
tasting room for ff

Nothing special in here go away shu shu

Golden_Exprience · ファンタジー
82 Chs

chapter 20

The mid-afternoon sun hung high up in the air over Kuoh academy, lazily shining down the last remnants of its rays. The school day had ended over an hour ago and the weekend was on the horizon, so only a few students could be seen milling about the campus grounds. Even fewer could be found within the school itself. Among the few was a particular group of devils that were sharing a discussion.

All in all, the image of the school made for a rather peaceful setting. The sun was slowly making its descent through the sky and was throwing an orange hue over the city. A small flock of birds flew high through the sky, throwing miniature shadows across the ground as they flexed their wings in order to fight against the pull of gravity.

If one were to look hard enough, they would be able to distinguish another figure floating high in the cool afternoon sky. The figure's ten black wings kept him afloat in the air as he peered down at the serene scene below him.

"Moments like these makes me detest the weakness that has been bred from this peace." The man said out loud before releasing a small sigh. The fallen angel flexed his wings slightly, sending him further up into the air as spears of light began to phase into existence around him.

"I refuse to allow these devils to poison my air with their presence. It it up to me to take their extermination into my own hands." The fallen angel spoke as he finished his ascent. At the apex of his flight, hundreds upon hundreds of light spears were now surrounding him, making for a brilliant but deadly light display. All remained calm for several long seconds before, with a simple flick of his wrist, the man sent his rain of light spears down upon the school.

"Let the games begin."

Something was wrong. He could feel it. As soon as he stepped foot into his house, he could sense it. Something was off. He couldn't tell what was wrong but he could SOMETHING was off.

The blond gently closed the door behind him as he warily took a step into his living room. The area of strangely quiet, something that he initially chalked up to Kuroka's departure. The Nekoshou had been the source of liveliness within his home for the past several weeks and he knew that without her, his house would be much more quiet.

But her absence wasn't what was giving him such a strange feeling. It was something else. He could sense something off within his house. He didn't like the feeling.

The creaking of his floorboards. Down the hall to the left in the southernmost room. His bedroom. His brow creased in frustration as the realization came over him. Someone was in his bedroom. No one had stepped foot into that room aside from Kuroka. Not even Koneko had been in there.

The blond was ghostlike as he slowly glided his way down the hallway. The slight creaking noise he had heard previously increased in volume with each soundless step he took. He could make out the sound of light breathing coming from the opposite side of his door. His brow furrowed in frustration as a kunai silently appeared within his hand.

The blond didn't even make proper usage of his door as he reappeared within his room in a bright flash of yellow light. He had immediately settled down into a crouch while his kunai remain drawn, ready to strike out at anything that so much as twitched. His eyes began to scan the small room for the intruder, and he didn't have to search far.

"Oh Kami, what are you doing here?"

Chaos. There wa no other way to describe just what exactly was going in on Kuoh Academy grounds. The once peaceful schoolyard had turned into a breeding ground of disarray as chaos ran rampant.

This is what Rias was facing. In all honesty, she should of seen this coming. Her position as potential clan heir demanded that she be more tactful when it came to matters such as this. Fallen angels within devil territory should've been a big enough warning sign to her. She should've been preparing herself and her peerage. She should've expected this. But she didn't and now she was paying for it.

The girl cleared her head as she took into account her surroundings. The school building had taken the brunt of the attack and it definitely showed. Even from her position on the utmost bottom floor she had a full view of the lavender stained sky through one of the many gaping holes that littered the building's exterior. Along with the oddly colored sky, Rias also had a full view of the hundreds of fallen angel's, shades and what looked to be demons that were making their way onto her campus.

"Rias!" The girl was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt two presences land near her prone form. She turned her head and was relieved to see her fellow heiress, along with her Queen, now standing by her side. The girl's bespectacled eyes shone with worry as she stared at the faintly injured girl.

"I am glad to see you." The redhead muttered out as the two devils helped her up to her feet. Once standing, the girl did a quick readjustment of her hair and clothing, much to the amusement of her two companions, before beginning to address them.

"Do you have any idea what is going on?" Rias questioned as she stared out on the despondent scene that had taken over their campus. Sona gave a slight shake of her head before gently pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Not exactly. We were all taken by surprise. All I am able to deduce is that the perpetrator is a fallen angel." Rias nodded, having come to the same conclusion just by looking outside.

That wasn't good. The enemy had and still has the element of surprise, she was uninformed, and her peerage was split apart.

