
tasting room for ff

Nothing special in here go away shu shu

Golden_Exprience · ファンタジー
82 Chs



(Persephone's Short Lemon included)


A skull head slammed into a stone wall. Marcus commented on that.

"Stop hitting yourself."


"Stop hitting yourself."


"Stop hitting yourself."

Hades' eyes flickered as he roared angrily and tried to get back at him. He turned around and tried to punch Marcus.

But the Inventor pushed the fist aside and slapped the God of the Underworld away. Once again, the Greek God flew several metres away and started to roll through the ground several more metres until he stopped in the middle of the rubble.

"Sheesh. Just how much he needs to hit himself?" Marcus shook his head in disappointment.

The inventor slowly started to walk towards the laying Greek God. Both hands were in his pockets as he thought about what he would build first in his new territory.

'A water theme park, perhaps? Or a museum dedicated to the Underworld.

Now that I think about it, I should recover all the ancient buildings and store them safely in my vault.'

"Hey, Hades. What do you think? A water park or a museum? I mean, I could do both." Marcus asked the Underworld God as he grabbed the skeletal being by his collar and lifted him.

Seeing that Hades was not responsive, he started to shake him.

"Sheesh. At least last for a couple of hours. Why do you even call yourself God if you can't survive a beating from a human."

"Come on!"

Marcus' eyes glowed purple as he slammed his hand into the Greek God's back.

He awakened him forcefully.

Still, Marcus let him go upon the impact, which made Hades fly several metres again.

But this was where the Inventor noticed how Hades shifted. His form turned that of a middle-aged-looking, Latin-looking man.

When Solomon's successor saw this, he slightly raised his chin and looked down on Hades.

"Appears I have beaten out your skeleton fetish, Hades," Marcus said with a provoking tone. He spread his hands, motioning to attack him.

"Now come, let me finish the job. So that I could start terraforming this place into something modern."

The Greek God was on one knee, and his clothes changed into that of a Greek soldier, just more luxurious.

Instead of answering the provocations, the god looked around.

His gaze ended on a shadow which was close to his location, very close.

One of the reasons that his Underworld is so muddy is that he needs shadows to travel.

"Ha. I admit that you are strong. Very strong, most likely the most powerful non-dragon being. But– you lack something."

"...What?" Marcus asked with narrow eyes.


As Hades said, that shadow swallowed him, and he was about to disappear.

The Inventor's eyes widened as he, with reality-warping speed, appeared in front and tried to grab Hades.

All he got was a piece of cloth!

"You think you can escape from ME!?"

Marcus' psionic powers bombarded Hades' Realm and expanded to other connected layers.

He couldn't find him!


With a step, the ground shattered as he blasted out from Hades' Realm, flew rapidly through the tunnels and appeared aboard his Confiscator.

Once there, he swiftly walked over to the closest console. He placed his right index finger on his temple, pulled out a memory of how Hades looked in Greek form and uploaded it to the Aurora Network.

"Find him! Use all available means! Kill on sight! Orbital Bombardment is allowed!"

Aurora accepted Marcus' orders. But the AI was confused as to why her creation was THAT mad! She even scanned him several times to make sure he was not an imposter.

Regardless, the inventor's identity was accepted as the real deal, and the commands were sent throughout the network. The individual is to be found and exterminated with extreme prejudice.

"The identity is Hades, that 'God' ran away from me in a fight. Use all known data we have and cross-reference it. We should have his divinity signature."

After explaining more, Marcus pressed a few more things on the Hologram console. It was the calling option. He decided to speak with Athena, who is related to Hades.

"Marcus? What is—" Seeing his super serious, nearly angry look, she straightened her back.

"What happened?"

"Hades escaped. He used some sort of shadow power. I assume it's related to his underworld governing abilities."

"That is correct. This power comes from the Greek Trinity of Sky, Sea and Underworld. My father has a domain over the sky, Poseidon has the Sea, and Hades can travel through shadows."

"Though as much. I want everyone to be on guard. My satellite network is already looking for him. The moment he slips, Ars Almadel Salomonis has permission to shoot."

