
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 7

Ye Zong, the city lord and the son of the Legendary spiritualist Ye Mo, was currently in his office, doing his usual job, which usually takes a full day each day.

He was quite surprised when his brother's wife had asked him to meet for some emergency. Ye Zong doesn't like to leave his job, as that was his priority. After all, as the leader of the last remaining of the human race; he was under strong pressure. He barely has time for his own daughter. And he is trying to break through to the Legendary Rank.

He tried to delay her request, however, he got an interesting piece of information.

Ancient pills recipes had been rediscovered again, and there is a genius in their family who can understand couple the ancient languages.

Ye Zong was shocked to see a group of papers that held translated recipes with the precise description of concocting.

Such a thing could only be written by a real alchemist.

This what made things more believable.

It was a good excuse to leave management works.


Ye Qi gave a slight bow to Ye Zong, as he entered with his mother.

"Nephew Qi. How have you been."

"Good, as usual."

The two of them meet mostly every day but barely has interaction.

"You look like you have grown up quite a lot. Does my brother go hard on you?"

Ye Zong said.

Ye Qi was a three stars bronze rank fighter at an early age, given the fact that he had been physically training since he was young, and had a lot of elixirs. He had a muscled body, just like every male in the family here.

Ye Qi just forced a smile and nodded.

"So, you are the genius who can read the languages, now?" Ye Zong raised an eyebrow. "How could my brother hide such a piece of information from me."

"He didn't. My son always liked books. But because my husbands force him to train, Ye Qi could barely recognise his talent." Ye Luo put a hand on his shoulder and hugged him closer. "Not to mention, he is a talented cultivator. It seems we were wrong judging his talent."

"Well. Those are quite happy news. Wish Ye Xiu was with us to hear them." Said Ye Zong.

Ye Qi flinched when he heard that name, as flashes of lifting weights appeared in his head.

"Anyway, uncle, have you seen the elixirs and recipes I have sent."

Ye Zong nodded and decided to ask the question again. "Were you the one to write them?"

What Ye Qi wrote was ancient recipes meant to help the people from Bronze Rank to Sliver Rank to cultivate.

Such a thing was a big contribution to the family. Ye Zong, who had been cultivating for years, yet couldn't reach the Legend Rank, had a glint of hope after hearing about such genius.

Ye Qi nodded. "That's right."

"And you can even understand ancient languages." In the library of the families, and from the expeditions that the family do outside the city, many books would be brought back. But because of the lack of the motivation to learn, no one could benefit from their contents. Especially the inscription arrays and cultivation methods.

"Right, again."

Ye Zong's lips started to raise.

However, they froze upon hearing his next words.

"And I want 15% of what our alchemists will make." He said. "And an increase in the allowance."

He was helping himself more than the family.

Ye Qi knows how much the alchemists here are going to make. They would be doing all of the jobs. While he, because of the knowledge, he would get a lot of pills and elixirs. It would help him.

"All the pills and elixirs?" Ye Zong held a chuckle and made a frown. Just 15%. That's not little, but not a lot, compared to what they can make.

"Yep." Ye Qi nodded.

"You are one of the Snow Wind family, and you want that much." Seeing that he didn't crumble under a Dark Gold Spiritualist's glare, Ye Zong approved.

He asked. "And the money, how much?"

"If there is a profit." He said. "Same percentage."

Ye Qi said. If Ye Zong wants him to translate more things, he would have to pay him. After all, there are still pills that can help people to reach Dark Gold and Gold Rank. They were never revealed since Nie Lie didn't want them to fall in everyone's hand -- and that was since Nie Lie associated himself with the Alchemy association, not a major family. The Snow Wind Family, knowing that Dark Guild is out there, would surely not reveal them.

Seeing that Ye Qi is clearly trying to make business, Ye Zong said with sarcasm, yet dead serious face."What you are going to ask next, my daughter's hand."

"Well, I wasn't intending, not today anyway.." She is a top beauty that he won't bore while looking at her all day.

"But sounds like a good deal," Ye Qi said. "Though, I prefer if the wedding is the next year."

Ye Ziyun was a stunning beauty. Once she grows up, it was said that she would take breathes with a glance. Sure, he would love to have a relationship with her.


Ye Qi earned a punch on his head.

He held his head with both hands and stared at his uncle.