This was definitely not looking good for her.

Incredulous. That was the best way to describe the blond shinobi as he stared at the two occupants of his room. His mouth stood gaping open for several seconds as he attempted to articulate his confusion before the words finally came to mind. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" Blunt? Yes, but when someone who was attempting to kill you only a few weeks prior found there way into your bedroom and was just leisurely lying on your bed, you had the right to be blunt.

Ophis gave a dry glance in response as she shifted slightly on the blond's bed. The movement set the teen on guard as two kunai found there way into his hands while he slid into a more defensive stance. His actions earned him yet another glance from the god before she directed her full attention onto him.

"I told you I would find you, Naruto Uzumaki." Her tone was flat, dead even, as she stared directly into Naruto's eyes. The teen's nerves were set on edge as he mentally prepared for a fight to break out. His mind began to run through a dozen different scenarios on how to properly subdue the God with the least amount of damage to the surrounding area. Their last fight in the Dimensional Gap had resulted in zero collateral damage merely because of the fact that there was nothing nearby to be destroyed. With them being so close to the city, he knew that if a fight were to break out, thousands would end up dead.

Luckily for the blond, he had no need to worry as the primordial being abruptly cut off the staring contest by facing forward and closing her eyes. Silence followed the ending contest as Naruto stared owlishly at his supposed enemy. The little girl looked as calm and serene as ever as she sat crossed-leg, her eyes closed in peaceful concentration as if he wasn't standing not ten feet away from her.

"Wh-" The boy didn't even manage to get a single word out before Ophis' hand shot up. Naruto immediately jumped back, his hands flashing through a set of seals for a technique that would be able to nullify whatever the God threw at him.

But once again, the blond had nothing to fear as Ophis merely raised a single finger up before pressing it against her lips, a soft shushing sound emitting from her before she returned to her meditative state.

Naruto blinked as his arms fell limply down to his side. He blinked again as the fresh memory of the girl shushing him overlapped with the memory of the very same girl attempting to harvest him of his power. The two images did not mix very well together, forcing the blond to blink once again to rid his mind of the mental projection.

"Did you just shush me?" The blond finally managed to question after staring at the girl for several more seconds. A single eye creaked open as the dragon shot him the most intense death glare he had the misfortune of ever receiving.

"Yes. Now remain quiet." Ophis simply stated before shutting her eyes once again. Naruto could go returning to gaping at the blatant and completely odd behavior the girl was showing. Just a few weeks ago she was trying to kill him. This didn't make any sense!

"Calm down, brat." Kurama's voice rebounded through the blond's head, causing the panic he was feeling to quickly dissipate. "You don't have to worry right now."

Naruto couldn't help the stupefied look that crossed his face at his partner's words. Were they talking about the same person right now? Kurama had been right by his side when the duo were battling for their lives against the Dragon God. They hadn't even been able to land a lasting blow on the girl and now he was being told not to worry? It didn't make any sense.

"What do you mean by don't worry? She tried to kill us! She is literally five feet away from us! Are you not worried?" Naruto thought/internally shouted as he tried his best not to allow his emotions to show on his face. He seemed to be doing a decent enough job as Ophis showed no reaction while he stood. Though, with the girl's natural stoicism, it was truly hard to tell.

"And don't you think if she wanted to deal you any harm she would've done it by now? Think for a second, kid. Look at her." Kurama was once again serving as the voice of reason within the duo's tumultuous relationship as he spoke. His words served to restore the blond's senses as he took a second to fully observe the God.

Her position hadn't changed during his entire inner monologue as she continued to sit with her back against his wall and her legs stretched across her leg. She was wearing the lolita style dress and headband from the day the duo had first encountered each other. Her hands were folded neatly in her lap as her long black hair fell down the length of her back. Overall, she looked like an innocent, young girl and not like a god that had been seemingly eager to kill him.

"I don't mean physically, you idiot. Go into your toad mode or whatever simple minded name you gave it." Naruto let out a soft grumble at the badmouthing of his sage mode but let the issue slide in favor of activating the technique. He felt nature's energy pour into him by the bucket loud and along with it came all it's hate. By now, the ritual of filtering out the emotion had become almost mindless to the blond as his body went about purifying the energy. It only took him a few short seconds before he opened his eyes again, revealing the now orange pigmentation contained within them.