"M-Marcus—you can't just shoot that thing at a random location. It would be better to use more subtle methods first and capture him." Athena swiftly tried to persuade him to be less destructive.

He looked at her, and she looked at him.

"If you know something, you better tell me. If not, my station won't discriminate like Hades does."


"It's the Greek Underworld, Marcus. Where else could he surface? If you shoot that, you could potentially destroy Olympus."

"Fine. This time, I will take your approach. Next time, don't tell me I am not considering your opinion." After saying that, he dismissed the call and started to organise an airship deployment to Greece.

Airships from 15 to 18 will fly to Greece and form a perimeter. At the same time, Marcus returned to Hades' Realm.

As he returned there, he noticed that his troops had won and the space lock the place had was disabled.

This situation means that Hades indeed slipped into the human world.

'Where could you possibly run? I thought you were a God. Yet, you act less worthy than my previous opponents.'

With a snort, Marcus landed in front of Hades' castle and walked inside.

He wanted to explore, not that he went far. He was greeted by a beautiful woman dressed in a black dress. It was a ball dress.

Her hair was very dark yellow, almost black; her body lines were exquisite. This woman was a Goddess, that much is certain, and the Inventor had some idea who this woman was.

The first thing she did the moment she saw him was to drop on one knee.

Such action made him raise his eyebrow. A kneeling God is something one wouldn't see that often.

"Oh, Great Conqueror, please, I wasn't part of Hades' plans. I ask you to spare me."

"You are Persephone, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes." She replied without wasting time.

"Do you know where he had run off to?" He asked her. His question made her slightly tremble; the tone of his voice made her realise that he was pissed.

"...Ummm, the only way he can escape is r-river Styx, the only entrance to the human world as other entrance from Underworld you have sealed off."

"Styx? The river which is used to take dead souls to Hades' Realm? This river doesn't exist in the human realm."

"Y-Yes, but it has an entry point where souls appear before Charon takes them here." She swiftly explained to him.

"Hmm, that makes sense. Fine, you may leave, Persephone. The space lock is down." He said that as his senses did pick up, the space lock was no longer in place.

"I-I can't!"

"What do you mean you can't?" He sounded confused.

"I am the Goddess of Seasons. With Hades gone, I am the one who holds the balance now—that oaf invoked direct control to fight you. As you noticed, this place is unique, created to control the flow of souls. He turned off the automatic flow, and now the souls don't start the process of recycling. Instead, they wake up in their original bodies and continue to fight."

"I see. So it works like that. You pair were the anchors." Marcus immediately understood how this works.

"Yes. Those tales of me being taken here and made his wife are true. Back then, Hades was— better. I was made a proper Goddess of Cycles. My Divinity of Seasons is linked to human mortality as well. The four seasons are related to the human lifespan as well.

If I leave, this place will crumble apart" The more she explained, the more Marcus saw that it was a bitter duty she was annoyed with.

"Then stay. I will arrange a system to replace it. With that in place, you may leave and return to Olympus." He said with a plain voice. He didn't see this as an issue. It is more like a temporary bump in the road.

"...Y-You will?" At that moment, a bunch of emotions went through her eyes.

"A-Are you going to take over this place?" She asked him.

"Of course. This place is my reward for waging and winning the war."

"T-Then let me stay. I will teach you everything about this place. I was Queen of Hades Realm for more than 4 thousand years." There was no way she would return to being just another goddess in Olympus! She was a Queen for the majority of her life.

"Hmm, if you insist, then swear allegiance to me. I will make you overseer of this place alongside Cocytus and other layers below this one."

The beauty smiled at him. She swiftly placed her left hand on her heart.

"Then I, Persephone, declare that my body, soul, and mind belong to my dashing and almighty conqueror." She said that with a straight and sultry tone.

'...W-What!? How d-did!?'

For a second, he was confused. Did she just place herself—!?

"Is there something wrong, my Lord?" Persephone slowly stood up and got close to him. She inspected his expression from several angles, wondering if she said something wrong.

"I-I am fine." By this point, he had accepted that this stuff happens. The higher his power, his power and his faction's power, the easier it is for him to acquire things, Goddess included.

