
Task System of the Incubus

Like every other reincarnation fanfic. anyways my grammar is bad English is not my first language, this is an experimental work it's wish fulfillment kind of fanfic I will update when I can, enjoy reading.

xRead · アニメ·コミックス
152 Chs

Akasha returns?

Demolus smiled and didn't say a thing, while the sisters were looking at him with different thoughts going through their minds. Akua continued to look at him like she wanted to test him, but decided to do something else, something she had promised Akasha to do. To destroy the Rosario, and the personality created with it.

"Moka, do you have the Rosario on you right now?" Akua asked while turning to her silver-haired sister.

"Yes, it's right here." Moka took Rosario out of her pocket, but the moment she did so, Akua walked up to her and reached out to take it.

Demolus, seeing what was happening, needed to get Rosario, so he could return Akasha's soul to her new body that he planned to make. And knowing that Akua wanted to destroy it didn't help. He moved as fast as he could and managed to grab it before Akua.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Akua looked at him while frowning.

"Well, I need the Rosario for something so I can't let you destroy it now," Demolus said while looking at the black-haired vampire.

And now that he could get a better look, he realized that Akua was quite short, she was a bit taller than Kokoa, but still, she was shorter than he thought she would be. But now was not the time to have to think about these things. Demolus thought while looking back at the girls.

"What do you mean, destroying the Rosario?" Moka looked at Akua, who didn't make eye contact with her.

"Alright, all of you follow me. I have something to show you, and Moka, you are going to get your mother back," Demolus said while walking towards the guest room. The sister followed after him, while Akua continued to frown. Moka wanted to ask what he meant, by getting her mother back, but decided to just wait and see what happens.

Soon all of them reached the guest room, where Demolus prepared some clothes for a woman. Everyone looked at him with questioning looks, but Demolus started talking to his system in his mind.

'System starts the creation of the body for Akasha Bloodriver, use what's left of the original Alucard that is sealed anise the box of containing.' Demolus said in his mind.

[Body creation starting…...forging soul found…..by the name of Alucard…...does host wishes to exchange the soul for SP, or to destroy it?]

'Exchange for SP and continue the creation of the body.' Demolus continued.

[Soul has been consumed by the system. SP 15.000 gained]

[To create the body, some items from the host's inventory must be used. Does the host agree to this?]


[Memories found: Does the host want to keep memories of Alucard or Akasha?]

'Keep Akasha's in the new body, and for Alucard's extract all of the useful information and discard everything else, then keep them in the system for now.' Demolus said in his mind once more.

[Body is being created…..]

While Demolus continued to speak to his system, the girls were looking at him weirdly. "Does he do this often?" Akua couldn't help but ask Moka.

"Sometimes I have no idea what he's doing." Moka answers truthfully.

"Well, I think he's going to do something amazing!" Declared Kahlua, who was smiling happily, that all of the sisters were together once more.

"Anyway, Moka, do you know what he might do?" Kokoa asked while trying to hold Moka's hand.

"I'm not sure, but he did mention my mother," Moka said while hitting Kokoa on the head before she could hold her hand.

"Agh! That hurts!" Kokoa held the top of her head while fake crying.

While the girls were talking, Demolus continued to oversee the creation of the body for Akasha. While doing so, he was actually able to gain Alucard's memories that he could access through the system if he needed to. And this was a bonus he didn't expect to gain, to begin with. Soon the body was complete and all he needed to do was take it out of the system.

[Body creation complete]

Demolus, after seeing the notification, took the Rosario and asked the system what would be the best thing to do so that Akasha's soul would return to her body. After asking, he got an answer.

[For the soul to integrate into the body host would only need to put the Rosario on her chest, the integration should last at most a couple of minutes.]

After looking at his system he pulled out the body, that looked exactly like Akasah, and this got surprised gasps from behind him. But before the girls could approach the body, he put the Rosario on her chest, and looked at what was going to happen with interest.

The Rosario cracked in two before sinking into the body of Akasha, the body was now surrounded by a vampiric aura of yoki that seemed to seep inside the body. The girls looked at this scene and didn't know what to do or say, all of them were students, their heads were filled with questions, from how? To what? Soon there were no traces of the Rosario or the aura.

Demolus, seeing this, took the clothes that he had prepared beforehand and dressed her up, while the girls stood there with dumbfounded expressions on their faces. After dressing her up, Demolus stepped back, and continued to wait for her to open her eyes.

After a couple of moments, Akasha's body trembled and she started to move. She opened her eyes to see the four girls looking at her while a crimson-haired boy smiled at her. At this moment all of her memories returned to her, all of them the memories of being Moka and Akasha, and this only made her smile.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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