With his sage mode activated, the blond spared another glance towards the dragon even though the act of looking at her was completely unnecessary. Her energy was potent enough that he could've easily sensed it without going into sage mode. It was rolling off of her in the form of tiny snakes that dissipated harmlessly in the air as when they got too far from the girl. It was an odd yet strangely mesmerizing sight. It was so enchanting that Naruto quickly became lost within staring at the scene.

"You're so helpless" The tailed beast grumbled, snapping the blond out of his trance. He had to decency to blush at being distracted so easily before refocusing his attention back onto Ophis.

"Her energy … It wasn't as intense as before." In the Dimensional Gap, her energy had been damn near crushing. It had surrounded him with each move he made and he could almost taste it within the air during their fight. The energy the girl was putting out now was still more than he had sensed any single person ever. He couldn't even hope to match it alone. But it was still nowhere close to what he felt during their fight together.

"Exactly. After fighting with you and that other dragon, she most likely exhausted a large amount of her energy. While it is a drop in the bucket compared to her overall reserves, she must realize it's enough to make a difference in a fight." Kurama explained, earning him a hesitant nod from the blond. The idea of a God expending enough of their power to even put a dent in their massive reserves was a bit hard for him to wrap his mind around but he could accept it. Some would call his own energy reserves monstrous and unending yet he had found himself on the verge of death from exhaustion many times. Still … that didn't explain why she decided to invade his home.

"It's probably because she knows you have a bleeding heart and won't attack her while she's 'weakened'. She gets the extra benefit of observing you while also allowing her reserves to recover using the purified chakra you've been pumping out. It's a win-win situation for her." Naruto let out a light curse at the truth behind his partner's words. He had absolutely no way to attack the dragon without her retaliating and possibly destroying the city, excluding the truth-seeking orbs. The urge to use his ultimate technique was strong as he stared at Ophis' unmoving form. He had even began to build up chakra in anticipation of activating the his cloak as his gaze focused on the girl for any sign of movement from the girl. When he found none, the blond released a long sigh before allowing his chakra to dissipate, eliciting an amused chuckle from his partner.

"It's not funny, Kurama. She's a god who wants to kill us." The blond mentally shouted at his partner.

"She wants to harvest and use our power. She doesn't want to kill us. There's nothing you can do at the moment, child, so stop panicking. Just stay on your guard and take it from there." Another sigh escaped the blond's lips as he acquiesced to his partner's request.

After all, what's the worse that could happen?

The brief image of Kuoh turned into a smoking crater with Ophis floating lazily over it's remain with his limp body in his grip flashed through his head. A shudder ran through his body as the image disappeared as quick as it came.

He really needed to stop asking that question.

The sound of bone cracking beneath the force of her fist reached her ears. Inwardly, she felt disgust as she watched the fallen angel tumble to the ground, his face a bloody mess as he screamed while clutching to his now disfigured nose. Outwardly, her face was set into its usual stoic mask as she brought her foot up and smashed into it the men's head, sending him into blissful unconsciousness … or death. She didn't stick around to see.

Koneko turned her head to observe the chaos that was surrounding her. She had actually been on her way to Naruto's house when the sight of a sky full of light spears caught her attention. The blond had taken a sort of half day off of work today for them to spend some time together. But, the figure of a fallen angel flying high in the sky was all the incentive she needed to reverse her direction and come sprinting back to Kuoh.

When she arrived, she was immediately assaulted by a group of fallen angel. The pest had made the school their playground as they assaulted anything that didn't have black wings. A trio had come to confront her, their intentions clear as they wielded light spears. They would never get a chance to use them as the Nekoshou ripped her way through their ranks, the girl's claws tearing their way through the grunts with a practiced ease. Her training with Naruto proved to be a huge boon as she found herself literally dancing around all of their attacks.

An explosion caught her attention. She turned her head and was relieved to see her king firing off her power of destruction in the shape of a sphere at anything that moved, the attack proving to be devastating as it reduced a group of shades and fallen angels to dust. With the imminent threat taken care of, Koneko quickly made her way over to the king to check her condition.

"Rias-Sama!" A sigh of relief left the heiresses' at the sound of a familiar voice. A light sheen of sweat covered her brow as she turned towards the friendly face. After fighting off fallen angel after fallen angel, it was nice to see the ever-calm face of her bishop. The girl's untouched schoolgirl outfit made for a humorously dark contrast on the ruined battlefield. Though, the girl's blood covered gauntlets showed she had definitely seen combat.

