
Teacher's Coffee

Emily Chloe, A teacher at Silver Creek High School has recently went through a breakup. Coincidentally, she meets an old friend of hers.

EthEn · LGBT+
14 Chs

Chapter 10.5 - [Chapter interlude]

"Sorry, but I've got to go early. I have a bunch of work to complete." Emily stood up from the stool and grabbed her bag that she had left on the floor leaning on the counter wall.

"Aww, really?" Anna replied feeling a little sad.

Nathan looked at Emily as she grabbed her items "Isn't this outside of your work hours though?"

"Bro, we both know Emily is a workaholic." Michael interrupted with a raised eyebrow. "And she is also rich as fuck. You think money would change anything?"

"I'm not that rich." She tried defending herself but unfortunately, Anna exists.

"You have a PhD and are the school's top teacher. They are definitely paying you big bucks to stay"

"Fine fine… I'll see y'all later." She waved goodbye as she exited the café

Anna stared longingly at the leaving figure. This didn't go unnoticed by Nathan. "You like her don't you."

"Huh?" Anna raised an eyebrow. But as the words registered, her face turned pink "Wha- what are you talking about."

"Oh- you're blushing" Michael pointed out

"Shut up." she took in a deep breath and composed herself before replying "I just see her as a friend."

"And I'm straight. Bitch, you very obviously like her." Nathan spoke

"I don't usually agree with you much, but it's true" Michael agreed.

"See, even Michael agrees!" Nathan added

"You guys don't even have proof" she tried to defend herself

"We can tell by the way you look at her," Michael stated.

"Oh boohoo. What? Do I look at her like I'm some love-stricken girl looking at her prince?"



The other 2 remained silent and looked at Anna with a neutral gaze.

Michael: "Yeah, pretty much."

Nathan: "Yeah. You kinda do"

"Oh fuck off," Anna replied.

"No but really… Every time she leaves or you talk to her, you have the widest smile on your face" Nathan added. "And you also look at her with… fondness? I don't know how to explain it."

"What are you talking about? I just see her as a close friend." Michael attempted to say something but was blocked by Anna "and before you spout whatever bullshit you are gonna say, even if I did like her, she wouldn't like me back." she said with a tinge of sadness.

"So that's the issue…" Nathan muttered under his breath. he looked at Anna with a look of pity. It seemed that Anna already knew that she did in fact like Emily, but for whatever reason, she had convinced herself that she would never like her. And revealing that she did in fact love her could put the group in jeopardy.

Although Nathan would love to know why she thought that way, he figured, for the sake of her privacy, he wouldn't push forward. But not Michael though- "The fuck are you talking about?"

"Huh" Anna replied a bit shocked

"What made you go to that conclusion? Like you both are pretty close already so just ask her out."

Anna could only watch as Michael rambled on. Words caught in her throat.

"wha- huh. I can't do that"

"Why n-" Unfortunately, or rather fortunately for Anna, he was interrupted by an elbow to his side.

"leave her alone. She'll probably figure it out on her own"

"Thank you." Anna mumbled, "Why are you so interested in my love life anyways?"

The response came as soon as the words left Anna's mouth. "Cause, unfortunately, I'm your friend"

"eww disgusting. Never say that again"

"hahaha" Michael laughed. "But really. You always looked lonely when you were in the police force. We just want the best for you"

Anna blushed at the blunt and kind gesture from Michael and looked at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"So…" Michael continued

"Yeah… I might like her a bit more than as a friend" She admitted

"Told you" Nathan said excitedly.