
What we fight for


Fayden winced at the intensity of Nathan's voice, "Why're you yelling?"

He whipped his neck toward's him, "You can hear me?"

"Of course I can hear you." Fayden almost rolled his eyes.

"I've been yelling for the past fifteen minutes, none of you responded."

Noctis sighed, "I hid him away when the Asura's came, I could not risk them finding out about him."

Fayden furrowed his brows, "Why would you need to hide him from the Asura's?"

"Yeah! I've done nothing to piss them off!" Nathan added in.

Noctis' eyebrow twitched, and he grumbled under his breath, "Did he not tell you anything?"

"What do you mean?"

Noctis shook his head, "Nevermind. The reason I hid you is because the Indrath clan absolutely despises your kind, even more so than us. If Aldir and the other Asura had seen you and realized who you are, even my presence wouldn't stop them from trying to kill you."

Nathan sucked in a quick breath, "My father did mention something about a King Indrath…"

The Marchosias nodded, "That prick wants nothing more than hunting us to extinction."

"Ah…thank you."

"Of course, your father wouldn't let me see the light of day if I let you die under my watch."

"What's the plan now anyways?" Fayden asked, diverting Noctis' attention.

"The plan," Noctis glanced at all four of them, "Is to take all of you to Losvillion, the homeland of the Marchosias."

"All of us?" Elijah echoed, "I assumed you would only be taking Fayden and Nathan."

Noctis turned to face him, "If you stay here, Elijah Knight, Agrona will find a way to abduct you. And once he does, he will turn you to his side. Besides, I don't think Fayden would appreciate it if I left his friend behind, now would he."

"You're damn right I wouldn't." Fayden added with a click of his tongue.

"You should go say goodbye to your families, you will not be returning for quite some time." Noctis advised, he knew lessers had shorter lifespans and that every moment was precious to them.

"Wait, what?" Nathan exclaimed, "We can't even visit?"

Noctis shook his head, "I'm afraid not, it is impractical to open too many rifts to Losvillion."

"How far is it?" It was Fayden who spoke this time.

"In a way it's the farthest thing you can imagine." Noctis said cryptically, "If you come, you will not be able to return until either your training ends or the war begins."

"..." Elijah remained silent, he had no family to speak of anyway so he wasn't worried.

Fayden sighed, "I suppose it's a compromise we have to make."

"You can't be serious!"

Fayden turned to face Nathan. "Nathan, think about it. The Indrath are hunting you, and if they find you there's nothing you can do. At least when the war begins, they'll be too busy to look for you."

Noctis nodded, "Aside from that, if you accept our protection then they will have no choice but to give up. They may be strong, but they too cannot fight two wars at the same time."

Nathan didn't look at them, he knew they were right and him staying would only endanger his mother. He sighed deeply, "Fine, I accept. Where do we meet up after saying our goodbyes?"

Noctis smiled cryptically, "I'll find you."




As Nathan separated from them, Elijah chose to follow Fayden; he might as well take the opportunity to ask the Marchosias a few questions.

Noctis prompted to stay behind once they reached the castle, Elijah nodding with him. Fayden gave them a look, but eventually shrugged and went in.

"What is it you wish to ask?" Noctis' sudden question startled him.

He opened his mouth to ask how he knew that, but he supposed it was pretty much written on his face. He decided to begin asking his questions, "What do you know of the Vritra?"

Noctis raised an eyebrow, "A mighty bunch, they are. It makes sense, considering they've devolved from us Marchosias. What do you wish to know?"

Inhaling, Elijah let his hold on the dark and oppressive mana relax, and his Vritra appearances returned full force. "What am I?"

"A Vritra-blooded human," Noctis answered simply, "Who is apparently capable of increasing the potency of his Vritra blood by absorbing Vritra mana."

Elijah blinked. "Uh, okay. Then what are these grey flames?"

His arm burst out in said flames, reaching up to his elbow.

"Soulfire," Noctis said with narrowed eyes, "Flames that harm the very soul of a person. nigh impossible to stop. I've also heard instances of it being used to heal wounds."

"So it wasn't just leeching off their stamina…" Elijah noted, it was an interesting spell. He turned back to Noctis. "Why do your people hate the Vritra so much?"

"That question will have to wait until they other two return." Noctis asserted firmly, he did need to brief them on his race's history.

Elijah sighed; he supposed he would have to wait for more answers.




"What?!" Alduin yelled, "For how long?!"

Fayden shrugged, "A few years, until the war begins."

"And you cannot even visit?" Merial said sorrowfully.

"Better to lose a few years and come back stronger than lose my life on the battlefield before I can even do anything."

Virion sighed. "Tessia isn't going to take this well."

"Why do you think I want to get this done before she wakes up?" Fayden shot back.

"I know you will be fine under their care, but please try to take care of yourself." Was the only thing Virion said after that.

"I'll try." Fayden smiled slightly, "But even if i don't, Nathan will make sure I do."

"Nathan? The boy with the strange eyes?" His mother commented, "He is going with you?"

Fayden nodded, "And Elijah. We would've taken Arthur too but the Asura's got to him first."

"Speaking of the Asura's," Virion glanced around, unsure if they were listening, "Your benefactor seemed to have some history with them."

Fayden sighed, "To be honest, I don't know why either. But the Marchosias absolutely hate the Asura's."

"It is a bit concerning…" Alduin muttered.

"I trust him," Fayden shrugged, "If he had ill intentions towards me he would've done that fifteen years ago."

"I suppose that's fair." He nodded in acceptance.