"Ko-chan, you have no idea how glad I am to see you." Were the first words out of the girl's mouth as the younger girl settled in front of her. The Nekoshou looked to be about to respond but stopped as a shadow fell over the duo. Rias, taking notice of the girl's behavior, turned to see what had caused the girl to react in such a way. The heiress soon felt herself rooted in place as she came face to face with the cause of the current state of the school.

"A Gremory. The last time I encountered one of your kind, I was making the ground match the color of their obnoxious hair color. It's a slight pity to see that you pest haven't managed to die out yet. Though, I am glad that I will be able to help to rid the world of you rats." The man smelled of death. His sickly, pale skin seemed to glow even in the dark overcast that had fallen over the school. His wings were spread out behind him, keeping him afloat in the air above the two devils. His face looked stuck between shooting the girls a sneer and smirking at all the destruction that surrounded him.

"Kokabiel. I would never guess a biblical figure would be the cause of all this." Rias said to the man in a calm manner, her years of etiquette training paying off as she didn't reveal the mass amount of panic she was feeling at the man's presence. Anyone whose name appeared in the bible and managed to survive until now was someone to be feared. She wasn't ready to face someone of that caliber. Even with her peerage, she wasn't ready to face someone like that.

This thought didn't seem to be shared by all members of her peerage as Kokabiel was forced to strafe to the side in order to dodge a brown blur. The fallen angel watched the blur come to a skidding halt against the ground, revealing its identity to be Issei.

Kokabiel didn't have much time contemplate the appearance of the human turned devil as an Asian-style dragon made of lightning slammed into him, carrying the fallen angel away in a large shower of sparks. The dragon lifted the biblical figure a full hundred feet into the air before exploding into a beautiful display of yellow and white yellow.

"The trash is now dealt with." Rias turned her head and relief flooded through her system when she saw her Queen standing on the opposite side of the schoolyard. The girl's usual playful aura was nowhere to be seen as she glared up at the sky where her dragon had taken Kokabiel.

"Akeno-senpai, that was so freaking co-" Issei's praise of his teammate came to a screeching halt as Akeno turned her attention onto him. The warm, playful teasing that could usually be seen behind those lavender orbs were nowhere to be seen as an frost like agitation took its place. All it took was a single look for Issei to get the message that now was not the time for praise.

"Is that Baraqiel's brat? I haven't seen you since you were a small child." Akeno's attention was snapped back to the air as Kokabiel's voice rang out from the shower of sparks. The fallen angel descended from the sky, completely unscathed from Akeno's attack. If anything, he looked amused as he stared down at the group of devils. Akeno's expression hardened to an even greater extent as the man lazily kept afloat over their heads.

"Do not say that man's name to me." An uncharacteristic growl left the girl's throat as she stared up at the man. Her action drew worried looks from her fellow as Kokabiel released a dark chuckle.

"Daddy issues? Dont worry child, even I have those. Let me release you from such a trivial matter." Within a blink of an eye, a light spear was in the fallen angel's hand. Before Akeno could even draw breath, the spear had already crossed half the distance. By the time she was able to tense her muscles to move, the spear was ten feet away from piercing her chest.

A brown blur. That was all Akeno managed to see before Issei appeared in front of her, his gauntlet raised to defend her. The light spear deflected harmlessly off of the boy's gauntlet, careening back towards the sky where it exploded in a bright flash of light.

"Looks like all the little devils have arrived. Good, it'll make it a lo-" The man cut himself off as he was forced to twist his body in midair to dodge a thrown sword. The weapon flew by him at a ridiculously fast speed, barely missing the fallen angel as it flew out of eyesight. "Seems like I spoke too soon."

The fallen angel glanced down to the new arrival on the battlefield. Stood only a few feet from the rest of the devils was one Yuuto Kiba, though to anyone that knew the boy, they could tell something was different about him. A certain calmness hung over the boy's head as he shouldered a massive sword. The thing looked to be as large, if not larger, than the devil himself yet Kiba didn't show any sign of strain as he carried the weapon.

"Someone's gotten a new toy." Kokabiel stated with a smirk. The man's statement did little to affect the devil as he lifted the sword off his shoulder and pointed at the flying fallen angel.

"You tried to harm my friends. For that, you will pay with your life." With those words, dozens upon dozens of swords materialized around the devil. A gasp escaped Rias' lips at the sheer amount of weaponry her knight was managing to summon. Even Kokabiel had to raise an eyebrow as the number of sword crossed over into the hundreds. Some of the weapons actually looked dangerous enough to give him a scratch.

