

TBATE doesn't belong to me. The fan fiction cover is not mine

Moestro92 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

the first task

Sitting on the bed, I began to inspect the system store.

There were only 3 items, but out of these three items, only one "breakthrough pill" attracted me, judging by its description, thanks to this pill, I will be able to skip one stage of the mana core.

That is, if I am at the red core stage, then with this pill I will be able to break through to the orange stage?

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want her. What normal person would refuse such a wonderful pill?

But the price was 10,000 points. I do not know how difficult it is to get these glasses, but I can say for sure that it will definitely not be easy for me to get this pill.

The potions also caught my attention. There were no mana potions or healing potions in the original story.

The mana potion, despite the fact that it restores only 10% of the total mana, is still very useful. This 10% can save my life.

Getting out of bed, I decided to leave the room, after all, it's important for me to know where I am.

Leaving the room, I found myself in a long corridor with many doors. When I reached the end of the corridor, I saw a staircase that stretched down.

Going down the stairs, I heard a lot of voices coming from below. Having descended from stairs, I saw a lot of people sitting at a table and actively talking to each other.

"Hey, man, aren't you going to renew the lease?" a voice came from the right. Turning my head to the right, I saw a fat man standing behind the counter, he had tousled hair, he looked about 40 years old.

I asked, pointing a finger at myself. "Yeah, you're a kid, so you're not going to renew the lease?" a fat man asked me.

"Oh, maybe I will? Anyway, if I want to rent a room again, I'll come back," I replied to the fat man.

The fat man, hearing my answer, just nodded and continued his work.

After making sure that nothing more was required of me, I headed for the exit. But I couldn't get to the exit, someone crashed into me. The collision was not so strong, but because of the surprise, I did not have time to react and fell to the floor. The pouch attached to my belt tore, and gold coins spilled out of it.


"Hey, man, watch where you're going"

Looking up, I saw a thin man with long black hair, he smelled very strongly of alcohol. There was a long sword on his belt.

But what surprised me was that he had an orange mana core. Thanks to the Six-Eyed One, I could see other people's mana core stages, no matter what stage my mana core was at.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." I said, collecting the coins. I didn't want to quarrel with this person, especially since I'm only at the black core stage.

The man raised his leg, I instinctively pulled my hand away, reaching for a gold coin to myself. The man's foot stepped on a gold coin that I didn't have time to collect.

Looking at the man, I saw a smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well, yes, we have a little thief here," the man said loudly.

All the people in the "hotel" paid attention to me. Damn it, why did it have to be me? What did I do wrong to end up in such a lousy situation?

"I'm not a thief," I said.

"Yes? Then where did you get all these coins?" the man said, picking up the coin from the floor.

"Why should I tell you where I got these coins from? Who are you to me? Father?" I said, unable to resist my anger. Why the fuck should I say where I got these coins from?

"That's what everyone says. Unfortunately, I have to confiscate all these coins and give you to the guards," the man said with a sly smile.

Damn it, I'll believe you, you just want to take my coins!


The voice boomed throughout the "hotel".

"Leave the boy alone"

Turning my head in the direction of the voice, I was surprised. I saw a man of large build, he had gray hair, and a long white spear hung behind his back. But what surprised me about him was not his physique, but his mana core, it was yellow.

The man (Edward) next to me backed away: "Ah, l-leader, it's not what you thought, this boy is a thief."

A man with a strong build looked at Edward with a cold look: "Don't lie to me, I heard the whole conversation between you. Leave him alone, we don't have much time, the rest of the group will arrive soon."

Edward looked from me to my bag in his hands, "But the leader..." But Edward didn't have time to finish the sentence.

"Enough! Follow me, otherwise you will be left without a group," said a man of strong build and headed for the exit.

"N-good," Edward muttered and followed him.

Before leaving, Edward looked at me with a murderous expression on his face.

Come on, it's your own fault in this situation, you shouldn't have robbed the child.


"You're lucky, kid," a voice sounded behind me.

Looking at the source of the voice, I saw the fat man I had already talked to: "He could just beat you up and take your bag."

I just nodded my head.

But I immediately remembered something.

Fuck… That bastard took the coin from me…


After leaving this "hotel", I swore that I would not return to it again, too many troubles happened in this building.

After examining the street where I found myself, I was not surprised, everything was exactly as I imagined, an ordinary long stone road along which chariots were moving, on the sides of the main road there were narrow paths along which people walked, in general, an ordinary medieval world, only with magic.

The longer I walked along the road, the more convinced I became that the city I was in was not the city of Xyrus.

Wandering down the street, a stranger suddenly jumped out to me, he looked like an ordinary beggar.

"Give alms," the homeless man muttered.


[New task]

Give the homeless 4 gold coins.

[Reward – 100 points]

[penalty for failure to complete the task – your score will be -100 points]


What... looking at the system notification, I was stunned.

Why does a homeless person need 4 gold coins? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a miser, but I'm definitely not going to give 4 gold coins to a homeless person. It would be fine if he asked for silver coins, but gold…

Why would I give a bag of coins if I still have to give all the contents to the homeless?

Looking at the system notification, I sighed... okay, if it gives me at least some system points, then that's not bad.

Taking 4 gold coins out of my bag, I handed them to the homeless man. The homeless man who was looking at the gold coins was stunned and looked at me suspiciously.

I didn't wait for him to take the coins from my hands, but just put them in his hands.


[Mission accomplished]

[Reward – 100 points]

Congratulations to the user on the first successfully completed task.


After looking at the system notification, I nodded and took 4 coins from the homeless man's hands.

The homeless man looked at me dumbfounded.

"Ahahah... it was a joke... Bye," I said and ran away.