
Fragmented Psyche

The next day an unannounced visitor came to visit.

Fayden sighed, who could it be now? Looking down at his drenched clothes, he realized he couldn't just open the door the way he was.

After confirming Nathan was asleep, he void stepped out of his clothes and hurriedly put on another set of sleepwear, kicking his wet clothes to a corner.

Opening the door, he was met with a fist coming his way. Now alert, Fayden moved to the side, grabbing the hand he pulled his assailant closer. A blade of razor sharp water formed in his hand as he placed it at their neck, drawing just a bit of blood.

"Wha- Gramps? The fuck are you doing here?" Fayden dispelled the water blade, inviting his grandfather inside.

Grinning, his grandfather opened his mouth to speak, but something caught his eye. He walked up to a pile of wet clothes, where the pungent smell of sweat lingered. Looking back he saw the faint, but slowly forming bags underneath Fayden's eyes, his wet hair and beads of sweat still on his forehead.

Fayden sighed silently, 'Here we go.' Flicking his fingers, he conjured a sphere of sound magic around them.

"Are you having nightmares Fayden?" He used his name, something he rarely did showing how serious he really was.

"A scare or two, it's nothing to worry about Gramps." Fayden tried reassuring him, but he knew he wouldn't believe him.

Virion narrowed his eyes, "Is it related to the dungeon you were last in?"

"...Yes." Fayden lied, what else could he say? 'I'm having nightmares about the death of my family in my past life?'

Something told him that would be unwise.

Virion sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I should've known you weren't fine, no matter how unaffected you looked outside."

"It's fine, they'll pass." Fayden was tempted to say he'd had worse nightmares.

"You need help brat, you can't face everything alone." Virion barked.

'The fucking irony.'

"Gramps, I have neither the time nor the patience for some random therapist." Fayden said seriously. "These nightmares will pass, I'm sure of it."

Virion opened his mouth to protest, but stopped when Fayden raised an arm.

"I wasn't done talking. I'm willing to make a compromise; if I don't get rid of these nightmares by summer break, I'll attend whatever therapy classes you have in mind."

Virion sighed. "Very well, but promise me that you will let us know if they get out of control."

Fayden nodded, "I will."

"Good, now I suppose you're aware of Tessia's situation." Virion continued on.

"I am, yes."

"I'm here because I think it might have been tampered with." Virion concluded.

Fayden raised an eyebrow in confusion, "I'm certain Arthur wouldn't do anything to harm Tess."

Virion shook his head, "I don't mean the core, I mean the beast itself had been tampered with."

"So, a mutated Elderwood then?" Fayden was confused, this world wasn't advanced enough for generic engineering.

"Exactly. In fact, the Lances are being sent on expeditions to every dungeon in Dicathen to find the source of these beasts." Virion explained. "I saw a mutated beast one time, Fayden, and it…"

"What?" Fayden asked.

Virion sighed, "Honestly…it reminded me of your Beast Will."

Fayden's eyes widened, the time he spent with Noctis flashed by his eyes. Could they have…? No, Noctis was many things but this was not one of them. Perhaps someone else from the same race?

"Yes, Noctis' people, our God's people, they might be the ones responsible for this." Virion saw the realization in his eyes as he made the connection.

Fayden narrowed his eyes, "Let's go give Tessia a visit."




Tessia Eralith was asleep when half of her family entered the room unannounced. Fayden headed right to her side, he breathed deeply, letting all his elements flow through his veins and channels.

He placed an arm over her core, sensing something violent deep inside. His Beast Will pulsed, and the next time he opened his eyes, he was inside Tessia's inner world.

"Wha-! Fayden?! How are you here?" Tessia had almost bumped into him, it seemed she was running from something.

An earth rending roar drew his attention, he could feel the ground vibrating with every stomp it took as it soon came into view.

"You need to run! That thing is dangerous!" Tessia tugged at his arm, but he wouldn't budge.

He turned his head, smiling, "Don't worry about me Tess, I'm a white core mage with a divine Beast Will remember?"

Silver runes flashed on his body, an eerie silver glow encompassed his pupils as his hair grew longer and darker.

Tessia watched in awe as dozens of beings appeared behind Fayden, some canine and some humanoid. They were faceless, featureless. Their very self was made of something that resembled a starry cosmos.

Fayden stared at them, this was not Noctis. Looking at them he was reminded of the time he had almost died, when his body had been possessed by what seemed like hundreds of spirits.

The Elderwood Guardian came into view. Fayden instantly noticed the grey snake wrapped around its body, hissing beside its head, as if whispering something to its ear.

Narrowing his eyes, he held his arm out, the humanoid beings followed him while the wolves howled.

The snake hissed violently as an invisible force ripped it off the S-Class mana beast. Its eyes widened in fear as it landed right in the centre of the group of Nacht based beings.

Chills ran down Tessia's spine, and though they had no mouth, she felt like they were grinning at that very moment.

Their fingers extended, claws forming and their faces ripped open to form mouths. And Tessia watched in horror as they hacked and chewed, slaughtering and devouring the basilisk, leaving nothing behind.

