

Despair and Misfortune have been a part of his life, even though he walked the path of a Warrior. With fate in his hands can he change the end of the beginning? As Arthur discovers a way to use fate to travel back in the past to change everything and save his loved ones from the mouth of despair.

Matty_Godspell · ファンタジー
3 Chs

CHAPTER 1 - A Dilemma

Arthur Leywin's POV:

I never imagined that one might use a godrune to travel back in time, but the djinns themselves were surprised by the godrunes level of perception and the entire mystic knowledge of aether. As I continued to comprehend my time travel prank, I suppose it was my mother who carried me to bed on her lap. It felt warm and cosy, but I understood better than anybody that this wasn't for long enough. My inner instincts initially told me that this was just a dream, but a mongrel living inside of me overruled those feelings.

Regis responded while still inside my aether core, "You definitely think a lot for a child who couldn't even speak. I still had my aether core, but there wasn't enough of it to summon Regis in his wolf form and allow him to assist me with my body. Mom led me to the bed and began humming a lullaby for me, which felt warm and cosy while I continued to consider the matter.Yet mother's smile was more soothing than the lullaby.

From that day when I revealed my secret and rebirth to her, I missed seeing her face. In order to prevent anyone from ever feeling the same level of hopelessness that we did during the war, I will defend my family with all of my strength and power "You are there! Are you having problems going potty, Art, honey?" My mother called me out while I was ruminating on the circumstance for the future.

A lance from the future and a monarch from a previous universe were both defeated by the needs of my child's body, which made it extremely embarrassing. Regis, who was taking full advantage of my embarrassing situation, laughed maniacally. I was carried away forcibly to have my diaper changed; unexpectedly, it was full by the time I noticed. She picked me up and tenderly held me in her arms.


*After two years*

Since I started working on my aether core two years ago to store more ambient aether by creating at least the first layer of aether over the core, Regis' assistance made the process go much more quickly than I had anticipated. Understanding what awakening entails, I made the decision to awaken as soon as possible because it would be preferable for inevitable future situations.

My father and mother were pleased and agreed to have me trained, but I realised after a few days that we would be splitting apart for a too short period of time. I recently did awaken, but once again like the last timeline, the home got blown off like an explosion with it. We were currently travelling to Xyrus, and I was prepared for what would happen and how I would handle the problem involving Sylvia and the bandits.

My thoughts turned to Sylvie, who I had lost a second time after her first sacrifice during the fight with Cadell and Nico. I couldn't wait to see her again in this timeline, even though I knew she wasn't present at the time. Would she believe me if I told her about her family history and the events that were destined to take place in the future?


"...I've left you, my kid, and I hope you're having the time of your life, King Grey." As I regained consciousness, I overheard a voice that was all too familiar. I shouted, "Sylvia!" and sprinted towards her, hoping that this time I might save her. Regis, however, had already moved to block my way and was standing still when I started to run. In a fit of rage, fury, and grief about losing her, I yelled, "Move Regis, I have to save her as fast as possible."

"Why on earth are you thinking that? You don't even know how far away she is, and even if you did, do you think Agrona would pretend not to notice that one of the strongest scythes simply vanished into thin air while pursuing a wounded asura? "Regis responded, stabbing me in the heart with a painful dagger, but he was correct.

If I had attempted to save Sylvia by changing the timeline instead, all of my efforts might have been in vain. I might lose some crucial details in the future I already know as a result of this. While I continued to consider the possibility of preserving Sylvia My thoughts began to wander to the hatched egg Sylvia had given me, which was lying on the ground. But how had the egg hatched so quickly?

A tiny black dragon stopped me in my tracks and peered at me with tearful eyes as if she had found someone she had lost. Sylvie asked with a voice full of tears, "Papa?" I raced up to her as the word left her side and knelt down to give her a bear embrace because I knew she hadn't forgotten about me at all. We hugged and sobbed together for a long, but just as I was ready to start talking about Sylvia, Sylvie cut me off.

"It's okay, papa. I am aware of how much your relationship with my mother was special to you. Mother trusted you with the future and wanted to give everything she had to ensure that you had a better future "Sylvie remarked in a melancholy tone, cuddling the baby with her tiny hands. I smiled back at my daughter and realized that day she wouldn't have to give herself up for me a third time. I got to my feet and made the decision to look inside my body to see what alterations Sylvia's beast will have caused.

My eyes were a mix of blue with some gold in them, and my hair was no longer completely auburn; it now had some hair threads that were sand-gold in hue. In contrast to my human physique, my skin was noticeably whiter than before. Since Sylvia's Beast would be absorbed in fine sync with your half-asura body, Regis said, "I don't like to say, but right now your body seems to be stronger than the previous timeframe." My body felt much stronger than before and both of the bonds were back in sync, so I looked inside to feel my core. My Aether core was next to my mana core, which was in the dark red stage. I could feel Sylvia's Beast gleaming with the power it held as I gazed into my mana core.

Regis smirked but maintained his serious demeanour as he asked, "So what's the plan princess?"

It's time to save Tess, so let's go.