
TBATE: God of War

Famous magic warrior, Joziah King dies and reincarnates as a child in the world of TBATE. Finding that his lineage is not as simple as he assumed it to be, he sets out in order to find his mysterious father, and settle the score that was dealt.

Kikstart · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs


After the introductions were finished, the Gods said their respective hellos- Which were either grunts of affirmation, or just simple head nods, and went their own ways.

Leaving me alone with the one dubbed. Yevareth.

I was a little skeptical with the whole deity thing alongside them all being Gods. They don't seem all that Godlike despite their divine spark that gives it away.

If they didn't have that- They would be treated as regular mortal men. Like me.

"So, how do you like the Gods of Talsthym so far? Interesting, right?" Yevareth asked, snapping me back to reality. I nod in agreement, not fully there yet.

After a moment of silence I fall back into my thoughts, but it didn't last long.

"Come. I'll show you around your new home for the moment." Snapping me back to my new reality, the god waved me along. Intending on taking me for a joyride so to speak.

"For the moment? What's that supposed to mean?" I hung onto those words with a hint of hope in my heart. If what he's suggesting with those words were honest…

"Yes.. For the moment. You won't be staying here very long. You're a half-breed. Your physical self will eventually fix itself so it can welcome you again." He explained with a perplexed squint.

I froze in my tracks.

"I'm coming back to life!? So I'm Immortal!" I exclaimed, practically jumping to the sky. Yevareth let out a slight, under-breathed, 'ohhhh' before bursting into a chuckle.

"You've been immortal, boy. At least your soul has been. Anyways, come now. I really need to get you settled in and familiar with this place before we meet up with the other gents again."

Sliding in line beside him, I hummed to his words.

"Do I have to be there too? Sounds important." I shrugged, half falling into my own thoughts and ideas about what it is a group of Gods could be talking about.

Maybe its universal domination? Strategizing against another pantheon or something!

Mmm, could also be them wondering why their viewer count is so low.. They're probably running out of prayers.

"Mm, yes, you'll be expected to be there too. After all, it's your surprise." Yevareth and I met eyes as he said that. Flashing a mysterious smile all the while.

Seeing it sent chills down my spine…

Whatever it is, I don't think it'd be good.

Letting Yevareth drag me around the Godly Domain, I was finally shown to my quarters. A giant tree house meant for one person with wooden furniture all throughout it.

Slumping into my pillow a little deeper, I fell into thought.

Finally being alone allowed some time, so I figured I'd strategize. After all, I'm supposed to be coming back to life and I have absolutely no idea what that entails.

Will my body have grown in age? Will I come back to some random beast's stomach? Maybe I've already been found and taken to a nearby hospital where I was diagnosed as a coma patient, left to either die or wake up and continue to live again.

The latter is obviously true but ugh.

My mind drifted to my mother. To the happy memories we shared, to my first breath in the world and continent of Dicathen. To our first conversation.

That night at dinner, to the time we went to bed.

And then her death.

Emotion bubbled and swelled within my chest, tracing up and daring to turn into a liquid formation in my eyes. But the tears are swallowed back by an intense hatred for my father.

And the bastard he sent for my mother.

It was all his fault. Him and his stupid mysterious life. It was bad enough he didn't love and desire to be with us as a family, but to come back, months later to try and kill your fucking wife?

I couldn't forgive him.

"Sigh~ Not like I can do anything about it…" I mumble under my breath. No matter how much I hate him and pray for his death, I wont be the one to kill him.

I'm too weak. I couldn't even handle my own against a con-artist who didn't even use magic to wipe the floor with me. What the hell am I supposed to do when I actually go up against him?

But amongst these negative thoughts came a good one.

A moment of realization and a moment of underlying truth. I've died, and now I'm living with literal Gods of respective fields.

This is my chance to get stronger.

"I can use them… If it's strength I want, I can use them to get it."

"Use us how?"

I was snapped out of my own mind by a deep, gruff and scratchy voice. The one that greeted me was the one known as Zareeth. The one I know little to nothing about. Less than the other Gods at least.

'Fuck… There's no need to lie now. Say it.'

"...You all. You Gods. I can use you to reach my goals." I stated, gazing at the bridge of his nose. Not daring to look in his eyes. The man hummed, but stayed put at the entrance to my dorm.

Even through his closed eyes I could feel how intense his gaze was. It was like he was able to see everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.

The world, the wind, the smallest of insects and the tiniest of lies. The truth… I knew he could see it all.

It was like a sixth sense whispering into my ears confirming my thoughts.

"And what if we don't agree to be.. Used to your every whim? What if we don't wish to bend to you," His words caught my throat as if they were armed with a blade.

'S-Such.. Gah!' My thoughts were seized out of my own mind by this man- No, Gods, will. Leaving me wordless and thoughtless.. Just like any old beast I would've killed in my past life as Joziah King.

After a moment of silence, Zareeth released whatever hold he had on me and turned with a grunt.

"Do not forget your place here mortal. The only reason I even retrieved you from purgatory was for the fact you have use. And that usefulness is entirely up to you." He turned, floating out of the house.

"There will always be another anomaly. Don't forget."

Leaving with a threat, I collapse on my bed. Cold sweat dripping down my face and my back.

'H-He's dangerous…' But his presence was needed. Although I do have goals and a desired end game, I can't do it without them. And I damn sure can't do it if I'm fully dead.

I don't think wiping out and killing a soul completely is possible, but I don't doubt its possibility.

With a breath of fresh air, I breath out all of my newly gathered disappointment and hopelessness, and begin to prepare for the meeting I'm going to.

Yevareth is going to pick me up and take me there, I just need to be dressed and ready.

Turning around to inspect the room for any type of closet or drawer, I spot a note. One I didn't see before when I was first introduced to my room.

["Sorry, no clothes for you right now. But this mirror can fix that! Woohoo magic! Anyway, it'll also fix the appearance change your physical and spiritual body experienced through your first reincarnation.

Good Luck and see you soon <3

P.S. My magical eyes see all~"]

"Okaaaaay~ Anyways.." Spinning on my heel, I step in front of the magic mirror and wait for a change.

Nothing happens.

I wait some more.

Nothing happens…

"Is this shit broken..? So much for a magic mirror…" As I insult the so-called magic mirror, a paper note appears out of thin air floating just in front of my eyes.

Already open with its contents exposed.

["You must think about your old appearance as Joziah King and think about the outfit you wish to wear.



