
Tbate : rise of new King

Ray Leywin is a unsuccessful product of reincarnation as he is born with his memories as NIL okay only containing some info on future events. Yes he 3 year younger than aurthor Leywin. "HAHAHAHHAHA SO I AM LUCK BASTARD HAHAHHAH"Ray was laughing outloud madly "Wait where is back story and what is this bugged system" "Did I get ahead of myself " Beginner's package have arrived "There is still hope for me "thought Ray. ○Unlimited Artworks ○BLOOD LIMT:PURE BLOODED UCHIHA

EVILEYE78 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

01 | chapter 01

3 years before Arthors birth





"Ahahahaaaa" A sharp pain was all that he felt.

"Congratulations Sir and Madam. It's a healthy boy but ...." said a voice that the person in question does not know of.

'what is transpiring ?? where is this place ..... No, what the fuck am I....' there were too many questions in the child's mindset .....'

The child was fearful of and on high alert for his surrounding.

"Fuck why Is it so dark..." muttered the child in his frustrations.

He tried hard constantly but then realized his eyelids were closed and not listening to his brain. After some unsuccessful tries succeed slowly but steadily he opened his eyes this time everything was damn too bright he had instantly closed his eyelids serval times to adjust to his vision and escape the risk of going blind being born after.

"Fuck which son of a bi..... veered around light on " cursed the newborn child in dissatisfaction and discounted but the sound differed...

"waah waah waah " The room was filled with the wails and cries of a child.

'What happens to my....beautiful... and sweat voice...'

After forcefully calming down he started concluding his position. He accepted his fate quickly that he was reincarnated but... where .... eternal silence filled his mind ...

"Tch so I am a bioproduct of a failed reincarnation, "thought annoyed the child with his situation.

'Talk about shit luck '

I moved my head to observe my surroundings

There was a woman in her twenties living currently on a bed I suppose. She was exhausted as if been in some intensive situation her breathing was rough. But she possessed a friendly motherly aura which was assured at least her appearance was pretty elegantly and gently with her long Auburn hair.

Another figure was standing there next to her....next would he understatement as he was damm a few inches away from me...

'Did he find out something...please no'

He was a man also in his twenties early or not who knows anyways he had a muscular build with huge biceps a charismatic person with an annoying kind look and aura surrounding them his face had a square jawline but was cleanly shaved.

Guess these are our mother and father that conclude this observation.

'Sigh at least I am safe for now

The biggest problem was he can't remembanythinging at all. His memories are NIL as they never existed.

'You will have your answer at age of 3 'was all there was.

"Hi, little Ray call me dada," said my supposed father with an idiotic grin on his face.

"Honey he is just a child," asked my genuine mother rolling her eyes...

"But what is wrong with his eyes and hair..." asked both my mother and father in a worried tone

oh, I guess they are confused by my appearance because I have different eyes and hair colour than them, I looked at both of them and noticed they have different colours.

As for hair, they were also different but Alice did seem not surprised.

'Maybe in her family, someone had black hair.

'I starting to take a liking to this new family" thought Ray with fake tears in his eyes.

so this was why this doctor guy has hesitating but what is wrong with my eyes ...

Yep by their reaction something was...not ..right...

My eyes were blood red with a single tomoe rotating in middle continuously at the edge of the circle eye irises.

[ SHARINGAN is an ability that allows a ninja to copy, by mere sight, their opponents' techniques while gaining incredible reflexes and perceptive abilities.]

(Sharingan |: yes he is pure blood Uchiha but will only awaken the eternal mangekyo sharingun eventually but not from the beginning "maybe in Xyrus academy arc")

The doctor which noticed get vigilant in his duties. He crazily started observing my eyes doing many actions to get my attention and I just complied with it as it happened.

"His reaction seems excellent....more than an average newborn baby, "said surprising the doctor a little but shrugging it off.

"Sigh " was all that escaped from my tensed-up parents' mouths.

With that Doctor concluded his results"Please continue to rest for a couple of days Mrs and Mr Leywin and let me know if I am needed for anything"

So this is the start of my mindblowing journey in another world. This ..what.. but it get changed pretty soon it came to begin a new torture for me as there was a lack of mortar sense control over my petty small body. And other problems like tiering myself dry with minimum effort only control I had was over my finger.

I also got the names of my new parents they were mother Alice Lewin and father Reynold Leywin.

With Ray Leywin.

My mother Alice leywin is kind of an angel to me send from up heavens she to kind. I was every day carried in a baby cradle attached to her back.

She even went to a nearby town with me attached to her back. The name of the Town was Asher a ruler town.

My mother was a sort of healer as she healed my clumsy and stupid father sometimes when he got injured. My mom and dad were some ex adventures.

One day I saw my father with a big axe which scared me of my life. It's at least three to four times my size but he was using and lifting in it easily which could weigh 40 kg.

"Damm this world even without memories I am sure is not normal by any standers "

"I should never piss my old man of "

what can I say it was then I discovered that I got reincarnated in a world filled with magic and warrior stuff the setting was most of the medieval era. It was not hard to adapt because my memories drive was .... empty but could somehow understand everything.

My mother usually talks to me every time to make me familiar with the language maybe.... and understand things.

Soon days passed to months and months to a year now I am 3 and 10 months year old. But the twist was that I kind of looked like a 7-year-old in my physical appearance which shocking to my parents greatly.

They even took me to a doctor in Ashburn but everything was said to be fine aa after the doctor said was d it was new but not threatening as my cell and bag he was the same as they should be.

oh, one more thing I look kind of differ than that them not kind of absolutely.

He was quite tall for his age...and slender,his features were sharp and angular, giving him a regal, almost otherworldly appearance, matching his eyes. Most of these features were still hidden among the baby fat, but one could not help but to notice the faint hint of these details

Ray's hair were Jet Black darker then any shades of darkness one could have sought. With Yellowish golden eyes containing a analogic clock symbol embedded deep in them accompanied by glittering sparkles they ressemble Pearl's that were buried deep inside the ocean something unrealistic which should not have exist. It was unnatural .... Yet there was clamness and maturity and awareness beyond his age should possess.

"Yes I super cute. as a baby which gets annoying as my father clinging upto me like I am a girly daughter"

Skin as soomth as Silk with pale white colour accompanied by a slim yet perfectly balanced athletic body to perform swift and accurate action/ movement.

His hair fell downward toward his chin forming two bangs .

As for what happened in those 3 year not much just I kind surprised my parent to often .I started walking when I was 4 months old and at age of 1 and 5 months I was reading .

I was hyperactive in last few y r since my birth I was never tired so did not.. easily fall asleep...

"As for Reason na don't know"Ray

Sometimes my parents forgot that I was 2 years old but is nice at least this can get easier.

But soon my year of peace extended my mother pregnant.ce again... It gave quite some time to sink in her library where mostly many magic-related books were kept...