
tasting room for ff

Nothing special in here go away shu shu

Golden_Exprience · ファンタジー
82 Chs

chapter 26

AN: Well, I did it. In exchange for you guys helping raise over $850,000 in a total of 24 hours, here is your chapter. Its about 9:15pm where I am and I am tired. Before you dive into it, let me explain some things.

As you read this chapter please take into account that I was awake for 24 hours watching the live stream while also writing this story. I tried to do as much editing as possible but a combination of needing to get this out before the deadline and extreme tiredness has made it near impossible for me to fix all errors. If you spot any, please feel free to PM me them, no need to clog up the reviews with them.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the chapter. Thank you to absolutely everyone that donated or spread the word about the event. If you still want to donate feel free to do so. If you missed any of the stream, you can find most of it on youtube. PM if you have trouble finding it. Goodnight to all. I'll be back in the morning to answer PMs and finish editing.

"I can see why my daughter was so interested in your treats. They are quite delicious." If looks could kill, Yasaka would be dead on the floor of Naruto's shop with a mouthful of caramel dripping from her mouth. Fortunately for her, no matter how intense Koneko made her stare, the leader of Kyoto would not succumb to her looks.

"Ah~ Its not polite to stare, Koneko-chan." The Nekoshou briefly switched off her glare to look at Akeno. The devil was sat comfortably on the stool next to her and was sending the smaller girl and amused yet knowing glance.

The entirety of Rias' peerage was currently at the blond's establishment. The group had decided to take one of their rare days off from school and general devil-work to pay Naruto a visit. It also helped that Koneko had convinced the shinobi to give them just about everything for free.

Their visit just happened to coincide with the day after Ophis' return, which also brought about Yasaka's presence to the shop. When Koneko walked into the shop and saw that the dragon god had returned, her mood plummeted. When she saw that an unknown and buxom lady was chatting it up with her boyfriend, the already sour mood took a turn for the worse.

"Do not care." The girl grunted out before shifting her focus back onto Yasaka. Fortunately, the woman's attention was being taken up by Issei. The boy was completely distracted by the loosely contained breast of the leader of the Youkai. She remained somewhat ignorant to the dirty looks Koneko was shooting her, saving Rias from possibly having to deal with a war between the Youkai and her peerage.

"Naruto-san, you amaze me with each visit. I have no idea how you're able to perfectly blend this tea with chocolate essence and produce a magnificent taste palate. Fantastic job." Kiba commented as he sipped from his mug. His comment earned him an incredulous look from Naruto as the blond stood behind his counter.

"Kiba … you know that's just hot chocolate right? I literally just melted some chocolate into milk?" Naruto said slowly, not entirely believing that the devil was unaware of the existence of hot chocolate. It was such a common beverage during the winter time back home.

"Chocolate melted in milk. You're a true culinary genius, Naruto-san." The boy looked entirely sincerely as he spoke, throwing Naruto even further into his confused loop. He honestly couldn't tell if the blond was messing with him or not. In the end, he decided to take the boy's words as a compliment and move on.

"Here's your bag, Yasaka-san." Naruto said before holding out a giant white plastic bag. The Youkai leader gave a long whiff of the object before sighing contently. She happily reached over and plucked the object from the blond's hand.

"My daughter is going to love these. I'll have to make sure that she saves me some." Her comment earned her a small round of chuckling from the group of devils, excluding Koneko. The young girl seemed content with staying silent and staring down the woman that seemed to almost radiate beauty.

"Yasaka-sama!" Everyone's attention was taken away from one another as a new person came bursting into the shop. The same kitsune that had begged for Naruto's help originally now stood panting in front of the small group with a large grin plastered across her face.

"I … didn't believe you … but you did it so quickly!" The girl panted out while flashing a large smile at Naruto. "You really are amazing … Candy-Sama."

Naruto smiled awkwardly back at the girl as everyone's attention shifted back onto him. The fact that she was still calling him by 'Candy-Sama' was worrying. He had hoped to get further away from that title.