Fayden sighed, "Well, it's time for me to go."

"Wait!" Merial stepped forward, wrapping Fayden in her arms. "Please, stay safe."

Fayden awkwardly patted her back, "Don't worry, I'll be back in no time. This is goodbye, not farewell."

Fayden glanced at everyone in the room once more after Merial released him from the hug, and he walked out.

"You thought you could leave without even saying goodbye?" Aya's voice sent shivers down his back.

Fayden sighed, "There's a reason I didn't immediately Void Step away."

"Good luck with your training." Alea patted his shoulder, genuinely happy.

"I overheard that you can't pay a visit," Aya walked seductively to him. "A simple kiss won't suffice for years of absence this time."

Fayden rolled his eyes, "Focus on preparing for the war, not your innate sexual desires." He turned towards the other lance, "The next time I see you, you'd better be a white core mage."

Alea grinned, "Aye, Aye, captain."

He turned towards Aya, sucking in a quick breath of alarm as he felt tender fingers caress his face.

"I'll miss you."

Fayden wanted to sigh, but he settled for grabbing her hand instead. He hesitated for a second, but he had already decided. Pulling her closer, he leaned forward giving her a quick peck on her cheek, "Sorry Aya, but this will have to do."

Before she could recover from his actions, Fayden walked away.

As he tried to calm his racing heart, he almost didn't notice someone standing in front of him. Thankfully he managed to catch himself before he could collide with her. "Sorry ab- Tessia?"

Indeed it was his younger sister standing in front of him, her hands at her hips. "You were about to leave without telling me, weren't you?"

"Of course not." He tried to salvage the situation, "I was just about to look for you."

'That excuse is so bad even I am cringing.'

'Oh shut up,'

Tessia narrowed her eyes, "My room is on the other side."

'Shit.' "I didn't sense you there, so I went in the direction I did sense you in."

"You almost bumped into me, if you were focusing on your surroundings you wouldn't have."

"..." Fayden deadpanned at her, "Since when did you get so perceptive?"

Tessia looked hurt, "So you were planning on leaving without telling me."

"I didn't want to bother you while you were resting."

"And you leaving out of the blue wouldn't have bothered me?"

Fayden remained silent for a while, he really had no excuse. He sighed, "It's not like I'm going away for good. At the longest, it'll be 3-4 years."

"Four years…" She trailed off, "What if…what if I joi-"

"No." Fayden cut her off, "You will stay here."

"Why?! I need to get stronger too!"

"Tessia," Fayden said calmly, "What do you think will happen to mom and dad if we both leave?"

"What if one of us dies in the war?" Tessia retorted, "What do you think will happen to them then?"


'She's scared.'

'No shit sherlock.'

"Tessia, you have seen what they can be like." Of course, he was referring to the incident with her beast will, "Do you want to go even after knowing that?"

Tessia hesitated; did she? If Fayden's Beast Will alone scared her to that extent, what would a continent full of those things do?

"You are strong Tessia," Fayden reassured, "You're a solid yellow core mage at only thirteen years old. But I don't want you to be on the front lines with us. Call it me being selfish, but I'd rather not have my sister face the dangers of war."

"Wha- Of course I'll be on the front lines! I'm not going to hide like a coward!" Tessia yelled in indignation, "I'm not some damsel in distress."

Fayden opened his mouth, a playful smile on his face.

"I swear to god if you mention the slave traders thing I will kick you where it hurts."

Fayden promptly shut up.

Tessia sighed, "Do you really think I shouldn't go?"

"Yeah, it won't do you any good if you were to go there now." Fayden flashed her a grin, "Tell you what, I'll personally train you when I get back."

She perked up upon hearing that, "Really?"

Fayden chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Really."

"You better hold on to that promise."

"I will," Fayden smiled, silver runes appearing under his eyes, "See you in four years, little sister."

"Hey-!" Tessia's voice cut out as Fayden Void Stepped away.




"You're done, I assume?" Noctis said with a raised eyebrow upon his return.

Fayden nodded. "Yeah, I'm all good. Nathan's the only one left now."

Noctis hummed in agreement, "Then we shall go to him."

Fayden's vision blanked for a fraction of a second, and then they were there. The massive Manor that belonged to House Ambers.

Fayden whistled, silently appreciating the ruby and gold adorned mansion. It felt like a true noble's mansion compared to the Helstea Manor. It was still nothing compared to the royal palace, though.

They were right on time, it seemed; Nathan had just exited the manor with his mother's worried frame behind him.

"I'll be fine mom, you just take care of yourself." He bid her goodbye, walking over to the others. "So, when do we leave?"


Their vision darkened once more and a moment later they were standing in the skies above Dicathen, an invisible floor under them.

Noctis silently brought out a single ornate dagger from behind his waist. It was mainly blue, a rich cobalt. The blade seemed to be made out of pure sapphire, and everything below its crossguard was adorned with gold and obsidian. With every movement space seemed to ripple at its tip.

"Take a good look around; burn this view into your eyes. The continent you are fighting for, and the continent you are fighting against."

The sun began setting upon Dicathen, and another continent came into view. It looked like a laughing skull with a single horn at its forehead.

"Alacrya." Fayden whispered, that was their enemy. It seemed so small from where they were, as if he could destroy it with a single spell.

Noctis stabbed the dagger into the very air, cracking the veil of reality itself, "And I welcome you,"

A rift in space formed, and it opened up to the skies of a new world. "To the land of the Marchosias, a world so different, yet so similar to your own."

He turned, a sly smile on his face as he gazed at our reactions. "Losvillion."