformed you weren't blind. You smiled the moment you saw Kali capture Malia" I said as I saw him covering his eyes while screaming. It seems that in fact his eyes are even more sensible than normal to such a bright light, when he is in his alpha form

This moment the light from the surrounding changed and I knew that the eclipse had started… fuck.

--MC POV--

"Are you ready" I asked to Allison as she was of vital importance in my plan.

"I don't know. I may have to kill him and I never did that, nor I want too" she replied.

"Even if it comes to that, just know that all of this is to save Laura".

"The eclipse has already started we need to be fast" we were inside the bank and thank to the study I made I already knew perfectly how to reach the vault.

Just as planned me, Malia and Lydia went ahead, even if two of us were powerless right now, but this was all a way to distract the alpha present here from Allison.

What stood ahead of us was Ennis who held a knife against Laura's throat.

"I knew you would have tried to use the eclipse to come here, but did you seriously forget what happened last time. What did it change coming here during the eclipse? In the end you are still unable to do anything, for as long as I have Laura as a hostage" He said, with a smirk on his face, while leaving a small cut on Laura's neck to make sure we understood his point.

"Well, something did change" I said, as an arrow struck Ennis's head.

"Someone new joined us" I added.

Immediately I ran toward Laura, who didn't seem to have anything wrong, if not for the fact that she seemed a little weak and she was sweating a lot.

--Stiles POV--

We had already arrived to the Nemeton and rescued both my father and Chris, but with the eclipse the power of Victoria and Erica disappeared, and Melissa was still down there.

"Give me your hand" said my father as he tried to grab Melissa hand from the hole that was in the roof of the cellar, but he couldn't reach her.

I can't let my friend's mother die.

Without second thoughts I jumped in the hole and put my baseball bat, made of aluminium, between the celling and the floor, to stop for a moment the collapse of the whole basement.

"Stiles!" Shouted my father and Erika at the same time, but now there were more important things.

Trying to be fast, I put my hands together and lowered them near the floor.

"Use this as a platform" I said, and Melissa understanding what I meant, put her foot on my hands and with this she was able to reach my father hand, who brought her up.

"Stiles give me your hand" said Chris from the other side, fortunately I was taller than Melissa, so I was able to reach the hand without problems.

Soon with the help of both Chris and Erika I got out of the hole just in time, as the bat broke in that precise moment, bringing the whole ceiling down.

"We did it. Oohh" I shouted letting all my anxiety out.

--Scott POV--

The moment the eclipse started Jenifer had reappeared and now she was smashing Deucalion head against the floor.

"You broke me and now I'll do the same with you" She shouted.

"Wait" I tried to stop her, but she threw me away.

"Wait? Look at my face and what he did, do you think he deserve forgiveness" she asked.

"He has no idea of what he did. He never saw what happened to you" I said trying to buy some time so that the eclipse would end.

"You are right… he never did" As she said this she brought her hand to Deucalion eyes and covered them.

Soon Deucalion started to scream and when her hand left his face, I saw that Deucalion eyes were normal again.

"Look at me" She yelled and slowly Deucalion turned his gaze to the monstrosity that stood in front of him.

Satisfied with he horror on Deucalion face, she raised her hand, but this action made her stumble.

"What happened" she said and I had no true idea of what happened, but then I remembered Thomas words.

"You used too much of your power in healing Deucalion, you are not omnipotent" I said as I got up and stood between Jennifer and Deucalion.

"Stop your revenge, too many died already" I stated.

"No! You won't stop me!" She shouted as she threw me away again, but her strength was nothing compared to earlier and I was able to get up immediately and charge again.

This went on till the eclipse ended and seeing this she made a circle of mountain ash around her.

My first instinct was to try to break the barrier, so I put both my hand on it and kept pushing.

"It's useless Scott, there are laws that cannot be broken in the supernatural word and mountain ash is a barrier than no supernatural creature can destroy" said Jennifer, but I refused to give up.

Suddenly I felt a new surge of strength and I was able to advance a little, but it was not enough, and I soon got thrown away.

"In a few moments, your mother and the other will be dead and I won't need any more an eclipse to kill Deucalion" she said.

"Sorry, but it won't happen, as my friends are there to save them" I said certain of this.

"You druid are too confident in your herbs and petty tricks" said Deucalion, who had gotten up.

He took his cane and separated it in piece connected by a single line and with a slash, the can reached exactly Jennifer neck, and the pointed tip left a deep cut on her neck. Soon her body fell down and the storm that raged outside stopped.

(Here you have a long chapter. The chapter I'll post the day after tomorrow should end the first half of season three and it will be an R18, so look forward to it. Also I would like your help for something regarding my harry potter fanfic. For now it is called Genius Gilderoy and I would like to know if you had some better name for it.)