
Tears Of The Blessed

A not so ordinary beta rejected by his mate, what would his life be? Is it painful or is it full of happiness? What would he do when his already twisted fate become more twisted? Find out It's my first novel, so support me if you like my writing style.

Deepanshita · LGBT+
11 Chs

Going Away

Eze P. O. V

l opened my eyes to see a familiar sky blue ceiling, l felt like someone was holding my hands, l darted my head to see brother holding my hand sleeping in an awkward position. He is sitting on the ground, head on the bed and one hand holding my hand while other under his head. l smiled and caress his hair, Kyle told me l was asleep for 3 days, he must be worried and dad too.

While l was caressing his hair, he slowly opened his eyes. "Good morning brother! " l said with a smile. "Eze you are awake! Thank god! Are you hurt anywhere? Is it uncomfortable? " he asked, checking on me. l chuckle seeing his behavior and said "I am alright brother, Kyle is with me now. l am strong now. " l said showing my biceps which l don't have but who cares. 'pfftt! hahahah''Kyle stop laughing at me! 'l mind link him. 'Sorry sorry, l won't laugh but it's hilarious hahah hahaha' leave him l have a feeling he won't stop.

Let's focus on brother, he is looking lost. Oh right! he don't know Kyle. "Brother"" Eze", we both said at the same time. "You go first" he said. l took a deep breath and said "l got my wolf, his name is Kyle" l said in a calm tone and looked at brother, he has this expression that says 'go on, continue' ,so l told him all about Kyle and what he told me about me being blessed, my wolf form and how l can't control it. First he was shocked and when l told him about rejection's effect on me, he became furious. "I will kill that bas-brainless good for nothing! " he said gritting his teeth, releasing his angry pheromones. Ahh! l expected this. Alphas are possessive of their loved ones. 'Kyle what do l do? ' l asked him. 'Why is it that whenever dad or brother becomes possessive for you, you ask me what to do? 'Kyle asked as if curious for a very long time. 'it's because they are scary, look at him gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. ''okay okay, l understand, do what you usually do, act cute. Oh and Eze, you have 3 mates in total' he said nonchalantly.

"WHAT!!!? "

"What happened Eze? Are you alright? " brother asked me, worried. "N.. no l l mean y..yes, l am alright" l said hurriedly, not wanting him to worry about it. "But you just shouted out of nowhere. Is there something wrong? "." No, brother nothing is wrong, just Kyle told me that l have 3 mates and after future Alpha's rejection, l only have 2 mates now"l explained to him. After calming down, he rubbed my head and mess with my hair "Yahhh don't do that, how many times I have to tell you, you always mess my hairs, hummp" l pouted and crossed my arms across my chest. l am really angry at him. "Aww Eze sorry na, your my cute brother na, please forgive me"he said more like begged showing puppy eyes. " You know it won't work,l am really angry at you"l said glaring at him. "okay tell me what you want in order to forgive me", hehehe plan successful, nobody can escape my cute charms. 'You see that Kyle, aren't I the best? 'l asked Kyle proud of my acting. 'l saw that Eze, now continue before he gets suspicious' , 'alright alright'. " So, brother what l want is that, l want to find my other mates and for that l am going to aunt Cath and live there. You won't stop me and help me convince dad. Understand? "

There l dropped the atom bomb. l really want to leave this place for good. Me and Kyle have decided earlier to find our mates, it will also strengthen my body and maybe I can control my wolf form. And the best place for that is outside the pack. Aunt Catherine or Cath, she is mom's younger sister and lives in a city surrounded with mountains called Normal. Thats the last name, l would name a city filled with werewolves. Anyway so the pack that rules this mountain city is one of the biggest pack ever, the Dark Shadow pack. Mom also belong to that pack before finding her mate, dad, and coming to Blood Moon. So the point is l can live there for the rest of my life, find my mate, stay far away from that thing(Jayden) and live a happy life.

"Brother, brother" l waved my hands in front of his eyes. What's wrong with him? he is frozen in one place. Now only one thing will do. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" ,"What happened?".He finally woke up" huff huff huff screaming is not my thing, my throat hurts! "Damn, why everytime I speak for too long or scream my throat hurts. He gave me a glass of water" Here".

"Why do you even do that if you know it will hurt? "he asked, concern written all over his face. " You weren't answering, so l "l said in a small and hoarse tone. " l am sorry "he said. " It's alright but you have to convince dad please "l said showing my puppy eyes. " Okay l will help you, now happy ", " very happy "l said and hugged him.

Mission accomplished!!!