
A Bizarre Rommate

Fayden sighed in front of the door to his dorm room. He had a roommate; it seemed that even royalty had to share a room. He sighed again. He had to watch himself in the academy. Inhaling, he knocked at the door.

"Come in!"

Turning the knob, Fayden entered the room to a truly peculiar sight.

A boy stood in the room, reddish orange hair falling to his shoulders like licks of flames. His eyes were a peculiar mix of red-gold, a golden diamond in place of his irises. Fayden could smell the distinct yet faint smell of something burning from him. The fire and wind mana in his core shook as if excited. Fayden's eyes glowed as he activated his acquire phase. He was right, the red and green motes were swirling around the boy, resonating to his very being.

Fayden narrowed his eyes, "Who are you?"

"Greetings, I shall be your roommate for your stay at Xyrus academy." The boy answered as if he had rehearsed it. "Nathan Ambers, pleased to meet you."

"Fayden Eralith." He reluctantly accepted his hand, his eyes widened when he felt the fire and wind mana leave his core, heading for his hand. Panicking, he forced his control on the mana, blocking the leak.

"Ah, I apologize for that. I don't know why that happens, but I can usually keep it under control." Nathan immediately broke contact with Fayden's arm.

"It's…fine." Fayden accepted the apology, experimenting on his control over his own mana.

"So, uh, a Prince huh?"

Fayden scoffed, "Forget the part about me being the Prince, I've rejected my heritage anyway."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, my sister will be the next ruler of Elenoir. I never liked the whole being a king thing."

"That's…interesting to say the least." Nathan mused, thankful he wouldn't have to be so formal when with him.

Fayden nodded, "I have to say, your control over fire and wind mana is rather impressive."

"Not as impressive as the effect you have on mana in general." Nathan commented, walking deeper into the room. Fayden followed, confused by his statement.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not sense it? The mana is shaking, hell even the fire and wind mana surrounding me moved away to make space when you shook my hand. It's almost as if it's scared of you."

"But mana isn't sentient?" Fayden enquired.

Nathan shook his head, "It isn't, that's why it's even more surprising."

'It's not just the mana, the purple motes behave in the exact same way.'

'How have I never noticed it?'

'Everytime you use your beast will, you instantly use some form of magic. Mana, the purple particles, and nacht listen to you nigh instantly, providing no resistance. Nathan is right, it feels like they're scared of you.'

'This is…'

"Who're you talking to?" Nathan asked, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Fayden blinked, "Uh, what makes you think I'm talking to someone?"

Nathan adopted a neutral expression, pointing at his shoulder.

Fayden looked down, a blob floated over his shoulder, two white star like lights made for its eyes. He sighed.

"Caught me already. This is my bond, Ezekiel or Zeke for short."

Zeke jumped down his shoulder, attaining his wolf form but with the size of a doberman.

Nathan's eyes widened, "What is he? I've never seen such a mana beast."

Zeke growled at being called a beast, "Please refrain from calling me a beast, I hate that term."

The poor boy stumbled and fell on his backside, a look of absolute shock evident on his face, "Y-you can talk?!"

Fayden's bond rolled his eyes, "Excellent observation."

"Zeke," Fayden warned, "be nice."

He sighed, "Fine."

"I've never heard of an intelligent mana beast. Sure, some people can communicate with their bonds, but it's only on a vague level." Nathan dusted his clothes as he got back on his feet. "Today is full of surprises."

"That's enough about me, what about you? What's your story?" Fayden changed the topic, his curiosity had peaked.

"I come from a noble family, my mother is the current head of the Amber's household. I'm a dual-elemental mage, I'm sure you've realized."

Fayden nodded in affirmation, "Does everyone in your family look so…outlandish?"

He sighed, "No, I've been told I got most of my features from my father."

"Considering your tone, it's safe to assume you have never met him. Am I right?"

"Tact, Zeke, heard of it?" Fayden snarked, glaring at his bond.

"Ah…my apologies."

"It's alright, I don't mind." Nathan waved away the apology. "You're right, I never met him. In fact he left right before my birth if what my mother says is true. She said he had to leave, and that dangerous beings were hunting him."

Zeke felt a sense of familiarity from his story, as if he had been through something similar. But that couldn't be right, he had always been with his bond.

"Dangerous beings?" Fayden questioned.

He nodded, "Yeah, she mentioned something about a King Indrath and how my father's presence could bring us to his attention."

Zeke froze, that name; it sounded so familiar yet so unknown. A palpable rage settled on him and for some reason, he snarled, his razor sharp teeth showing, making Nathan gulp in fear. Had he said something he shouldn't have?


Fayden's voice brought him to his senses, confusion replaced his anger, why was he angry in the first place?

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Even Zeke himself didn't believe his words.

"Zeke." Fayden's tone shifted.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." He reassured his bond, jumping on his shoulder as he took the form of a blob once again.

"Was it something I said?" Nathan asked, feeling guilty about the situation.

Fayden could feel the anger receding from Zeke's mind, "Don't feel guilty about it, he'll be fine, he said it himself."

Before they could continue their conversation, a knock resounded from the door.

Fayden got up to open the door, raising an eyebrow once he saw who it was. "Director Goodsky. To what do we owe this pleasure?"

"Good evening Fayden, may I come in?"

"Of course." Fayden opened the door for her, walking in behind her.

"Oh hey Ms. Goodsky." Nathan greeted, a sense of familiarity in his words.

"Evening Nathan, I see you have already met your roommate."

"You bet."

Fayden cleared his throat, "So Director, what did you want?"