"If you say so, my Lord. What do you wish for me to do?"

"Restored the cycle."

"Understood. I can do that, but my power is nowhere near Hades. I need more energy than I have to restart the cycle."

"Then I will give you that power. I assume this will impact Hades."

The moment he mentioned that the moment Persephone grinned, almost sadistically.

"You know your systems well, my Lord. With your help, I can take away this Realm from him. This move will drastically weaken him." She explained with an eager tone. That's right! She can finally strike back at him! It has been thousands of years, and that wound has been festering. Nothing is more scary than the wrath of a neglected and bitter wife.

"Fantastic. Then let's do it."

The beauty smiled at him. She will throw him into a volcano if it means getting the attention of her new Lord.

"Then follow me."

She gently took his arm and led him towards the throne room.

"This Realm has been built and developed around Hades and me. Hades is the anchor, and I am the cycle which allows souls to be recycled.

He is the world, and I am the flow in this world. One can't exist without the other."

"Hmm, I see. Does that mean you must get Hades divinity to take full control?"

"In a most perfect situation, yes. His divinity is linked directly to this realm. If you had his power, you could make yourself God of the Underworld or give that power to me. That would make him into nothing more than a minor God with power over shades."

'This sounds enticing, but Ars Goetia would cease to work If I become God of the Underworld.'

"Then it's a good thing I have this."

Marcus lifted his hand, and black energy surged. This glow— it was Hades divinity!

Persephone stopped in her tracks and looked at him. Her eyes were wide as she was looking at his hand.


"I was peeling him like an onion before he decided to run away. Such unfinished work has a bitter feeling in my mouth."

The inventor wanted to strip Hades of all his power. But that fool ran away. Undoubtedly, he noticed that his power was being peeled off like layers of an onion.

"...W-What is your plan!?" Now Persephone was excited. Such a plot! What a fantastic chance to slap that God in the face. The beauty was very enthusiastic about this!

"I have no interest in becoming a God. My rituals and powers are tailored to what I am. Taking this power would make some of them lose potency."


"I could give it to you~" Marcus teased her by getting closer. Since she is hungry for him, he can tease her back.

"You would!?" The Goddess exclaimed with disbelief. She was only vaguely suggesting to give it to her! Persephone never expected he potentially could!

"Yes. I would. You are the best choice for this power AND know your way around this place."

She slowly nodded before getting her face closer to his. Her impressive breasts were deforming in his arm, and she was leaning into him.

"What do you want me to do~?" The beauty asked with a hot voice. That was an opportunity like no other! When God is born, their divinity is already decided. There is barely any sort of change in power.

Yet, now she can become as strong as Hades! No stronger! Since she has divinity of her own. She could have the potential to surpass the current Olympus!

"Depends on what you could offer?" He asked with a teasing tone. However, he did not expect that for the answer!

"Anything~ my darling Conqueror wants~ I could give you a small army of demigods~ As I said, my body, soul and mind are yours~ Just tell me when, and we can start 'working'~."

Persephone is what is considered a 'Traditional' Goddess. Since she already gave everything to him, the only other thing she could offer was children, as many as he wanted!

However, Marcus paled when he heard that. He had a 'vision' of seeing pure chaos. This chaos is baby demigods all over his base with a bunch of crazy divinities, like death, ageing, certain seasons and stuff like that.

As someone who hates uncontrolled things, A.K.A pure chaos, he would pass and maybe die from horror.

"W-We can skip that for a while, Persephone."

"Of course, what my beloved says~" The Goddess agreed. Part of her was already eager to 'work' on that. But she can wait. For now, they need to strip Hades of his power!

"Come, his power and control is concentrated in the Throne~" She guided him to the throne room.

As they walked to it, she motioned for him to sit on it.

Marcus followed her directions. As he sat down, she followed after him and placed that exquisite bum on his lap. Then she got comfortable and turned to the side.

Placing her legs on one of the handholds, then wrapped her right hand around his neck.

"I will start channelling my divinity into the throne; you need to give me Hades' divinity and then direct your power through me~."