"This…" Fayden muttered, there was shock evident on his face. "Just what did Noctis inject into me?"

Tessia screamed, a sound laced with fear and disgust and Fayden was kicked out of her inner world.

He almost fell on his ass at the sudden action. He noticed Tessia awake, "What happ-"

His voice died down upon seeing the look on her face.

"S-st-stay away!" Her voice cracked, her eyes trembling un unadulterated fear. She scrambled away, desperate to make some distance between them. Her hand slipped, and she lost her balance.

Without thinking, Fayden void stepped next to her, grabbing her before she could fall.

Tessia screamed. She thrashed around violently, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

It felt as if someone was driving a dagger into his chest; a serrated, barbed dagger.

Fayden set her down gently, wincing as she scurried away.

He stood up, his hair hiding his eyes, and then he bolted.

Virion was too shocked to say anything, unmoving even as Tessia whimpered on the infirmary floor.

Fayden stopped attending classes after that.




There was no apparent change in Fayden, he attended the DC meetings and did his part as a member. He was asked a few times why he wouldn't attend his classes, but he just said that he already knew the course by heart.

It was when his sister was mentioned that his mood would turn sour, he'd clench his teeth, avert his face, and become completely silent. They didn't know if it was anger or sadness.

It was both. Anger at himself for emotionally scarring his sister, maybe permanently. And sadness at the way she would react around him.

In fact, she had approached him a few days after the incident.

*Knock knock*

Fayden sighed, he knew that mana signature. "Nathan," he called.

"Yea, I'll go get the door." Nathan got up and began walking to the door

"Could you leave us alone for a few minutes?"

Normally Nathan would question it, but there was something in his tone that made him stop.

He nodded, "Of course."

Opening the door, he let Tessia in and swiftly slipped out.

"U-um," she stuttered, struggling to find the right words, "I-I though a-about wh-what I s-saw that day and how I re-reacted."

She cursed herself for stumbling over her words.

Fayden didn't react, he just stared at her, expressionless.

Tessia gulped, "I-I wan-wanted to apo-apologize-"

"Don't force yourself," Fayden interrupted, "you need time after what you saw, it's understandable. Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to."

"But I do! I k-know what I said w-was cruel-"

"Tessia, it's blindingly obvious that you're scared shitless of me right now." Fayden pointed out in deadpan.

"I'll wait for you, so take as much time as you need." Fayden walked up to her, smiling as he tried to pat her shoulder reassuringly.

Tessia winced as his arm got closer. Freezing, he retracted his arm back, "Right, sorry about that."

He walked out of the room, pretending not to hear the sheer vulgarity of the curses his sister muttered.

Fayden sighed wearily, he needed to get a hold of himself. 'Anyone would be terrified after seeing that, I can't blame her for being afraid of me. All I can do is wait and stop being an emo bitch.'

'So you're finally coming to your senses.'

Fayden rolled his eyes, 'Very helpful, Zeke.'

'I wasn't trying to be helpful.'

He shook his head, noticing Nathan coming into view.

"So, how did it go?" Nathan did not know exactly what had happened, but he could speculate that something had happened between them.

"As good as it could be in this situation. We made some progress and I managed to pull myself out of my own self wallowing."

"That's good, I think?" Nathan sounded uncertain, "What really happened between you two?"

Fayden sighed, "You remember how she fainted during the mock battle right?"

Nathan nodded.

"That was because she was having trouble assimilating. Naturally, I tried to help her, but when I did she caught a glimpse of my memories. And as fate would have it, being the little bitch that it is, it was a particularly traumatizing one; especially for a thirteen year old child."

"Ah." Nathan didn't know what to say. "I'm sure things will be fine between you two, after all it's not your fault is it?"

The picture of his beast will devouring the basilisk corrupting the Elderwood flashed across his mind, "Nah, it's just something I saw as an adventurer."

"I see." Nathan changed the topic. "Anyway, did you notice the fluctuation right now?"

Fayden nodded, "Of course I did. But he'll be fine, it's nothing he can't handle."

"We should go and check at least." Nathan persisted. "It could be something important."

"Fine, I have nothing better to do anyway."




By a twist of fate, they arrived right as Sylvie transformed into her dragon form.

"Wha-?! A dragon?! How did-Weren't they-I dont-"

"Calm down Nathan, you're hyperventilating." Fayden patted his back.

"Calm?! How can I be calm after seeing a freaking dragon?!"

"I'll explain everything later, but I'd prefer you kept this a secret." Fayden promised, already considering which of his secrets he could reveal.

Nathan nodded reluctantly as they walked up to Arthur, right as Claire ran in.

"Arthur! I just sensed a large mana fluctuation. What happened?" She asked, noticing the destruction that had ensued.

Arthur glanced at the three newcomers, "I don't exactly know. He just started bursting with mana before going crazy and attacking me."

Claire silently knelt down and pulled the boy's shirt up.

Normally, Fayden would make a comment about how bold Claire was, stripping a boy right out in the open but the blood runes on his spine made him stop.

"Not another one…" He heard Claire mutter.

Fayden knelt beside her, his arm on the boy's back. The runes, why was it that they felt so familiar to him?