"I agree with dear Kuichi-chan. I appreciate the efforts taken by you and your adorable colleague." Yasaka chimed in. As soon as the words left her mouth, Naruto was already turning to explain himself.

"Ah .. its really nothing. Actually, Oph-

"Nonsense. You've shown me hospitality far beyond I expected from a stranger. I know see that your title as God of Sweets extends to your personality." Naruto felt his stomach drop at the woman's words. Even Yasaka had fallen for his god status. This was not good.

"Really guys, you're being to-"

"For your hospitality-" Naruto groaned out loud at being interrupted once again. He should've been used to it by now but unfortunately for his sake, he was not. "I will let it be known through all of Kyoto that the Candy God is an ally to the Youkai. I'm sure songs and legends will be written about your greatness."

"Honestly Yasaka-san, this is all too much. I didnt even do anything! I'm not even really a god." The blond's voice reeked for desperation as he tried to unconvince the woman. The last thing he needed was a faction full of creatures worshipping him.

"It would be great for business though. Imagine a constant line of kitsune wanting to taste just about anything in the shop as long as it was made by your hands." Kurama chimed in.

"Kurama is right. Never turn away that kind of business." Naruto blinked owlishly at the new voice that suddenly appeared in his head. It took him a couple of seconds to connect the dots and when he did, his face lit up in a brilliant smile.

"Is that you, Son?" Naruto asked, even though he already knew the answer to his question. After all, there were only so many people that could talk in his head. "Where have you been?"

"I've been resting. I haven't had a situation where someone wasn't sealing me away or needed my chakra for something for years. I took a well-deserved nap." The monkey king grumbled out.

"Thats und-"

"You still have people in front of you, idiot." Kurama interrupted the blond's reply to his fellow tailed beast. The fox's words snapped the blond out of his trance as his vision refocused on Yasaka's still smiling face.

"I can understand how the mantle of a god can be a bit intimidating to take up but with the support of Kyoto, I am sure you will flourish." Naruto's attempts at dissuading her seemed to go sailing right over Yasaka's head, causing the blond to sigh. He had encountered yet another kitsune who believed him to be a god. This one happened to have sway over an entire population of Youkai, making the situation much worse.

"I don't like this whining attitude of yours. People are mistaking you for a god and you're moping! Chin up!" Son yelled from the confines of his seal.

"Thank you for your patronage." Naruto mumbled out, collapsing under the weight of Son's words and Yasaka's inability to understand just how much he didnt want to be a god. His response earned him yet another brilliant smile from the woman before she turned to Kuichi.

"Let us return home. I am sure Kunuo has been missing her mommy." The young kitsune nodded at her master's words before her form was enveloped in a small puff of smoke. Yasaka went through a similar transformation, and when the smoke clear, two foxes stood on the floor of Naruto's shop. One of the foxes were noticeably larger than the other, tipping the group of devils off that that was Yasaka.

"You'll always be welcome in Kyoto, Candy-Sama." Despite the fact that she was in her fox form, the woman still managed to make her voice sound seductive. The fox actually winked at the blond before running out the front door of the shop with Kuichi in tow. The group watched as passers bys screamed in terror as the two foxes ran in and out of their legs. The duo left a noticeable wake of disturbed people as they disappeared around a corner.

"A lot of weird people tend to appear and disappear around that corner." Naruto couldn't help but nod his head at Kurama's comment. He was lucky that his customers had become so desensitized to the general nonsense that took place within his store, else he would be out of business.

Speaking of weird people appearing around corners, Naruto's eyes bulged when, only a second after Yasaka and Suichi disappeared around the corner, the perverted Odin came frantically sprinting around the same corner. The man bowled over several pedestrians while making his turn before shooting a beeline towards Naruto's shop.

