
TBATE - A Cliche Transmigration!

Transmigrated once before, Sin begins his newfound journey once again in the world of TBATE! Gifted wishes powerful enough to fight Gods. Or even conquer them.

CrippledFrank · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

- The Start.

??? POV.


Did that really just happen?' My thoughts were surprisingly calm after my death. I thought I'd be more… Upset? Scared? Angry?

I don't really know, but this wasn't the first time. And that big guy over there, is proof. Standing in front of me was a giant man, skin was dark, almost like chocolate. But it shone like diamonds in the sky. His skin alone was beautiful and no matter how many times I have seen him, I'm still caught by his overwhelming beauty.

No homo though, he's just good looking.

Atop his head rested his hair. White in color, arguably as white as snow. But that mixed with his skin only served to highlight the most astonishing parts of his beauty.

His tribal runes that ran up and down his chest, arms, and legs. Probably his back as well, but I've never seen it before. After all, our meetings have all been very short.

"Seems we meet again…" He spoke, his voice a deep mixture of domination and a soothing tone. His teeth are just as white, or whiter than his hair. A small smile that radiated warmth shined through as well…

Jeez, I sound like I'm in love with the guy.

Sighing, I shake my head.

"Yep, back once again old friend. Can I call you that? I think I can call you that. We've had chats like these before, that makes us friends, right?" I say half joking half not. Just curious about his thought process.

I'm sure he knows my objective though, he's a God after all.

"Haha, I don't think we're that close just yet… You call me friend but all you've been doing is extorting power from me." He said with a smile. It was one of those, lips open eyes closed type smiles. It was pretty spooky.

Shivering a little I tried to laugh it off, but it did get me thinking.

'He doesn't seem like he's opposed to us being friends… It would be neat to have a God friend…' It almost seemed tempting to just stay here and chat it up with the dude, if he's my friend I could basically get anything from him.

I never said he was a smart God.

"Yeah well… This little loop I'm stuck in seems to be the reason we aren't friends." I say with a shrug.

"Anyways, I don't have much time so I'll just lay it out for you. I wanna go with a more cliche run this time. No overpowered abilities. Well, kind of, but cliche overpowered abilities. So! Sharingan! But boost its power to an unimaginable degree. I wanna be able to entrap somebody in their own mind with just a split second glance." I say with a little enthusiasm. The God nods with a sigh, but doesn't speak.

I paced a little; In thought.

The goal may be to be a cliche web novel main character, but I still wanna be overwhelmingly powerful. It'd be no fun having to relearn everything I know with weaker abilities that have a hell of a lot of room to grow.

'I could do that.' stopping and turning towards the God man, I listed my next ability.

"I want Conceptual Hell Flames. I know that'd essentially make me a God and it's kind of specific, but well. My sharingan will pack a huge blow to the power system already, and having a God like ability would only prove to bring that to even more shambles. Now anyway, next!" A smile was plastered on my face as I listed my next ability.

"I want sealing from Naruto. But I don't need any energy for it. On top of that let me get some really intense healing… Maybe… Immortality? I think that would be good too! I don't wanna die easily after all. I know you're getting tired of me."

God snorted at my words but he didn't refute them.

"Wow… That hurts!" I feigned being hurt as I put my right hand over my chest, my face was one of someone being betrayed. Waving my same hand in the air, I dismissed it since he quite literally saw through me.

"Anyways, you know me. A true fan of Naruto, I would like a karma seal. Though it's fully controlled by me and there's no God threatening to take over my body." It was something totally unneeded but, I like the mark. The powerup won't be that useful, but a little extra boost in power wouldn't hurt no one.

"Okay okay, my last request is my old weapon back. The one I obtained back in like… My second run." I say with a smile.

At this time the dimension we were in started to shake and rumble. It sounded like a thunderstorm was right next to my ear drums. It hurt.

"God damn it. I used up a lot of time huh?" I chuckled. Waving at the God who lost his smile somewhere along my listing of abilities… Maybe the Karma seal is what did it. Everything else wasn't that bad…

"Oh don't look at me like that, just grant me my powers and my sword and send me off into the world of TBATE." I said with a bit of sass.

I'm so proud! Not everyone can say that they sassed a God.

Hearing the big man sigh was something new. Looking over to him I saw that he had another smile, though this time… It looked as if he was… sad? What the hell?

"Eugh, don't look at me like that… Just hurry up would you? That smile of yours just ruined all good feelings I had for this place." I said, turning away from the bastard. Seriously, what the hell was he thinking looking at me like that? That was so disgusting and unlike him…

"...Be safe… Sin."

My eyes widened, I tried to say something as I spun around but it was too late.


Mouthing the words, 'what the hell?' as my body got engulfed in a spatial portal that appeared under me.


It was night time. The moon hung dry above the world as its luminescent rays lit up the ground below. The trees vibrant with life that sat still were highlighted as well. The birds were quiet, asleep in their individual homes.

Insects chirped loudly however, though the forest is so big that it wasn't that big of a deal compared to the flapping of the giant green tree leaves that hung floppily off the branches.

The breezing wind rustled the nearby bushes, causing the green grass to wave. Yet, it all ceased to exist as the wind quieted becoming as still as the bark on the tree.



The sound of glass breaking and the wind being thrown into a frenzy sounded out. In a narrow opening between the trees and a boulder, a crack in the space before it appeared out of thin air, but just as fast as it appeared… It dispersed, as if it was never there.

"Ugh… I hate that." A groan of annoyance followed after. Laying in the grass on his back was a boy no older than 14 dressed in a gown that covered his shoulders to his forearms, it was black in color.

Followed by it were sleeves, black just like the gown and was hooked on his middle finger. He wore basic black combat pants that sported a white bandage held down by a black rope. His feet dawned open toe sandals that had a sock like appendage that went up his ankles and under his pants.

Sitting up, the boy had long black spiky hair that was styled into a single small pony tail that flowed like a tail off the boy's head.

His skin was snow white, while his eyes were pitch black.

Laying beside him was a black sheathed katana that had emblems embroidered into the sheathe.

Reaching for it the boy stood up with a sigh.

"...From the looks of it, I'm in a forest. Most likely the forest of Elshire." The boy observed. Glancing around the boy released a sigh yet again.




First chapter. I like it so far.

This is more so a story to just mess around with what I want within the story, so it might not have a set in mind goal.

Plus, some things have been added.

I hope you enjoyed it :)