"Tis but a scratch." The fallen angel mused to himself before summoning a sword of his own light spear. Since the devil thought he could go head up against him, he would be glad to crush the boy's delusions.

Silence. It was usually something the blond enjoyed considering how hectic his life could be nowadays. The silence he was experiencing now though was not something he would call enjoyable. The awkward, tension filled silence was slowly grating away at the blond's nerve and he was sure it was starting to be noticeable.

And the thing was, he was the only one providing all of the tension and awkwardness! Ophis didn't look to have a single care in the whole fucking world as she sat calmly on his bed, her eyes closed and her hands folded as she just sat there. Menacingly sitting there, probably plotting his demise or something along those lines. At least, that's what he suspected. He had absolutely no proof on the matter as Ophis hadn't given him any evidence to use against her. All she had done was sit there.

Sitting! He never thought he would hate such a simple action but Ophis had managed to make him detest it. He had attempted to busy himself around the house, cleaning up the remnants of Kuroka's mess and tidying things up in general, but nothing had worked. His mind couldn't get away from the fact that sitting in his bedroom was a god who had attempted to kill him and had verbally informed that he was still one of her target. The situation was beginning to make his head hurt which only served to further his agitation.

"Calm down, Uzumaki. Don't stress yourself ou-FUCK!" The blond shouted rather loudly as he mistakenly stepped on a pair of Kuroka's rarely worn underwear. The blond's footing was taken out from beneath him as his foot slid against the underwear. He was sent tumbling head first to the ground, a string of curses following after him as his body slammed into the ground. He sat there motionless for several seconds, too stunned at what just happened to move, before eventually wiping the embarrassing memory from his mind and climbing to his feet.

At least no one saw that.

"Uzumaki." The blond literally jumped into the air at the sound of the voice. When he landed, he had a kunai in hand and was prepared to slit the throat of whoever had managed to sneak up on him. When he saw Ophis standing at the entrance of the hallway, his kunai stayed raised as stared at her petite form.

"Ah…" Was all the blond could articulate as he stared down at the dragon god. The girl stood with her arms crossed along her chest as she stared at him with a single eyebrow raised. A quick glance down at himself allowed him to identify why he was receiving that look. Kuroka's panties was hanging from his foot. A sheepish look crossed his face before he quickly flicked his foot, sending the pair of underwear across the room and saving the last bits of his already damaged pride. "Is there something you need?"

"Your loudness distracted me from my rest." The girl responded in an even tone. The way she used rest made it seem as if the dragon had been possibly sleeping. Oh God, did she sleep in his bed? Was it weird to have a dragon god sleep in your bed before your girlfriend?

The blond cleared his mind of these thoughts with a quick shake of his head. He couldn't waste too much attention on those questions.

"Well…" The blond started off before straightening up. The shinobi resealed his kunai as he took on a somewhat sheepish demeanor. "I'm about to leave to go take care of some stuff around town…" He paused here, not completely sure on what to say next. The proper thing to say when one had invited guests over was to ask if they needed anything. Unfortunately for him, Ophis was the furthest thing from being an "invited guest" which put him into a rather awkward situation.

Luckily for the blond, he didn't have to worry much about responding as Ophis acted first. The god confidently strode over towards him, causing him to tense up slightly. Instead of attacking like he assumed she would, the god merely stood by his side while looking up expectantly at him.

"Where you go, I go." Exasperation filled the blond at her simple explanation. She not only broke into his house but now wanted to follow him around town? How crappy could this situation get?

"Anyone that annoys me will die."

….He really needed to stop asking that question.

"C'mon children! Show me some battle lust! Or do I have to blow up more of your precious school." Kokabiel cackled as Issei sent himself flying towards the man. The gauntlet wearer looked worse for wear as he approached the fallen angel with his arm outstretched. Etched onto his face was pure murderous intent as he finally got close enough to swipe at the men's throat.

Unfortunately for the devil, his attack hit nothing but air as Kokabiel sent himself flying backwards with a single flap of his wings. The air current produced by his wings slammed into Issei, halting all of his forward momentum and sending him tumbling headfirst to the ground. He would've found himself nursing a broken neck if Koneko hadn't appeared underneath him, catching him from his free fall before unceremoniously dumping him on the ground.

