
Chapter 23

  She grabs my arm and wraps her arms around me. I have to stop when she sobs on my back.

  “Let me go, Mom. I need some fresh air,” I say calmly. After a minute, she lets me go.

  “Pack your things, Mom. I’ll call Hawk to come and get you. Stay with him in New York and leave this fucking hell hole!”

  I reach Gabby’s apartment in no time. I burst into cry and lean my head against the steering wheel. I lost the game today. I’m going to lose my chance for the NFL. I am going to lose my family, and now my girlfriend.

  I wipe my tears and take a deep breath. I open my car door when I pull myself back together.

  When I get inside the elevator, I close my eyes and think straight. I have to tell her about my dad and her mom because she has the right to know.

  I unlock her apartment door since I have a spare key. When I close the door behind me, I freeze in my place.

  “Oh, god! Fuck me! Yeah! Oh. yeah! Wooo! Mark! Harder!”

  The deep voice grunts, “Yeah! Baby! Yeah! Fuck!”