"Please dont come in here, please dont come in here, please dont come in here." Naruto mentally repeated in his head as the man grew closer and closer to the entrance of his store. To the blond's dismay, the man came bursting through the glass doors of the shop, panting and looking around frantically until their eyes met.

"You gotta hide me!" Odin screamed as he approached the counter. The group parted to make way for the man as he literally ran into the counter. His face was covered in sweat and his pupils were the size of dinner plates as he stared at Naruto.

"No. Get out of my shop." Naruto's response sent the man into even more of a frenzy. The man sent his upper body launching over the counter as he leapt to grab a hold of the boy's collar. The man's slippery hands made it the task rather difficult but he managed it after several failed attempts.

"You gotta man. My life is on the line." Odin's words reeked of desperation as he pleaded to Naruto. His words seemed to slam against an apathetic brick wall as the blond's facial expressions didn't even twitch.

"I do not care. Out my shop. Now." Rias' peerage watched in amazement at the interaction between the old man and their blond friend. They had never seen Naruto act so hostile towards someone before. Who was this guy to make the laid-back and friendly blond act so mean?

"Is that Naruto's long lost father who abandoned him at birth or something?" Issei whispered to Koneko as his eyes stayed locked on the duo. Koneko choose to ignore the pervert's words in favor for watching the scene herself.

"He's going to kill me. You can-" Odin's head suddenly whipped around to stare at the corner he had just appeared around. Everyone near the counter followed his head movement just in time to notice the sky take a sudden darker shade. The god's pupils dilated at the sight of the darkened skies.

"He's here. Oh, myself. He is here!" Odin yelled out loud before diving head first over the counter. Before Naruto could even react, the man had dashed into the backroom of the shop, leaving behind a counter full of confused devils and one agitated blond.

"Get the hell out of my store, you perverted alc-" Naruto turned to drag the god out of the back of his store but stopped when the doors to his store exploded open once again. The blond released a heated huff as he turned to face the entrance of his store yet again. His day had just only recently begun and he was already beyond irritated with how it was turning out.

The dark clouds that littered the sky above seemed to get almost absorbed into the confines of the shop. The customers closest to the door found it very difficult to see as the clouds obscured their vision. The dark mist crept further and further into the shop before stopping only a couple of feet from the counter. Once stopped, the mist rose up from the floor and began to condense into a solid form. The group watch, frozen in a mixture of confusion and awe, as the mist began to take the shape of a man.

The man's clothes was the first thing to form. A blue-crown jewel formed around six feet in the air. A pair of yellow earrings formed directly below the jewel. The outline of a cloak similar to the one Odin possessed came into view. A snow-white cloth quickly filled in the outline. With the clothes formed, skin began to fill them out. His skin took the shade of a sickly gray as it bulged against the fabric of his clothes. The light blue hair that formed on his scalp curled in the air and seemed to almost defy gravity. His golden eyes seemed to shine brightly in the light of the shop as an arrogant smirk stretched the man's newly formed skin.

"Hello … Candy God." Naruto released an audible groan at the man's words. He already disliked this person.

"What do you want?" Naruto grunted out. He could feel the eyes of every devil present burn into his figure as he talked.

The man remained silence as he took a slow sweeping glance of the shop. His gaze fell over each customer, freezing them in their seats before moving on to the devils. They fared slightly better under his look as their stronger wills allowed them to remain somewhat strong in the man's presence. Finally, his gaze fell behind Naruto's shoulder in the direction of the back of the shop before falling back onto a still annoyed blond.

"I wish to have no conflict with you, infant god." The blond's eye began to visibly twitched in agitation at the name given to him.

"I know that Odin has hidden himself in this establishment. Release him into my custody and I shall leave this place untouched." The man spoke.

"And what happens if I don't?" Naruto questioned, his face as neutral as ever. His words made the man in front of him narrow his eyes before a haughty chuckle left his lips.

"Then I will eradicate you and this peasant's hut from existence."