"Idiot. Stupid move. Don't do it again." The girl reprimanded her fellow devil while keeping her attention focused on the fallen angel. The man looked to be damn near giddy due to his half-hearted attempts to keep a grin off of his face. He had every right to be as happy as he was considering the outcome of the fight so far.

Koneko glanced behind her, her eyes meeting the pained filled one of her peerage's knight. A bloody red streak ran from shoulder to hip across his body. The wound was a reminder of the devil's encounter with the fallen angel. While Kiba's sword had been numerous and the ferocity of his attack was fueled by his need to protect his friends, the devil came up incredibly short against the much more powerful and experienced fallen angel. The man had evaded every sword that was thrown at him before sending the devil spiralling back towards the ground with a swipe of a hastily made light spear. The devil, even while being enhanced by the powers that laid within his chess piece, wasn't quick enough to react and was now suffering for it.

The crack of thunder sent Koneko back on high alert. The Nekoshou glanced up at the sky and saw Kokabiel was now drifting back and forth in order to dodge the series of lightning strikes that were raining from the sky. The lightning was colored a dark shade of purple, tipping the girl off to just who exactly was the cause behind the strange weather occurrence.

Akeno had made her move and was leaving the man distracted. Good. With the fallen angel's attention off of her, she had free reign to prepare an attack. Unfortunately, her long range move set was slightly lacking in depth. She was a close range fight, her piece made sure of that. But getting close to Kokabiel and not leaving without some type of wound was proving to be difficult. Despite her higher than average resistance to light poisoning, she rather not risk getting run through by one of the man's spear.

So she did what any logical person would do in her situation. She dashed over to the closest tree and grabbed it tightly with both hands by its trunk. With a small grunt of effort, she ripped it from out the ground, roots and all. She briefly balanced the massive hunk of lumber over her head, making sure to say a brief mental apology to her boyfriend and the earth for what she just did, before taking aim and throwing the tree at the still distracted Kokabiel.

Satisfaction. That was the only way to describe how she felt as she watched the tree slam into Kokabiel, sending him tumbling from the sky. The anxiety and worry that came during the unlikely projectile's flight through the air was completely wiped from her mind as pure joy at watching the man get buried beneath a tree replaced it. In the back of her mind, she knew that getting hit by a tree wasn't enough to do any lasting damage to the fallen angel. Someone who had fought in the Great War wouldn't succumb to something of that nature. She pushed those thoughts aside and decided to focus on the happiness that had filled her from smacking a grown man out the sky with a tree.

It was the small victories that mattered anyways.

"What is this?" Ophis questioned as she held onto the cone shaped objected that had a cold, white milky substance dripping down the sides of it. On top of the cone sat a single scoop of a powdery white substance that the milky lines seemed to be originating from.

"I told you, it's ice cream." Naruto said before returning to licking his own ice cream cone. Unlike Ophis, his ice cream was actually sherbet, a bright orange sugary substance that always managed to put a smile on his face. Even when he was standing next to a god that wanted to kill him.

The two made for a rather interesting duo considering the difference in height and appearance. Naruto was used to the heightened attention due to his time with Koneko so the stares went ignored by him. Ophis, on the other hand, didn't share the same sentiment as her blond companion. The stares annoyed her and set her on edge. It was only by Naruto's pleading and not so subtle threatening that she hadn't attacked anyone as of yet.

"It's cold." Ophis commented only to be ignored by the blond as he focused his full attention on devouring his sherbet cone. A spark of annoyance flashed within her at being ignored but it was quickly squashed. Getting angry with the boy wouldn't benefit her whatsoever. His actions made that abundantly clear.

So instead, she decided to focus on the 'treat, that laid melting within her hand. As a primordial being, she didn't require sustenance but her taste buds were still fully developed and perfectly functional. Her sense of smell was also working and was currently picking up the light scent of vanilla drifting up from her ice cream. Her mouth watered slightly before she tentatively lifted the cone towards her mouth and gave it a cautionary lick.

Cold. That was the first word that came to mind as her tongue came within contact of the ice cream. An explosion of flavor followed the cold feeling as the taste of vanilla invaded her mouth. It was sweet but not too sweet. Cold but not too cold. It made mouth water more and she would be lying if she said she didn't want more. Luckily for her, she had a full cone left to herself that she would use to explore the taste of the ice cream.

