

The ocean washes up many things unto the shore. Ranging from trash, whales, fish... Hell, even sharks... But who would've thought a human boy would be among that list? Read about the journey of a foreign transmigrator in the world of TBATE. Will he spend his life trying to find out his origin, or will he live the life he wants with no regrets...? Find out next time, on dragon ba- I mean Read to find out.

_bones · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Izushita - 2.

The sounds of waves crashing against the land thundered through the shore of Dicathen, the wind raged on, dragging leaves and unlucky insects along with it. The sand was as white as snow and looked to be as soft as a cloud, the pebbles that spotted the ground gave it a more... Beautiful contrast, making it seem more man-made than natural...



The waves once more slammed up against the shore, causing the rocks to faulter in their places. Withdrawing once more, the waves readied themselves to slam against the rocks, but as they withdrew, the waves revealed a boy, stranded on the beach. Clearly unconscious.

The boy's long black hair with burgundy tips, stayed stuck to his face and head due to being wet. Unaffected by the rampaging wind, it covered his forehead, as well as the red mark that was clearly visible on the left side of his forehead.

Ignoring the boy's existence, the waves once more came fiercely at the shore, aiming to knock over the giant boulders that sat upon the beach. Rushing, the waves made contact with the rocks, letting out a loud thunderous roar.

The cold water splashed upon the boy's figure, jolting him awake. His eyes shot open revealing his miss-matched eyes, one of deep-burgundy, while the other a deep blood red flower like pattern that replaced his reddish-burgundy-colored pupil. His breathing was hitched as he gasped for breaths thirstily, ignoring the occasional bit of sea water that made its way in his mouth.



Opening my eyes, I was flabbergasted at the familiar sight of a large, beautiful forest off into the far distance. I didn't even have time to take in the sight due to the fact that not a moment later, ice cold water splashed on my back, causing me to shake uncontrollably and start breathing frantically.

Standing up, I quickly stumbled across the sandy floor, slipping every once in a while, due to lose gripping on the sand, but I managed to make it out of the range of the water.

Collapsing to the ground, I curled up into a ball in a desperate measure to try and reserve body heat. But even then, that wasn't my biggest concern. The current influx of knowledge and instructions that I was currently receiving caused more than enough pain compared to some measly cold water.

I stayed curled up in a ball on the sandy beach for what felt like hours, the instructions and basic knowledge kept me up, making me unable to sleep even with the sounds of waves crashing in the background.

When it finally stopped, I was so relieved, but so tired too... My eyes were heavy, it felt as if my mind would shut off at any moment...

'I guess my superhuman regeneration can't rid me of mental fatigue...' I thought before my eyes shut closed, sealing me off to the realm of sleep.


"Ugh... That was terrible..." I whispered aloud, opening my eyes. Looking around, the once dark sky was now that of a bright blue one, signaling a new day. The rampaging winds from yesterday night had settled, along with the waves...

Shaking my head, I slowly stood up. My clothes are still a bit damp, but it's not something a bit of wind chakra can't handle. Clapping my hands together, a whirlwind of wind swirls from my feet up to my head, drying me off in the matter of seconds.

Shaking my hair, I felt it fling around, shaking out all the sand that was hiding in it. During the shaking however, I felt something a bit heavy in my pocket, catching my attention. Reaching in, I grabbed a pair of earrings that are basically a perfect copy of the original hanafuda earrings Yoriichi wore in canon.

'Didn't expect to get even the earrings... Guess it's just a complimentary.' I mused. Putting my focus back on more important things.

I don't know what world I was put in, or even how I was reborn, transmigrated. Whatever. Anyway, going into a place like that forest would be my best bet. It doesn't seem to be a home of any races considering that it's still just trees and not homes, but I could never be too sure.

On my old world, there were elves who resided within the forests. They were peaceful beings who never searched for conflict. Just being around them made you feel at ease... If there are elves here, hopefully they are much like them...

'Before I go though... Let's test this out.' I thought as I closed my right eye, holding it in a winking fashion. My gaze settled on a normal sized rock before I channeled chakra to my eye, trying to initiate the usage of the ability, [Amentokejikara.]

Not a second later, the worlds colors inverted before I felt myself be pulled, having a sense of vertigo before the world's colors fixed themselves and I was now in place of the rock... A smile slowly made its way to my face, but with this new body, instead of my usual feral grin, it seemed more plain but gentle, kinder if I had to say.

Might have to change that...



After Izushita's little testing of his new ocular ability, he decided he would wait a bit before heading to the forest... Wanting to wait until he's fully entuned and tried every last bit of his newfound power...

While he was testing, however, he realized that this world doesn't hold natural chakra. Meaning that if he were to ever use to much or be on the verge of running out... He had no way to recharge instantly, meaning he would have to wait.

And since his chakra is spiritual, his superhuman healing won't be able to speed up that process, meaning he would be out of commission for more than a week at most... Depends on his chakra level.

He spent the rest of the day practicing and exploring his surroundings, occasionally running into mana mutated beasts. They weren't anything he couldn't handle, so they died off rather quick. The only reason he knew they were mana powered was thanks to his new Meiregan that resided in his right eye.

Among his search, he found a katana that was most likely washed up with the original owner of the body he took over. It was a beautifully crafted sword, it looks to be the work of gods, if Izushita had anything to say about it...

The katana's handle had a golden color to it with black tape wrapped around it. A small black chain accompanied the color and wrapped around the handle up to the hilt, coming back down the handle, hanging off the end of it.

The hilt was red in color, but that usual plain color was accompanied by a golden dragon coiling around it, its head shooting out a bit, its mouth opened. The blade itself was a black steel, but much to Izushita's surprise, a japanese wording was embeded unto the blade.

Reading it, he found out the blade was named FRENZY. He thought it was quite the name for a blade, maybe it had some secret meaning but all he knew as of now, is that it was just a regular blade. No special qualities other than how sharp and durable the actual blade is.

The sheath was nothing special compared to the beautifully designed handle, guard and hilt, along with the blade. The sheaths main color was a deep greyish-black, having red ribbon like thing wrapping around the beginning portion of it, while on the end, there was a white string.


The whole blade was just a work of art, he was almost tempted to not use it and just have it as an item for appearances only, but that changed when he was walking on a dirt path that led to the forest he was currently heading too.

"RAAAAAHG!" The giant serpant like beast slithered hungrily in front of Izushita, halting him in his path. The one in question just eyed the beast in the eyes, clearly not worried about the animal in front of him.

Letting out a sigh, he strengthed his grip on the katana he held, before slowly unsheathing it.

The blade let out a satisfying cry as the blade itself reflected the morning sun.

"... I hope you don't die too soon."



Izushita's Appearance.

Feel like I spend to much time on description and not any actual story... If that is the case, please let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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