Marcus could hear how excited the Goddess was. He had never seen someone SO dissatisfied with their marriage.

"Fine. Then, let's start."


~~~~~~Few Minutes Ago, South of Olympus~~~~~~

With a splash, a man surfaces from a river inside a cave. This place looked like a source of some sort of river—a river which submerges into a cavern.

*Deep Breath*

"T-To think I would need to run away from my home!" Hades whispered to himself as he swam to the shore and got out of the water.

'Whatever that human used has shaved my power with each strike. I am far weaker than ever before.'

As Hades sat down on the shore, he inspected his hand. He could feel his flesh and blood and other things he forgot that he used to have.

Such a thing was so strange and unnecessary!

"He will pay. He will pay for making me an outcast! No matter what! As long as I have some power, I can come up with something!" The God of the Underworld said with a frown and growing anger in his eyes.

As he slowly stood up and was ready to walk, something 'struck' him! It started to affect his power!


"T-This is!? N-No!!! That bitch!? H-How could she!?" Hades started to struggle as his power began to get drained. His black aura began to surface from his body and flow into the river and back to Hades' Realm

"H-How can she have this much power!? To influence me!?" Sweat started to roll from his forehead as he collapsed on his knees and looked at the ground. He was holding himself not to face plant into the ground.

"Gaaahhh!" The Deity painfully groaned, feeling that Persephone drained his very life and took his domain away from him!

"Damnnnn youuu!!!"

Eventually, it stopped. Hades felt that around 95% of all his power was taken!

With how much he has left, he has less power than nymphs and other minor godlings!


For a second, he stayed on his knees as he tried to gather his breath before trying to stand up.

His legs shook for a few moments before he was on his feet.

'To think that I will be so weak! Damn you, Marcus Goldman! That bitch Persephone! And, of course, Olympus!'

Hades started to create his hit list mentally! As long as he is alive, he will get his revenge!

~~~~~~Back in Hades' Realm~~~~~~

"Fufufufu~ I took all of his Divinity related to this place! All of it! I have full control of this realm now~" Persephone said with a giddy tone. Her eyes were shining with an excited look.

"Good. Then you know what to do."

"Yes! Leave this to me, my beloved~" The beauty purred as she closed her eyes and reset the cycle.

At that moment, Underworld forces who got shot down or struck down no longer stood up.

Because of this, G.A.T forces started to one sidedly slaughter everyone who resisted them.

As the battle is turning in Marcus' Technocracy's favour, Persephone has some ideas about what to do next.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at her Conqueror.

"All done."

"Fantastic work, Persephone."

"I didn't do much; you did all the heavy lifting. I think I should properly join your side now~" As she said that, her right-hand fingers started to play with his hair. Her left hand went to his cheek and stroked it gently. The Beauty has some ideas.

"Oh, does my new Underworld Queen have something in mind?"

"Yes~ there is something we have to do to make it official~," She said as her face got closer to his, and she started to whisper.

"You need to mark my body as yours~." Persephone, with a husky voice, whispered.

"You took the realm, and now take the wife of the 'mighty' Hades."

"You do make a lot of sense~" Marcus replied with a small nod.

He leaned forward and claimed her lips. As the beauty saw no hesitation, it made her gush with excitement.

This guy was not a pushover. He might make her feel like a woman again!

Slowly, the kissing got heated, and their tongues started to wrestle for a few minutes. The Goddess could only marvel at how long he could do this.

Still, they needed to stop as the next phase had to begin.

Marcus grabbed her leg and lifted it; he moved Persephone to face him.

With how close they were, she leaned forward and purred lustfully into his ear.


"With pleasure~" The inventor's hands went on her rear, squeezing those firm ass cheeks.

The Goddess hummed with satisfaction as she felt his hands start working on her ass. Not to be left behind, her hands went down and started working on his pants.

Just thinking what he would do to her made her work faster. Once his cock was out in the open, Persephone licked her lips.

The beauty lifted her dress just enough to bring her special place close to his tool.

Marcus quickly realised that the beauty in his lap had no undergarments to speak of!