"Oh shit." That was the collective thought that ran through the mind of almost everyone present in the shop. All at once, they began to shift themselves away from the blond. If the knew one thing, it was that you never insulted Naruto's shot. Never!

"...Who are you?" Naruto questioned after several long moments of silence. His question seemed to interest the man as a pompous look overcame his features.

"I am Loki the Trickster God. I am the one who will bring Ragnarok upon the Gods and end their reign." Loki introduced himself proudly. The revelation of his identity sent the surrounding devils into a shocked state. Naruto, on the other hand, didn't look the slightest bit disturbed by the revelation. If anything, he looked amused.

"Trickster god, eh?" Naruto chuckled before letting loose a small chuckle. His comment earned him an odd luck from the God as the blond met eyes with him.

"You consider yourself a trickster god? Fine. For insulting my shop, you will face a lifetime of prank torture. May you live every moment of your life in fear of the next prank." Naruto proclaimed loudly as he slammed his hands on the top of his counter.

His declaration was met with a brief period of silence from the god before Loki erupted in laughter. So strong was his laughter that he bent over and began to hold his stomach in some vain attempt to keep it in. Everyone in the store watched as actual tears streamed down his face as he fought the battle against his own breathing.

"You are quite a joker!" Loki exclaimed as he rose up to his full height. He reached a hand up to his face and began to wipe his face clear of the tears that stained it. He honestly hadn't found something or someone that funny in centuries.

"Your humor is the only thing that spa-" Loki trailed off suddenly when an explosion of flour was suddenly set off inches from his face. His skin and clothes were stained powdery white as the substance seemed to almost glue itself to him. By the time the flour had settled, the man looked more like ghost than a god as he stood frozen in front of the counter.

The devils present at the counter were frozen in place, unsure on whether they wanted to laugh or cower in fear. The God looked absolutely ridiculous with the flour covering his body, yet they could sense the rapidly increasing anger that was building up inside of him. Their eyes slowly drifted over to the blond and saw he wasn't even attempting to hide his powder-covered hand as he stared down Loki.

"Get out of my shop before I bring out the chocolate sauce." The blond's words left no room for argument. The devils around him could tell that the boy would be happy to spray the god head to toe with every single condiment and sauce in his possession. That only made them question Naruto's sanity. What type of person would so boldly mock and tempt a trickster god? Especially one as vengeful as Loki.

The god said nothing as he slowly closed his eyes. Once his eyes closed, a silver glow surrounded his body. Under the glow, the powder covering his body began to flake and fade away. It only took a few seconds, and by its end, Loki was back in his immaculate form. His eyes slowly opened themselves, revealing his golden irises which were not tinted under a haze of thinly veiled anger.

"I no longer find you amusing." Loki spoke as his eyes burrowed into Naruto's. The blond didn't flinch or give way under the gaze as he stood his ground against the god.

"Why are you still in my shop then?" Naruto questioned the man. Loki narrowed his eyes at the boy's reply before briefly glancing around the establishment.

"Because this establishment is mine. At least, it will be once I've eradicated you from existence and take it for my own." The god said as he vision returned to Naruto. At least, that's what he would've done if the blond hadn't leapt over the counter moments beforehand. As soon as the blond's fingers brushed against the fabric of the god's cloak, the duo disappeared in a yellow flash, leaving behind a store of confused customers and devils.

"...Will Naruto-san be okay?" Issei was the first to speak after several seconds of stunned silence. Behind him, he could feel the general flow of the shop restore itself as the customers got over the fact that the owner just made himself and another guy disappear.

"Naruto-kun will be perfectly fine. Though, that won't stop Koneko-chan from chewing him out." Akeno said teasingly before looking over at the Nekoshou. The girl had her attention settled on a half-eaten piece of cheesecake that was quickly becoming smaller and smaller. At the sound of her name, Koneko briefly looked away from her treat to meet Akeno's eyes. The eye contact lasted only for a brief moment before the young refocused her attention back onto her cake.