"Leave that for the next year. Let's talk about the profit then."

Ye Zong sighed. A genius from the Snow Wind Family is always to take care of. Even if he makes bad jokes.

Ye Qi, on the other hand, decided that he may need more profit, to work on his knowledge.

Ye Zong didn't refuse, and gave Ye Qi full access to the family library, for the fact that Ye Qi would have to translate future inscriptions arrays.

Ye Qi, knowing how many treasures his family has in their treasury, thought it would be wise to gain access to their treasury in the future.

"You would be rewarded each time you do a good job." Ye Zong rubbed his chin. "If I'm not wrong, there are cultivation methods in the library. Old ones. If you do a good job, you will take treasures from the valuate."

Ye Qi remembered those Cultivation methods from the original work. Nie Lie, as he had left to Dragonic realm in the original work, he had left the Glory City cultivation methods from the library. This fact alone tells that, even without cultivation methods from a higher realm, old techniques are still better.

"I'll do it at the weekend." Ye Qi said. "Translating is hard work, and you have to focus on each word. Reading one book may take from few days to a week."

"Then we have a deal." Ye Zong said. "You'll have an increase in money. And once you reach Silver Rank, you would have access to the family's treasury. Now, as your uncle, I'll tell you this. Don't talk about this in school, or to the commoners. You don't want the Dark Guild to hear about you."

In the past, the Dark Guild was known for hunting geniuses that has the potentials to go to Legend Rank and hunt them down. That was one of the reasons why Glory City is having only a Legendary Rank Spiritualist. And that's why the Snow Wind Family is protecting every genius by making them live in the city Lord Mansion.

"I'm aware of that."

Well, by few months or a year, it won't matter if the knowledge slipped, since Ye Qi knew that by then he would be the strongest in this city.

Ye Qi wasn't a greedy person for money. The fact that he decided to collect it was to get the pot that mixed Demon Beasts, a very valuable treasure to get his hand into.

After making a deal, Ye Qi left while Ye Luo scolded him slightly about being more respectful to his elders.

After translating some page about making arrays, Ye Qi then went back to cultivate. Although he could feel progressing would get less smooth each time he advances, with the pills and elixirs that are coming to him, he was sure that problem would be done with very soon.

Ye Qi was near to get to the 3rd Star Bronze Rank, and tonight he had to focus on breaking through. Who knows if there is another Time-Space Skill to get.


Another day came. Ye Qi had broken thought to the 3rd Star Bronze Rank with amazing swiftness.

Preparing to leave, Ye Qi was walking with Ye Ziyun.

As they were walking to the institute, Ye Qi couldn't help but ask. "By the way, how did things go between you and your friend."

Ye Ziyun drew a big smile and tilted her head. "It was good, thanks to you."

"I had done nothing." Ye Qi rubbed his nose.

Ye Ziyun halted her steps and put a hand on his shoulder.

Ye Qi stopped all of the sudden.

Turning, he saw Ye Ziyun standing on her toes. "Thank you. You don't know what you have done means a lot to me." She then let her face closer, to his cheek, and put her lips there. Ye Qi had felt a chill ran across his body when those small pink lips of her kissed him on the cheek, and they were as soft as he thought.

"Hey!" Ye Qi stared at her face, eyes wide open. He would be lying if he said that kiss didn't take an effect on his heart, especially when he was looking at her lavender eyes.

"We were raised in the same house, remember." Ye Ziyun smiled blushingly and punched his shoulder slightly.

'Didn't she one day ago, said cousins can have something between them. I know, I'm too handsome.'

"If that so." Ye Qi turned and rubbed his nose as they entered the institute.

Ye Ziyun looked at his back Upon noticing Ning'er from far, she said. "I'll meet you in class, go first."

"Mm." Ye Qi didn't look at her and walked. "That was surprising," he murmured to himself.

Ye Qi shook his head as he made his way to his class. Although it wasn't too long for the time he had come to this world, he was making progress. Shen Xiu, the teacher who was portrayed to be angry — just because the main character used to insult her family at every chance — was acting a bit friendly with him. Seems that Ye Qi approaching techniques of making a strong first impression are giving good result.

Ye Qi looked at Ning'er, who looked back at him and gave a simple nod. The girl is following his advice, and the pain that comes from cultivation at night had stopped. She was even applying for the medicine he suggested. Now, all is left is for her to find that massage technique.