Sure enough, his cock stroked around her pussy, and the Goddess started to tease herself.

"Let's do it~ I can't wait anymore~" Persephone, with a greedy tone, moved her hips back and forth.

Instead of saying anything, Marcus slammed her down on his pole.

"Aghhh~~ that's it!!!"

With a single stroke, his cock was fully inside her special place.

For a few moments, she trembled from that pleasure. Her hips moved up and down, enjoying that fullness for a few moments.

"This is fantastic~ you have no idea how long I waited for my Saviour~" The Goddess whispered to him as she started to shake her hips.

Her exquisite ass started to move up and down as loud moans began to spread through the throne room. Persephone, on purpose, was not hiding her pleasure. Not that she could, as she was lusting for this for a long time.

'This Goddess is such a 'depressed housewife' Well, I am here to make sure she is no longer depressed.'

Marcus' hands squeezed her ass cheeks as he started to assist in hammering. A loud, wet smack erupted from their coupling.

"Hnnnn~~ That's the spot!~"

The beauty trembled as she just experienced a small climax. Not that the Inventor cared as she started to hammer her down on his cock.

"Ohhhh~~~ w-wait~~ l-let meeee—" The beauty couldn't finish as she came hard. Her pussy erupted with love juices as they coated his rod, helping him slip in and out even faster.

Persephone ended up hugging him as his hammering speed picked up.

A howl-like moan escaped from her mouth as floodgates opened, and Marcus released his first load in her depths, painting her womb in his colours.

The beauty's mouth opened as the drool started to roll down from the corners of her lips. Her body twitched several times before a silly smile formed on her lips.

"...T-This is amazing~~ my beloved is a beast in this act too. It appears I was blessed after all~" She whispered to him as her face got closer.

"To think that Goddess would bother about blessings~" As he said that, he pulled her for another kiss.

This time, the kissing lasted for a while before the Goddess pulled back and looked lustfully at him.

"Are you ready for another round?"

Instead of saying anything, he started to move her. The newly crowned Goddess of the Underworld ended up being turned around. Marcus' hands went to her breasts this time around. He started to rub those perfectly shaped globes.

Without waiting any longer, his rod slipped right back into her tender cave as he started to fuck the beauty on his lap.

The new angle made Persephone heartily moan as she tried to move alongside his thrust.