Even though the girl wasn't visibly showing it, she was worried. Akeno managed to pick up on this during their very brief eye contact. No matter how strong she knew her boyfriend was, an almost instinctual urge within her mind would make her worry about his safety.

"She's so adorable!" Akeno squealed inwardly as she watched her fellow peerage member. It was at that moment that the devil decided to do her best to keep the young girl company while Naruto was gone. It was the least she could do after all the things Naruto had done for her.

"I for one hope Naruto-san returns soon. I would love to sample more of this hot chocolate of his." Kiba's words earned him several pointed glares from his colleague. The devil took this as a sign to just quietly focus his attention on the delicious cup of chocolate in front of him.

It seemed like everyone didn't enjoy the wonderful beverage as much as he did.

He had another person to add onto the list of people he would kill. He didn't care that he would have to go out of his way past Ragnarok, he would kill the blond that had dumped him in such a horrid place.

Loki grimaced as the smell of feces invaded his nostrils. He looked down at himself, which only served to make him grimace again when he saw that his clothes and skinned were stained with poop.

A loud trumpeting sound brought the god's attention away from himself. He looked to right and saw the unsightly image of an elephant's backside only several feet away from him. The god looked down at the literal pile of shit he had found himself in before looking back at ass of the elephant as his mind began to connect the dots.

"Blonds are despicable." Loki muttered to himself as his shit-covered from ascended into the sky. Between his infuriating half-brother and this new Candy God, he was very quickly beginning to hate the hair color. People who possessed it only seemed to exist to bring him strife.

With a brief flare of his aura, the feces covering his body evaporated, leaving him as clean as the day he was born. Now cleared of the horrible scent that had begun to eat away at his sense away, the god took the opportunity to observe the surrounding areas.

"A savannah." Loki mused to himself as his eyes scanned over the dry, arid area. Dozens of elephants dotted his sight, serving as a replacement for the lack of trees in the area. The blond that had seemingly transported him into this despicable heat.

The blond's location became revealed to the god when he felt the air above his head suddenly shift in speed. Loki shot his head up, only to see the bottom of Naruto's heel heading towards his face. The god managed to cross his arms above his head to brace himself against the attack mere moments before Naruto's heel crashed into him.

Even with him bracing himself, Loki was blasted back down to earth behind the force of the blow. With his body careening towards the ground at an impossibly high speed and his arms screaming out in agony due to the force of the blond's kick, the trickster god could only mentally prepare himself for his undoubtedly harsh reunion with the ground.

Surprisingly, his impact with the earth wasn't as harsh as he predicted. Instead of the back-breaking pain he had thought he would encounter, the god found that his fall was rather cushioned. His body sank rather smoothly into a gelatinous substance that absorbed the entirety of his momentum. Loki found himself to be rather grateful to the foreign substance … before he realized it was the same pile of shit that he had found himself in.

"I almost can't notice you down in there. You blend in pretty well." Loki's parallel position to the ground afforded him a clear view of the blond that had just drop-kicked in the pile of poop. The boy had undergone a transformation in appearance, the trickster noted. His form was now cloaked in a golden cloak that seemed to made of pure energy. The presence of nine mysterious orbs floating ominously around his head gave Naruto an angelic appearance as they reminded the god of a halo.

"I've had enough with your sick humor." Loki muttered loud enough for the blond to hear as he once again began to rise out of the pile of feces.

"I have the sick sense of humor?" Naruto looked offended as he repeated the Norse's words. "Is that coming from the horse molester down there?"

"What … what did you just call me?" Loki stuttered out after a moment of stunned silence. His face screamed disbelief as he stared up at Naruto.

"You heard me! I read what you did. It was absolutely disgusting what you did to that horse." Naruto's words were accusing as he pointed a finger down at the god. As the blond's words began to process the god's mind, a light blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Do you speak of Svaoilfari?" The God hesitated as he spoke. Naruto responded with an angry nod, confirming Loki's suspicion and increasing the intensity of his blush.