The class progressed with Shen Xiu talk about inscriptions. Somehow, Ye Qi found himself knowing about all of this, as he had the experience from the original writers of the arrays and inscriptions. Seems learning was useless.

Nonetheless, he pretended to be interested. When the class had ended, before he could get out, he found two big soft melons in front of his face. Raising his head, he saw Shen Xiu standing in front of him. It gave him a chill that she approached him all of the sudden — wasn't that something he's supposed to do.

Shen Xiu asked simple questions if he understood or was paying attention. Unlike the time in the past, Shen Xiu seemed to be interested in him, knowing that he is the only official fighter and spiritualist in the class.

"Sure, your lesson was inspiring."

"Really, what did you learn from the inscriptions."

"Well…" Ye Qi explained to see Shen Xiu raising her eyebrows.

"Looks like you are smart." She said as she lifted her head.

Ye Qi found it hard to keep eye contact and not lowering his head to her attractive big chest, and kept nodding, not knowing what she is saying.

"By the way, how is the advancement in your cultivation." She asked.

"Good, although it's slower than it is used to be in the past."

"Mmm… Don't worry about that. Every spiritualist face the same thing as they progress. Don't forget to train your body. Although Fighters are inferior to Demon Spiritualists, the strength of the physical body can hinder their advancement in the future." Shen Xiu said. Though she believes she is superior as a spiritualist, her cultivation and talent weren't as great as the others. The boys in her family, her nephews, had better cultivation than hers.

Ye Qi nodded as he gave her body a look. She was so smooth and delicate that he would be lying if he said he is not thinking of eating her out.

"Thanks, teacher, I'll keep that in mind."

Shen Xiu smirked. "Don't forget that… anyway, do your homework." She gave his shoulder a pat and then went to leave.

'Homework? Since when she cares about them.'

Ye Qi only smiled at her back, looking at her swaying bubble butt leaving. Although he is physically 6 years younger, people his age are considered adults. Shen Xiu, on the other hand, is considered a woman who went way beyond the age of marriage.

Ye Qi smirked and stood up. Turning, he saw Ye Ziyun staring at him. When he made eye contact, she just scoffed and turned her face. 'What's wrong with her.'

Turning his head in the other direction, he saw Ning'er approaching him with a blush on her cheek. She came and stood at his seat.

"What were you talking you and teacher Shen Xiu."

"Nothing, just some lessons."

"She seems to be fond of you, unlike some other students."

"Ask her, not me." Ye Qi said. "Besides, why your cheeks are red, are you having a fever."

Xiao Ning'er opened her eyes widely, her cheeks turned pink this time as her golden eyes were fixed on his. She took a deep breath and shook her head.

"Nothing, I just used to feel cold." She shook her head. "Anyway. I have found the books you tasked me to look for with the keywords you gave me. There are three books in fact."

"Mmm…" Ye Qi lifted his head. "I have time to translate them for you. Where are they."

"I have rented them from the library." She said. "But I don't feel comfortable there. I don't want anyone to know about my disease, can we meet at lunch, for, you know what."

"I know," Ye Qi said, "I get it."


Ye Qi was back to the City Lord Mansion after he had agreed with Ning'er to translate the massage book for her. She had worked hard enough to look in the library and found a group of healing book, which were written in languages she wouldn't understand.

Ye Qi let a deep sigh as looked at Ye Ziyun, who was sitting cross-legged in front of her courtyard.

"Are you fine, Ziyun?"

Ye Qi couldn't help but think that her behaviour was weird after he had talked with Shen Xiu.

Ye Ziyun heard him and said, "Nothing." She then looked at him and didn't say any word. However, her gaze was sharp.

"Okay." Ye Qi said before looking around.

Ye Ziyun flinched when she saw him picking a book, opening it to read, and not saying any other word.

"Is that all you have to say," she said, unable to contain what she has.

"You said nothing is wrong." Ye Qi closed the book before looking at her.

"When a girl says nothing, it means that there is something. Why can't you understand that simple logic." Ye Ziyun's lips twitched.

"Oh." Ye Qi stood up, walked, and sat next to her. "Is there something bothering you?"

Since she had finally shown that she is upset, she won't dodge or make some drama.