Naruto had to hold in a chuckle as he watched Ophis from the side of his eye. The dragon god was now eagerly licking away at her ice cream cone, her face morphed into a mask of concentration as she focused her attention on the taste of her treat. He knew ice cream would be able to hold the girl's attention. Minutes before, it looked like the girl was seconds away from decimating an entire city block. Now, the blond could see the tiny foundations of a smile making its way onto her face.

"Crisis averted." Naruto gave himself a mental pat on the back for his quick thinking. Sometimes being a badass ninja hero that saved lives was just a bit too easy.

An explosion ripped through the sky, shaking the ground in the process and sending the people surrounding the duo in a frenzy. Ophis, not expecting the small tremor, was sent slightly off balance, her grip on her ice cream being momentarily released as she caught her balance. Unfortunately she was not fast enough to save her treat as the ice cream cone slammed mercilessly to the ground, its content spilling onto the warm concrete along with the beginnings of any happiness the dragon god had been feeling.

Naruto's eyes caught none of this as he focused on trying to find the origin of the explosion. His eyes locked on and narrowed on a floating figure on the opposite side of town. Target found.

"Ophis. I'll be right ba-" Naruto turned to addressed the dragon but stopped himself when he came upon a horrifying fact. Ophis was no longer standing beside him. A quick sweep of the surrounding area told him that she was now nowhere near him. The infinite dragon god was on the loose in Kuoh and he had just let her walk away.

"Fuck me."

Maybe being a badass ninja hero wasn't as easy as it seemed.

A tree. A god forsaken tree. Worst of all, it was thrown by a teenage girl. Oh, how that fact angered him.

Koneko could sense that anger. It was damn near palpable being as close to him as she was. A quick side step allowed her to dodge a forward thrust from the fallen angel's light spear. Attempting to take advantage of the man's over extension, the Nekoshou shot off her back foot and sent herself rocketing into the fallen angel's guard. The man had no time to react before Koneko landed a hay-maker punch to his stomach, lifting Kokabiel further off the ground and sending him propelling backwards.

That was just going to piss him off even more. She knew that but it had been so satisfying landing a hit on the fallen angel. Her training with Naruto definitely had been paying off as she could actually feel the man's muscles beneath her fist contract as she made contact with it. The light amount of spit and bile that came from his mouth and fell in front of her didn't even bother her much considering she had been the cause of it.

With the man slightly separated from the Nekoshou, Akeno made her move. The girl had been focusing her energy for the past minute while the Nekoshou had been engaging the fallen angel. A basketball sized orb laid between her hands as her eyes stayed trained on the man. As soon as Koneko landed the hit, the Queen knew it was time. She let her attack off, sending the orb of deadly electric careening through the air. The orb crossed the distance separating the devil and the fallen angel in a single second. It looked to be about to slam into the fallen angel but before it could, Kokabiel twisted in mid-air, backhanding the orb out of the air, sending the attack slamming harmlessly into the ground several feet away.

Akeno didn't have time to mourn the utter waste of her energy before Kokabiel retaliated. With a single flex of the man's wings, hundreds of hardened fingers were sent rocketing towards the girl. The feathers covered an area of over 100 yards long and were approaching quickly, forcing the devil into a hurried backpedal as she attempted to find a way to evade the steel wall of death. Luckily for her, she wouldn't have to think long as a red orb of destruction came flying over her head and slammed into a portion of the wall of feathers, eradicating them from existence. Sensing the opening, Akeno unfurled her wings and flew through the hole in the attack, just barely avoiding being skewered by dozens of feather.

The moment she landed in the relatively safer position, she wanted to turn and thank her King because she knew it was only because of Rias that she was alive right now. That was not possible, however, as Kokabiel was currently in the process of dive bombing her with a light sword in hand. The girl hurriedly began to build up energy once again in preparation for an impromptu attack as the man quickly closed the distance between the duo.

Metal meeting metal was the sound that greeted Akeno's ear. The devil allowed the energy that had been building up within her to die away as she stared at the back of her would be savior. The latex uniform the person was wearing was a dead give-away to their identity if they giant sword they were wielding wasn't a big enough hint.

"An exorcist working alongside devils? I didn't think the servants of God would fall so low." Kokabiel calmly said as he locked swords with Xenovia. The girl was physically struggling to keep up with the fallen angel's immense strength if the straining of her muscles were anything to go by. Even through the struggle, a snarl worked its way out of her mouth as she pushed against the men's sword.