"That … that was a unique situation. I needed a mount and-"

"Don't feed me that crap. You just wanted to have sex with a horse!" Naruto interrupted the man with a heated shout of his own.

"That is not true!" Loki fired back, yet the blush adorning his cheeks said otherwise. Naruto took notice of the god's embarrassment and decided to twist the knife even deeper.

"Whatever you say. I bet you didn't stop at that poor horse either. I wonder how Fenrir and Jormungandr came ab-"

"Enough!" Loki's shout cut Naruto off and sent the elephants around him scattering. The blush was still on his face, though the floating blond could no longer tell if it was there because of embarrassment or the anger the god felt. Instead of asking, the teen decided to stay quiet as Loki recollected himself.

"You…" Loki paused to release a small sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. "You have outlived any sort of usefulness. As soon as I kill you, I'll return to your store and raze it to the ground."

"Those are some big words for an animal molester." Naruto radiated confidence even as Loki narrowed his eyes at him. The shinobi eagerly returned the look, entering the duo in a battle of wills as they waited to see who would cave in first.

Loki was the first to crack, in some sense. The man broke eye contact when his form dissipated into a cloud of black puff with a loud popping sound. In the same instant, one of the orbs orbiting the blond's head morphed into the shape of a kunai. Naruto quickly snatched the makeshift weapon out of the air as he turned to twisted in the air a mere moment after Loki appeared behind him. The god was now armed with two intricate looking daggers that he gleefully sent stabbing down at Naruto's chest. The blond swiped at the descending knives, slamming his own kunai against them against and sending them careening off course.

"I see you're a quick one." Loki shouted as he spun full circle using the momentum generated by Naruto. The blond ducked beneath the arc of the blade before sending his fist slamming into the god's unprotected stomach. The man was sent flying backwards several feet in the air before he managed to regain control of his flight.

"But are you quick enough to handle another?" Loki exclaimed before, with a flick of his wrist, he sent one of his knives flying through towards Naruto's head. The blond shifted out the way, allowing the blade to go flying past him. He would have immediately flew over to confront the god if he hadn't suddenly sensed a presence behind him. He turned only to have to immediately duck in order to avoid having his throat slit by what looked to be another Loki.

"He stole your move." The kitsune sounded amused as the blond exchanged blows with the clone. Their weapons slammed against each other, sending fragments of metal and fire spraying off of the blades. Naruto didn't question the odd display as he twisted his body out of the way to dodge a stab from the clone. With the clone's arm overextended, Naruto grabbed a tight hold of the limb with his free hand. Despite Loki's status as an actual god, his clone's strength didn't even come close to being able to overpower the blond. Instead, he was left to the blond's mercy as the teen quickly jerked the limb towards him, breaking the bones within with an audible crack.

"His clones have bones?" Naruto was shocked as he released the now broken limb. He didn't have much time to contemplate the discovery before the original was upon him with a knife in hand. The blond turned to face the god, only to receive a foot to the back, sending him careening forward towards Loki.

"Fuck!" Naruto exclaimed before suddenly plummeting out of the sky. The blond had deactivated his cloak mid-flight, relieving himself of the power of flight and allowing him to avoid being cut by the god. The teen took the short tumble back to earth to calm his nerves with a few quick breaths before landing soundly against the dry dirt ground.

"You're not the only asshole who can make clones." Naruto yelled before several puffs of smokes appeared next to him. A strong breeze that had been blowing across the land cleared the smoke quickly, revealing that six other Narutos were now in existence.

"You just called yourself an asshole, kid. I don't know whether you caught that or not." Naruto didnt pay Son's comments any attention as he reactivated his chakra cloak. His clones underwent the same transformation before taking off towards Loki and his still present clone.

"Well, this is an interesting development." Loki mumbled as he watched the group of blond's fly towards him. He had never met someone who seemed as comfortable with the usage of clones like himself until now it seemed. Fortunately for him, he had prepared himself for situations like this.