"Mmm…" Ye Ziyun didn't know how to bring the topic to him. How the fact that Shen Xiu's glances at him were quite annoying, to her. And how he was smiling… not to mention, he stared at her back for 10 seconds!

"What's going on with you and the teacher."

"Nothing much." Ye Qi shrugged his shoulder. "I ask questions, she answers."

"But she moved to your seat."

"I guess I have charisma." Ye Qi put his hand on his chin, raised an eyebrow, and said. "Don't you think I am handsome?"

Ye Ziyun exhaled some cold air before rolling her eyes.

"But this isn't about me," Ye Qi placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's about you."

"No." Ye Ziyun exhaled slightly and said. "I just needed to talk a bit. That's all."

"Mmm… but don't you have a friend to talk to."

"I do have." She said. "I just needed another kind of conversation."

Ye Qi nodded. "Be sure to call me whenever you need me."

"I'll be sure to do that, little brother."

"Hey, I'm the not little brother."

"You were born a week after me, so yes."

"I'm taller than you, so no."

Ye Ziyun giggled as Ye Qi was getting into the conversation.

Things looked like they were flirting.

"You two!"

Ye Ziyun's face changed colour when she heard a familiar voice.

"Lord Uncle."

"Lord father."

The two of them stood up when the city lord left his office and walked outside.

"You have time to chat, but not cultivate." Ye Zong said, looking between Ye Qi and Ye Zong.

Ye Ziyun looked at the ground. She usually feels pressure in front of the expectations her father has for her. So his words had some impact now.

Ye Qi, on the other hand, had a non-beating heart at all.

"We are humans, not spiritual herbs." Ye Qi said with a shrug.

Ye Zong opened his eyes widely. That's logic. Only the spiritual herbs would collect energy day and night.

"Brat!" he clicked his tongue, still.

Ye Qi replied calmly. "Yes, uncle."

"Anyway, take this." Ye Zong threw two rings at them.

"This…" Ye Ziyun caught the ring in her hand in inserted her consciousness there. She saw a group of elixirs lined up with pills and tags around them. "resources?"

"Yes." Ye Zong nodded. "We have got our hands on ancient recipes and managed successfully to manufacture them." He said while looking at Ye Qi. "the Alchemy Association from today. Probably we would hire them in future. Our family's cultivation would rise faster, and rank gets bigger."

"That's amazing!" Ye Ziyun opened her jaw while wowing from the fact that such bless fell on her family.

"What do you think, Ye Qi."

Ye Qi was having his consciousness inside of his spatial ring. He didn't believe the large number of pills and elixirs he had. There was also a pile of money. But that was only due to the fact that the family didn't start selling pills.

Ye Qi just replied. "Good."

Ye Zong smiled while no one was watching. This brat has done great merit. He was happy that his daughter now would raise in ranks faster. Probably, her limits in the future won't be some 3rd star Black Gold.

But he needed to scare them. He quickly made a frown and said. "Be sure not to waste more time with these recourses. And Ye Qi, don't forget to translate the techniques. They are in your courtyard."

"Sure." He replied.

Ye Zong then left.

"What techniques."

"Something I promised your dad to translate them." Ye Qi picked up some elixir, opened the bottle, and drank it in one go.

Seeing him talking this casually, Ye Ziyun asked, astonished. "Since when you know another language other than the commoner one."

"Ever since I figured out that they are easy to learn." Ye Qi said, "now, don't waste time. Cultivate."

Ye Ziyun, although she wanted to speak more, picked up an elixir and drank it. Every spiritualist would be curious to try a new elixir.

Meanwhile, Ye Qi closed his eyes and his soul realm started to feel that it was on fire. Chanting his cultivation method, he felt his soul force increasing dramatically. With his, he believes that he is cultivating faster than before.

Ye Ziyun didn't believe how fast her soul force is growing, she maybe reaches the Bronze Rank by tomorrow or after it. Even for Cyan soul realm owner like herself, that was too much.

Ye Qi, on the other hand, believed that by the night time, he would reach the 4th star.

Time has passed. Ye Qi, who was cultivating faster, on his way toward that 4th star, had a feeling hitting his guts.

It wasn't like the one he would have when he breakthrough. However, it was a familiar one he had gotten a few days ago.

Information was overrunning his mind.

Ye Qi opened his eyes widely.

He just got his second Time-Space Skill.