"Please, call me Cynthia." The aged woman settled down on the couch.

Fayden shrugged, "Sure." At times like these, his royal background helped.

"Hmm, strange I cannot sense your core."

"That's because I'm a white core mage."

Nathan stumbled and fell for the second time that day, "SAY WHAT NOW?!"

"Could you please repeat that?"

"I said, that's because I'm a white core mage."

Cynthia furrowed her brows, it was true, it had to be. She herself was a high silver core mage, if she couldn't sense him…

'The boy tells the truth Cynthia,' her bond spoke in her mind, clearing her of any doubts.

"Very peculiar indeed, and a dual elemental mage to boot." Cynthia failed to keep the disbelief from her voice.

Fayden glanced at Nathan, he felt like he could trust him, "Actually, I'm a quadra elemental mage."

Cynthia blinked, "Eh?"

"Now you're just lying." Nathan retorted, that wasn't possible.

Fayden sighed, unraveling his seal and released a bit of his mana into the atmosphere. He floated off the ground, his hands vibrating with the power of earth. Twin wings of fire and water manifested on his back. He did enjoy the look on their faces when he did that.

"Wh-wha-WHAT THE HELL?!" Nathan gaped at him, was that the reason mana behaved so strangely around him?

'What are you? The god of theatrics?'

'It's fun to see their reactions, sue me.'

But he noticed something, the director wasn't as surprised as he expected. In fact, she seemed to be familiar with the sight.

"Am I right in assuming you visited Arthur Leywin prior to this?"

Now that surprised her, "You know…"

He almost rolled his eyes at her, "Of course, I helped train him for three years."

"So you're the one he mentioned."

"Aw, he mentioned me. Only good things I presume?" Fayden grinned coyly.

Cynthia chuckled, "Rest assured, he didn't say anything negative."

"Anyways, what I came here for was to invite you to join the Disciplinary Committee starting this year."

"The Disciplinary Committee?"

"Unlike the Student Council members that are chosen on a broader criteria, the Disciplinary Committee is strictly based on strength. Your responsibilities won't nearly be as broad as the Student Council and being in the Disciplinary Committee gives you the chance to work with students, some of which are also deviants, that are all strong in their own fields." She made good points. "Although I suppose that last bit won't be of much use to you."

Fayden could only guess who could be on the team. "What are the advantages of being in the Disciplinary Committee?"

"One of the main advantages is access to underground training grounds cloaked from the outside."

Now that was tempting, perhaps I could go all out during my stay after all.

Cynthia noticed the glint in his eyes, "Your friend, Arthur, is also in it."

"Alright I'm sold." Fayden blurted out. "Wait if it's based on strength…" he trailed off, his eyes moving to his roommate.

"You guessed it." Nathan had a proud smile on his face.

"Now that that's settled, there is one condition."

A lick of dread washed over Fayden, "Yes?"

"You will not be an official member."

"Excuse me?"

"Director, what?"

"The members of the committee will know of your status, but the other students won't. My intention is to have you keep an eye on them when the others are occupied. With you, they will not be as vigilant and will slip up. After all, trickery does triumph over authority at times." She winked coyly, flicking her fingers as an object ejected out of her dimension ring. "Here, this will act as proof of your membership."

Two swords crossed over a figure was engraved onto a ring, the texture of which looked much similar to that of damascus steel.

Accepting the ring Fayden put it on his left ring finger, "I'll still have the advantages of being a member right?"

"Maybe not the social status, but your royal blood makes up for that."

"I suppose…"

"Well, enjoy your night, you two." She bid them farewell, right before the clock struck nine. It was time for dinner.

"Come on, we should go if we don't want to be late." Nathan called seemingly having accepted Fayden's circumstances.

Fayden raised an eyebrow, "I thought you had questions?"

"Oh I do, but it can wait until dinner." Nathan's tone promised that they would be having a talk soon.

Fayden sighed, "Very well."




Arthur Leywin was annoyed, the noble who had introduced himself as Charles Ravenpoor had been pestering Elijah for a while now, and though he wanted to snap he restrained himself.

"...You must have lived in a cave or something if you don't know the difference between us and-ack!"

Charles spun back, a tick on his forehead but his anger vanished as soon as he noticed who had bumped into him.

"P-prince Fayden!"

Fayden stared at him as if he was inferior to him, "Piss off, you're bothering my friends."


"Did I stutter?"

Charles gulped on his own saliva. "My apologies."

Fayden didn't spare them another glance as they scurried away, instead he walked over beside Arthur and put his plate down, "Mind if we sit here?"

Elijah deadpanned at the way his tone changed to a more friendly one.

"Sure, go ahead."

As Nathan settled down, sitting beside Elijah, opposite to Fayden, he caught Fayden's eye, glancing pointedly at the other two.

"Ah right, Arthur, Elijah, this is Nathan Ambers, my roommate. Nathan, this is Arthur Leywin and Elijah…err what's your last name?" Fayden looked at the bespectacled boy.

Elijah fixed his spectacles, "Knight, Elijah Knight. Pleased to meet you."

Nathan nodded, "The pleasure's all mine."

"So," Fayden turned to face Arthur, "you accepted Cynthia's proposal huh?"

"Are you sure you should call her by her first name?" Arthur glanced at him from the sides of his eyes.

Fayden shrugged, "Eh, I'm royalty and she herself asked I call her that, let the others think what they want."

Fayden's ears twitched, hearing someone sigh behind him, "Why am I not surprised?"

"Sup Tess, how've you been?"