The god looked over at his clones and the two shared a brief look before nodding. Without a word being uttered, the injured clone dived towards the approaching clone.

"What the hell is he doing?" Naruto questioned as he watched the injured clone approach his group of clones. There was no way that a clone with a broken arm would last even a second against his clones, especially with his chakra cloak activated.

At least, that's what the blond thought before Loki's clone reached his. When the disabled copy reached the group of six blonds, an explosion ripped through its body. Without any warning, a blast of energy ripped through the clone's body like paper and slammed into the unsuspecting clones. The blonds did not stand a chance as the shockwave forced them to disperse instantly.

"First he can make clones and now he can make them explode? This guy is stealing all of your moves." Kurama's comment made his partner frown. Even though he would never admit it to the god floating above him, Naruto was pretty agitated at having some of his signature moves used against him.

"Imitators will never be as good as the original." Naruto mumbled in response as his eyes followed Loki's form

"Technically, he is a god so he most likely came first." Once again, Son's comments went ignored by the blond as he summoned four clones to his side. No words needed to be exchanged as the group of blonds took off into the skies at Loki.

"The original comes out to play. How adorable." Loki said to himself as he readied himself. His missing blade materialized itself in his hand as his eyes locked onto the original Naruto who was leading the pack.

The god's eyes widened in shock when the blond suddenly disappeared from his sights in a golden flash. There was no warning, one second he was there and the next he was gone. Once again, the god received a rude awareness of his foe's position when he felt a hand land against his shoulder.

"I don't like copy cats." That was the last thing the god heard before he suddenly found himself hurtling towards the four other blonds. Loki attempted to correct his line of flight but found his body completely immobilized. It was with a sickening realization that the trickster realized he was at the mercy of his opponent.

The first clone to greet the god met him with a devastating kick to the stomach that completely reversed his momentum. As the god threw up a mixture of golden blood and bile, his body flew high into the air.

Loki wasn't given much rest as the second clone zoomed directly at him, its fist cocked behind it as it neared the airborne god. Loki had barely begun to recover from having his innards rearranged from a kick before the clone unleashed a bone-shattering punch to man's chin. The god's chin was forced upwards against his will, forcing him to bite the tip of his tongue off. That pain barely even registered with the god as a blinding pain overtook his senses. It was because of this pain that the god didn't notice he reached the apex of his flight and that the three remaining blonds had appeared above his form.

"Uzumaki Go Barrage!" The trio of blonds shouted with one leg each raised high in the air. The next moment, a shockwave tore across the savannah as the blonds sent their feet crashing onto Loki's back. The god's downward flight time proved to be much quicker than his up time as he smacked face first into the earth only seconds later. A tremor tore through the ground as the impact of the god's body formed a crater.

"Copy that." Naruto said out loud as his two clones dispersed themselves. He quickly descended to the ground before allowing his cloak to drop. He was sure that the god had been properly dealt with and wouldn't be getting up anytime soon after that last attack.

"Why can't I move?" Naruto heard the god yell from his face down position. The blond took the small walk over to the god's crater to see the man squirming within the hole. The wounds that had been inflicted to him were still visible, yet they were already undergoing a visible process of healing.

"These gods are tough." Naruto made a mental note as he watched some of the lacerations on the god's body stitch themselves together. It reminded him of his own healing factor.

"I put a mobility seal on you. Uses your own energy against you to hold you in place. Its one of my strongest seals, honestly." Naruto explained as he watched the god struggle to overcome the seal.

"You have the equivalent of the weight of a neutron star on each of your limbs. I thought that was pretty fitting with all the stuff I read about you and Thor." At the mention of his brother's name, Loki went into a frenzy as his squirming and wriggling increased tenfold.

"Don't you dare mention his name in my presence. Now, free me!" Loki yelled before grunting in exertion. None of his attempts at freeing himself were working! His magic seemed to have even been nullified underneath the influence of the blond's seal.