The sounds of coupling continued to spread through the Throne room.

~~~~~~Greece, Above Athens~~~~~~

Space rippled itself, opening up and becoming a massive portal big enough for airships to pass.

These were the four airships ordered by Marcus to start looking for Hades in the human world.

The four airships of Daedalus class 2.0 proceeded to split up and start their search. They have satellite support, and Ars Almadel Salomonis is moving into position for continuous and rapid-fire in case it will be needed.

"Release Starscream squadrons. Begin flyby!" The captain of Airship 15 ordered. The four airships started to release their fighter jets.

The jets, one after another, were launched from the carriers. They started to do their routines.

The supernatural faction completely ignored the people who got all panicky. These airships just appeared randomly and started their military movements!

All of this caused chaos.

However, the military of Greece didn't do anything. Nope, the Olympians told them not to interfere. It was suicide to get involved with Marcus' faction.

Instead, the Greek Gods tried to establish contact with the Technocracy.

"Athena! What is going on!? There are four of those monstrosities in our territory!!!" Zeus tried to sound angry, but that was just to cover his anxiety.

Those things look an even better version of what he saw before!

And that is not good!

"Be thankful that I saved Olympus. Marcus was thinking of precision orbital bombardment to kill Hades, who escaped his clutches.

That thing is floating above Greece as we speak."

Athena said with a heavy voice.

"W-What!? Hades escaped!? If this is the case, he should be on land—" Zeus eyes bulged as he realised that the entrance was close to Olympus!

"We need to capture him! Quick!" The King of Gods swiftly stood up and summoned his Master bolt.

If he captures Hades, he could hand it over to Marcus and get some bonuses. Maybe some upgrades for his Pantheon!

Others followed after him. Only Apollo snickered as he was the last one to stand up. To think that his father became a lackey to a human, the world is genuinely turning crazy.

"Are you sure we should get involved in this?" Apollo asked with an uncertain tone.

"We already are involved. Ares is in the Underworld, and Athena is involved in this."

"Athena is not part of Olympus, just like Artemis." The God of the Sun pointed out. He did that on purpose. The tone of his son made Zeus frown.

"If you are so eager to oppose Marcus, I can exile you. With no connection to Olympus, you can wage all the wars you want." The God of Sky said with a plain voice.

Apollo's eyes widened for a second; he grimaced several times before taking a deep breath.

"Forget about it. Let's focus on finding Hades."

"Good to see that you can get over it," Zeus said with a slight nod. As someone who is proud, the God of Sky knows what it means to swallow that pride from time to time— well, recently, all the time.

"Good! Now scatter and look for Hades; he should be not far from here."

The Greek Gods scattered to look for the supposed God of the Underworld. None of them noticed how the throne of Hades in their main hall changed. It was a different symbol.

Hades no longer possessed divinity strong enough and couldn't be considered Olympian; his power was drained and added to another god, well, Goddess.


"That sound! Zeus!" Hades grimaced as he heard a thunderclap above Olympus. Did he get noticed?

With how low his divinity was, he doubted they could find him easily. With his Helmet, he can sneak around.


A shadow passed; it was a massive vessel just above him! A white, nearly silver airship made from metal of some sort, golden lights dotted its hull.

'Damn it, Marcus Goldman!!!'

Hades hid behind a rock as he watched the vessel fly over. As he was hiding, several more flying objects flew by. They looked like those fighting machines!

'They are everywhere! How will I escape this!?'

After the vessel's flyby, the Greek God started to walk towards the sea. By his calculation, it will take a while, but he should be able to escape to the sea.

Not that Hades considered that Olympus fully joined in the search, too.

As the ex-Olympian was walking, a beam of red slammed into him.


"Uhg!? W-Why I can't move!?"

The Godling's knees slammed into the ground. He couldn't get up anymore!!!

The airship which flew by not long ago started to turn around. The accompanying jet fighters turned around much faster and swiftly started to approach Hades.

'Damn it all!? How did I get noticed!?'

One after another, jet fighters transformed and landed on the ground, pointing their weapons at the Greek God.

Then, from the airship, gunships left one after another.

Mid-flight, the gunship's doors opened, and men with jet packs rushed towards Hades.

In less than a minute, he was surrounded by over a hundred enemies.

Then, the jet pack units opened fire from their rifles. It was nets, not bullets. The G.A.T Assault Knights captured the exiled Greek God like a wild animal.

"Target is secured. Returning to Airship 16." One of the knights said over the comms.

"Release me this instant, your dolls! Do you know who I am!?" Hades tried to struggle in the net. But one of the Assault Knights pressed a button on his gauntlet, and the net erupted with static electricity.


The Godling started to tremble and spasm inside the net. Whatever unique lightning it was, it bypassed his divinity!

"You are coming with us. The Supreme Commander is furious with your unsightly escape."

As the knights pull the Greek God into one of the gunships, other Greek Gods notice this and watch from a distance.

"It appears we were too late," Poseidon said resignedly.

"Pity we missed such a chance," Zeus said with crossed arms.

He watched how quickly Marcus' troops retreated into the airship. Not long after, the vessel moved towards the Sea. It was leaving Greece as fast as it appeared in the first place.

Before long, the cannons shoot into the distance, creating a wormhole and then entering; a second later, the wormhole closes.

Just like that, the Technocracy forces were gone.



"We do need some sort of contract. The way they move– is chilling." Poseidon pointed out how quickly they can deploy their forces and how quickly things can get out of hand.

If not for Athena, that thing in space could have started bombing them.

"And what do you suggest we do? Athena and my sister are with him. Even then, we get this!" Apollo pointed out. Their faction has nothing to offer.

"Athena needs to marry him. This way, there should be more communication between them." Hera said with a matter-of-fact voice.

To her comment, Apollo and Poseidon looked at her with a 'Are you serious?' look! As if that helped you!