
TDG: My system is a cheat.

After finishing college, Ning Feiyu headed towards a party prepared by her classmates. Arriving there, a robber suddenly appeared and started firing several shots in all directions. Ning Feiyu didn't even have time to move when he felt something hot running down his forehead; wiping it with his hand, he could only see a big red stain on his fingers before he lost consciousness in that cold place.

LingSan · 書籍·文学
3 Chs


Thirteen years passed in the blink of an eye.

At the Xiao Family Mansion, two young men faced each other in a friendly fight.

The young woman was pretty with shoulder-length brown hair and a slender figure. But right now, her hair was messy as beads of sweat ran down her chin.

The young man had brown hair, deep blue eyes, a slender body and a childlike face beginning to enter adolescence. He also had crystal-white skin, which made him very handsome.

He was currently standing in front of the young woman while holding a small sword in his hand. 

"Ning'er, you're still too slow to catch up with me! But all in all, you're still pretty good. I've also noticed that your movements are getting more and more fluid like a bird flying across the sky!" Ning Feiyu tucked the sword into its scabbard before walking over to Ning'er and wiping her sweat with a handkerchief.

Ning'er: "Brother Feiyu, I can do this myself! I'm not a small child anymore!" Ning'er blushed at Ning Feiyu's movements, and spoke in a shy tone.

Since the two of them were little, Ning Feiyu has always taken care of her with great affection. Whether in his practices, games, or conversations, he always took his opinion first before deciding anything. 

As time went on, she realized that she was becoming more and more dependent on him to get things done. Then, little by little, she tried to get away from him…

But in doing so, she felt that if that happened they would never be the same again. In the end, she can only accept your affection while trying to remain aware that it won't last forever.

"Where are you big!? Why am I not seeing this!?" Ning Feiyu smiled as he teased her. But his eyes still roamed Xiao Ning'er's body from top to bottom.

"Y-you! You villain, where am I little!?" — Without realizing what he was doing, Xiao Ning'er turned his body in front of Ning Feiyu giving him a beautiful view of his entire body.

Of course, Ning Feiyu enjoyed every second of looking at her. Not that he had never seen her, but that she seemed to be getting more and more beautiful with each passing day.

"HaHaHa! Yes! Yes! You're not small!" Ning Feiyu laughed at her flushed face. Then he asked again: "And how are your bruises? Last time it was much better, now it must be completely healed, right?"

Ning'er's face flushed at the memory of that. Thinking about having her naked body being touched by someone still made her feel very shy.

"They are completely healed! The medicine you found in the library was really effective in conjunction with your massage technique. This morning my bruises were completely gone!"

Ning Feiyu nodded slightly before looking towards where the bruises were. 

"Hmm… still looks a little bloated, right!?" he asked looking down at her breasts. His expression was as serious as the moment he gave her treatment, so she didn't notice the mockery in his tone at first.

"Do you think? I think it's already pretty good- Ah~" — When she understood what Ning Feiyu was talking about, she quickly covered her breasts. Face redder than an apple, she yelled, "You! You...your...you pervert! Super Villain!!"


"Fine. Come on, it's time we went to the institute again or we'll be late." Stopping his pranks, Ning Feiyu pulled a blushing Ning'er back to Xiao Manor.

"By the way, how is your cultivation currently?" - He asked.

"Hmm.. It's much faster after you got that weird technique from the library. My cultivation looks like it's almost breaking the Bronze Rank bottleneck. Maybe today or tomorrow will happen!" Ning'er responded happily. She was very happy to get stronger faster alongside Ning Feiyu.

"What about you, brother Feiyu? Not even daddy knows exactly what your current cultivation is! You must have reached Bronze Rank a long time ago, right?" Ning'er asked curiously. There are many things she still doesn't understand about this strange brother of hers. All she knew was that he was very reliable, had strange techniques, and could read books in other languages ​​in the library. Other than that, she didn't know much else about him.

Hearing her question, Ning Feiyu just smiled slightly before continuing on her way. This caused Ning'er to stamp her foot on the floor in anger at seeing him not paying her any more attention.

'System, statistics!"


Name: Ning Feiyu

age: 13

Cultivation: 4th star gold. 

Aptitude: Soul Cyan. 

Appearance: (9/10


Cultivation technique:

Devil God's Body. (24%)

Movement Techniques:

Cloud steps. (78/100) 

Lightning Wings. (97/100)  

Martial Techniques:

Star Finger. (85/100) 

mystical palm. (73/100) 

Descent of Black Thunder. (57/100)  

White Dragon Armor. (86/100) 

Store points: ∞


In these years, Ning Feiyu learned some techniques while inside her sleep space. Many still need to be started while others are almost reaching their perfection.

Its cultivation has increased a lot with the help of these techniques, too bad the system did not provide the option to buy cultivation.

Arriving home, Ning Feiyu ran to her bathroom to shower before leaving with a fresh set of clean clothes.

"Feiy'er, are you going to the institute yet? I've already told you there's not much you can learn by being there; it's best if you just study in the library in silence." — Xiao Yunfeng suddenly appeared beside his door as he was leaving.

Shaking his head, Ning Feiyu replied without showing much emotion:

"I'm not going to learn. I'm just attending institute to feel like a normal teenager like everyone else!! You know, I really get tired of being alone in an empty library all day!"

"But-" — Xiao Yunfeng was going to continue talking, but stopped when he saw Ning Feiyu's eyes turning cold.

"I already told you! I'll keep going to the institute until such time as I decide! Don't think I'll be translating books for the family to sell without giving me a single penny!! Don't think I don't know what the elders are up to! doing with the translated books!!" Without waiting for Xiao Yunfeng's answer, Ning Feiyu walked past him towards Ning'er's room.

Ever since Ning Feiyu showed that he could understand the old books in the library, the elders tried to exploit him to translate various books and sell them to other families. Luckily he said he could only read a few of them, and left the most important ones for his own use.

Even so, the Xiao family made a lot of money from the few books he sold. Even the association of alchemists bought some knowledge translated by him from ancient times. 

However, the family never gave him a single penny of all this merchandise. All he got was some bad cultivation pills, and some incomplete and problematic techniques from the Xiao family.


'I shouldn't have told him about his father! Maybe he would have been more obedient if I hadn't. Brother, I wonder what kind of monster you brought into the world!?' Xiao Yunfeng sighed as he walked back to the meeting room.