"I am not working with any devils!" The girl punctuated the last word by drawing her sword back, ending the power struggle in the hopes that it would send the fallen angel off balance. Unfortunately for the girl, the man had centuries of experience in the art of swordplay that allowed him to predict the girl's simple tactic. So instead of stumbling forward, allowing the exorcist to end the fight by running him through with her sword, Kokabiel jumped backwards while taking a long swipe of his sword. Mid swing, Kokabiel forced his light energy through the blade of the sword, elongating it by almost double its original length.

"Not enough!" The girl yelled while hastily bringing her sword up to block the wave of light energy. Her holy sword absorbed the full brunt of the attack, saving her from being bisected. From behind the blade of her sword, Xenovia let loose a heated glare at the smirking fallen angel. The man wasn't taken her seriously and it agitated her.

Suddenly, Kokabiel leaped backwards just moments before a white blur crashed violently into the ground where he was standing. Koneko stood up from the small crater that she had formed by her 'Dynamic Entry', a technique that she had learned from Naruto. Her eyes briefly locked with Xenovia as a silent understanding was shared between the two before they leapt into action.

The duo made for a deadly duo with the combination of Koneko's enhanced strength and Xenovia's swordplay. The combat compatibility was strangely high as the girls flowed almost seamlessly through their attacks. Whenever Koneko went low to attack, Xenovia was directly behind her, aiming high in the hopes of catching the fallen angel off guard. Whenever Xenovia leapt to confront Kokabiel, Koneko was directly beneath her, ready to make the fallen angel paid if he slipped up.

Unfortunately, not even the impromptu teamwork between the two managed to overcome the fallen angel as he easily handled the two. Each of Koneko's attacks were redirected or dodged while Xenovia's sword strikes were all parried. Any ground gained by the girls was quickly taken back as Kokabiel happily repelled the devil/exorcist duo.

"Not even the combined might of a devil and a exorcist can overcome the strength of a fallen angel. Your kind will both fall to the hands of the gre-" The man would never get to finish his sentence or any other thought for that matter as he was attacked. A snake, as dark as the night, sprang up from beneath the man and silently latched onto his neck. A strangled yelp leapt from the fallen angel's voice as the snake's fangs buried into his neck. Koneko and Xenovia watched in a mixture of confusion and horror as men's yells grew louder and louder with each second passed. His sickly pale skin began to pulse a deep black as he collapsed down to his knees, his hands clutched uselessly around the body of the snake as he attempted to yank the creature off of him. His efforts were for naught as the snake kept its firm grip on his neck.

As the seconds passes, the fallen angel's attempts grew weaker and weaker as the snake seemed to drain him of his energy. It took only thirty seconds of the snake being attached to his throat for Kokabiel to finally stop in his struggling and collapse face first into the dirt, his body a disfigured and dry husk of what it originally was.

The snake removed itself from the now corpse with two quiet pops before focusing its attention onto the duo of girls. Both exorcist and devil alike tensed up slightly as the black snake looked to be about to about to attack them. After watching the creature literally suck Kokabiel, an enemy they could barely touch themselves, dry, they didn't want to be anywhere near that thing.

Luckily for them, the creature backed off as its owner descended down into the schoolyard. Koneko and Xenovia both had to hold back a flinch as they met the cold, emotionless eyes of the snake's owner. The eye contact only lasted a mere moment but the duo got the message it carried loud and clear. They were only alive because she willed it.

Ophis' feet lightly touched the ground just as her snake slithered up to her. The god gave the creature a light pat on its head before it crawled up her leg into the confines of her skirt. No one dared to ask how the god managed to store such a large creature beneath her dress in fear of some type of retaliation.

Her gaze wandered over Kokabiel or at least the man's corpse. It only took her a few steps to reach his prone form, each of those steps sending chills down the teen's spines as the god inadvertently got closer to them. Luckily for them, the god had no intention on bothering the duo as she crouched in front of the dead fallen angel.

A single touch of her hand. That was all it took before Kokabiel's body began disintegrate. His skin flaked off of his muscles in airy wisps that looked like the remnants of burnt paper. After the first layer of skin had degraded, the muscle soon followed. Then bone. Then organs until all that remained was a puddle of blood that was slowly soaking into the surrounding dirt. The process disgusted Koneko, Xenovia and the rest of Rias' peerage who had arrived just moments before the process started. The horrified look on their face was clear even when Ophis stood back to her full height and faced them, the same cold and emotionless look still present in her eyes.

"He made me spill my ice cream."