
Taming the wild Billionaire

"I am marrying your daughter." " W...what! What do you mean you're marrying my daughter?" Mr James asked with a thick throat. He couldn't believe what his ears were hearing. Is this man being serious or is he just joking? "James, you failed to pay what you owe, so now I'm going to take something from you, your daughter, and I shall make her my wife." " But... P-please, I don't want her or my wife to know about my gambling addiction." "It's a bit late for that... Don't you think so?" * * * Valentina Rosetta Martinez, 22 years old. She has a normal life... Or so she thinks that she does. She works in a small cafe and she lives with her mum and dad. The thing she doesn't know is her dad has a gambling addiction. Her mum doesn't know either and things are getting worse for her dad. What happens when James, Valentina's dad, gives her away to a 25-year-old ruthless billionaire playboy? Secrets will unfold... There will be heartbreak, love and betrayal.

maahisingh_1 · 都市
11 Chs

Chapter 7

Valentina's POV

Today is the day I'm moving out of my parent's house. My mum is overly depressed and so is my dad. They've been begging Luca to let me stay with them but he refused every time.

Sometimes I wonder, how the hell does Luca breathe without a heart?

He is so emotionless, it scares me. How the hell am I going to live with this guy?

I walked into my parents' room. They were both still fast asleep in each other's arms. I smile, their love warms my heart. Not even the infamous billionaire can ruin that.

I go downstairs and decide to make myself something to eat. I'm so hungry right now, I could eat for ten people.

There's a knock on the door, I sigh, whoever the hell you are. Pissing off please, I'm hungry!

I opened the door and Luca opened before me, standing there looking like a piece of meat.


Ew. No stop! I want to slap myself. The number one rule is not to fall for this piece of crap who thinks the whole world revolves around him.

"Well, aren't you going to let your dear future husband in?" He smirks and then he pushes past me. I hate him.

"What do you want?" I asked him with an annoyed look on my face. He is honestly getting on my nerves.

"Well, you're going to be living with me-."

"Yes, I am going to be living with your incompetent ass but you said that you're going to pick me up at eight," I said to him firmly. I want to spend more time with my family, he is so rude and inconsiderate.

"I know that." He says abruptly, "I was thinking though... We could hang out for a while."

"Why would I want to hang out with you?" I asked him as I put my hands on my hips. He chuckles and then he holds my hands.

"Why wouldn't you want to?" He asks me in a whisper.

I move my hands away from him, give him a fake smile, and then say, "There are many reasons. First of all, you're rude, you think you own me, and babe, let me tell you now you do-."

The next thing I feel is his lips crashing onto mine. I push him off instantly and just as I am about to slap him, he traps my arms.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shouted at him. Even though that two-second kiss was sort of sexy... He can't just do that.

"You were annoying me." He says blandly, "So I kissed you. Don't say you didn't enjoy that honey."

"I didn't enjoy that," I groaned.

. "And if I am annoying you, then leave. No one invited you here."

"Actually." He says sternly, "About that, your dad invited me."

"W-what?" I stuttered, "Why?"

"Yesterday he said he wanted to talk to me about something." Luca shrugged his shoulders.

"You're lying." I said, "Now can you please leave? I want to spend some time with my parents."

"I need to talk to your dad," Luca said as he then walked up the stairs.

"He is sleeping." I ran after him. "Luca." I groaned. He knocks on my parent's bedroom door and my dad opens it straight away.

"Dad." I gave him an awkward smile, "Luca said.

" You said that you wanted to talk to him."

"And I told him not to tell." My dad mumbles with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I don't keep secrets from my soon-to-be wife." Luca gave me a wink and then kissed my cheek. I'm going to slap him.

"Dad, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Babe, you can discuss that later. Your father and I have things to discuss," Luca said firmly and ever so professionally.

"I'll talk to you later." My dad says, he walks out of his room and goes downstairs with Luca.

Does anyone tell me anything about this family?

I'm guessing not.

I take a deep breath, there's no need to freak out or do something irrational.

I go into my room and jump onto my bed. God, I feel helpless and stupid, my life is being freaked and controlled by a narcissistic dog... That I am unfortunately going to marry. Someone, please save me.

There was a knock on my room door, making me take a deep breath. I just wanted a few minutes to myself to think but nobody has to disturb that as well. "Come in." I groaned as I drown my face in my pillow.

"Val?" I heard Luca's voice. Why is he here right now? Ugh, for the love of God.

I got up and looked at him, "What is it?" I asked him tiredly.

"Have you finished packing?" He asks me and I give him a nod.

"You can talk so stop nodding." He scoffs, "Fucking hell." He mutters as he walks closer to me and then he sits on the side of the bed.

"What the hell do you want now?" I asked, "Can you just please leave me alone, I want to be by myself."

"I can keep you company." He smirks and gives me a wink.

"FUCK OFF!" I shouted and I threw a pillow at him. "I am not in the mood for your stupidity and your flirting, piss off!"

"Fine." He murmurs, "Just calm down." He groans as he gets up and then he leaves the room, slamming the door.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, this is all just a nightmare. I hope.

I then heard another knock on the door. I got up and opened the door with fury. I then see my mum and she comes into the room, she closes the door and sits on the bed. I sit next to her as she places her hands on her lap.

She looks at me, she gives me a sad smile. "Everything will be alright." She whispers as a tear rolls down her rosy cheeks. She coughs, "I just c-can't believe you're leaving me already."

"You can still see me, mum." I said to her and I hugged her, "You can always visit me and I'll cook some food, we can eat, have parties... I don't know." I chuckled. "I am going to miss you as well, so much. I love you, mummy." I tightly as I breathed in her beautiful scent.

"Yeah, I am going to miss you as well, love." She says as she lets go of me and wipes her tears. She looks at me and then she looks at the walls for a bit. "Um, so have you got a wedding dress yet?" She asks me.

The wedding dress... Probably the only semi-exciting thing about this wedding.

"N-no." I stuttered, "Not yet. I'm still looking. I want it to be long, white obviously. I want it to have a lot of lace, I want it to be the most stunning dress ever."

"And it will be." My mum smiles at me, "It's going to be lovely... Just like you, my dear."

I let out a little laugh as I shook my head, "That was crying, murmuring murder. Did you have to ruin the moment?" She rolls her eyes and laughs. She gives me a small kiss on the cheek and then gets up, "I'll make you some pasta to eat before you leave." She says to me before she leaves the room.

She leaves me alone in my room, in my thoughts. It's scary to know that I am getting married to a freaking billionaire. This Guy Lucas is rich, famous, and handsome. He is known for infamously breaking girls' hearts. Now he chose me to be his wife. Pathetic.

I decided to change into black jeans and a plain white top. I straighten my hair and leave it out. I then put on my black pumps.

I go downstairs and see Luca on the sofa, relaxing. He thinks that he owns this place. It makes me sick.

On the table, I see some pasta, I get the plate and eat. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Luca looking at me. What is his problem?

"Luca." I looked up and gave him a fake smile. "What do you want?"

"I didn't say I wanted anything." He says and then he rolls his eyes.

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"Because I want to." He groans. "Now you are finished, we have to go."

I look at my finished plate... I swear there was more. I got up, "Yeah I'm ready." I finally said, and I took a deep breath.