
Chapter 42 I will hate you for this forever!

Authors pov

"Piccolo, can you take out a suit for me... I am getting late"

Vincenzo said as he blow-dry his hair.


Florina stood up from the bed and went to the closet. Vincenzo's side was full of black suit except few which were blue and white.

'these men has the biggest closets than celebrities...'

She picked up a dark blue suit for him, leather shoes and belt, hanker chief and matching tie.

'damn! So many things... And here we say that it's easy for men to get ready...'

She grabbed the socks too on the way out.

Vincenzo looked at her with relief, he told her to do that just because he wanted to see if she is getting confused with multiple choices or it's just between too.

"Thanks baby..."

"You are welcome..."

She placed his belongings on the bed.

She again went to the closet and took out the clothes for the Sebastian too not wanting him to complain about it.