"I'll let you do that for yourself. Im sure you'll figure out a way. Until you do, enjoy your stay with your animal friends. Try not to touch any of them inappropriately. And, if you come near my shop or eve Kuoh in general, I'll make sure the only thing you'll ever be useful for is giving birth to horses. Goodbye!" With those parting words, the blond disappeared from the top of the crater, leaving the trickster god alone.

"I'll kill that boy. I swear I will." Loki muttered as he continued his struggle against the seal's effect. His struggle was briefly interrupted when he heard the loud blowing of several elephants. The god managed to force his head up in order to see the quickly growing horde of elephants gathering at the top of his crater.

"Oh, god no." Loki muttered as he watched the first elephants descend down into his crater. It was quickly followed by several others as they all began a steady march down to the god. The man felt his stomach as the animals grew closer and closer to his prone form.

"Damn you, Candy God!

Naruto reappeared behind the counter of his shop in a golden flash. A quick sweep of the front of the store revealed to him that everything was still in order. Everything from the same customers to the same group of shocked devils were still in the same place he left them.

"You're back … so quickly." Issei muttered out as he stared at the blond in shock.

"Its only been seven minutes. How could you have possibly handled a god in such a short period of time?" Rias muttered as she narrowed her eyes at the blond. There was no way the blond could've defeated a god that quickly. Something wasn't right here.

Any suspicion the girl had was instantly wiped away when the blond placed a slice of chocolate cake in front of her. Her peerage watched in wonder as their leader began to devour the small snack, her question nowhere near her main focus anymore.

"The power of cake." Naruto couldn't help but happily sigh to himself as he watched the girl eat his distraction. Sometimes it was just too easy.

Naruto's train of thought was interrupted when he felt someone grab onto the front of his shirt. The blond was given no warning before he was pulled down into a heated kiss by Koneko. For once, the blond found himself on the submissive end of the spectrum as the Nekoshou held him in place with her hand and her tongue. Instead of fighting the change, he decided to sit back and embrace the change in behavior.

"Neko-chan seems to have a dominating streak in her." Akeno licked her lips as she watched her friend manhandle her boyfriend. She couldn't help but be slightly turned on by the sight of the two sharing such an intimate moment in public.

"I never knew Koneko could be so bold." Kiba and Asia shared similar thoughts as they watched the exchange. Kiba muttered his thoughts out loud before taking a glance down at his empty cup. A part of him wanted the girl to end the lip embrace so he could ask the blond for another cup of the delicious hot chocolate.

"Lucky bastard." Issei said as he watched the somewhat erotic scene in envy.

"Woo boy! I wish I had a woman who would kiss me like that." Just like that, the intimate moment came to a sudden end as Odin made his presence known. At the man's words, Koneko slowly pulled away from the embrace in order to aim a seething glare at the god. The color in the god's face visibly drained as the Nekoshou took a step away from her boyfriend and towards him.

"Perverted bastard." Koneko said before leaping at the man. Odin released a shrill shriek before the girl descended upon him, sending them both tumbling into the back room, putting them out of view of everyone else.

"Should we stop her?" Issei asked after hearing the god scream out for mercy. Naruto gave a negative shake of his head as he took Rias' now empty plate from her.

"Its probably best we don't. Dont want to get caught in the crossfire." Naruto said just seconds before Odin released an ear-shattering scream. Shocked silence followed the men's screams for several seconds before everyone gradually returned to their previous actions.

"Naruto-san, may I have another cup of hot chocolate?"

"Of course, Kiba." Naruto happily accepted the devil's empty mug before turning to fill it. As he turned, he could see Odin's outstretched, bloody hand reaching out from within the backroom out the corner of his eye. The hand was quickly pulled back into the room before another bout of screams rang through the shop. The blond could only shake his head at the sight before filling his fellow blond's cup of coffee.

"Definitely am not getting involved with that."