
Taming the wild Billionaire

"I am marrying your daughter." " W...what! What do you mean you're marrying my daughter?" Mr James asked with a thick throat. He couldn't believe what his ears were hearing. Is this man being serious or is he just joking? "James, you failed to pay what you owe, so now I'm going to take something from you, your daughter, and I shall make her my wife." " But... P-please, I don't want her or my wife to know about my gambling addiction." "It's a bit late for that... Don't you think so?" * * * Valentina Rosetta Martinez, 22 years old. She has a normal life... Or so she thinks that she does. She works in a small cafe and she lives with her mum and dad. The thing she doesn't know is her dad has a gambling addiction. Her mum doesn't know either and things are getting worse for her dad. What happens when James, Valentina's dad, gives her away to a 25-year-old ruthless billionaire playboy? Secrets will unfold... There will be heartbreak, love and betrayal.

maahisingh_1 · 都市
11 Chs

Chapter 6

I end up messing with the makeup and then jamming to some random songs or I will just sit on the floor for half an hour deciding how I should do my hair.

Yes, that's me.

So I go upstairs and I take my clothes off, I put my dress on and I then start putting on my makeup. I eventually decided to have a smokey eye and a bold red lip. For my hair, I straightened it and did a middle parting.

Job done.

I looked in the mirror for a while simply just to waste time... And then, all of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door.

He is just on time. Then I remember, I didn't even tell my parents I was going out.

I went downstairs and opened the door, "Hey." I said to Luca; he looked so handsome. If he wasn't a man whore and a bastard, I would probably jump on him right now. He is in a black suit and he has a bunch of red roses in his hands.

"Valentine?" He waved his hand. Oh god, I dozed off again.

"Sorry." I said, "Come on in." I let him into the house and he went into the living room and he sat down.

"The car is waiting." Luca says, "We should get going."

"Yeah, just a sec." I smiled, "I'm just going to talk to my parents." I went out of the living room and I went to the kitchen. My mum is sitting on the chair next to my dad, they are talking peacefully.

I hope they sort things out.

"Dad, mum," I say to get their attention, they look at me, and just as they are about to say something I stop them. "I'm going to meet Luca's dad, so I'm not sure what time I'll be back." I smile at them and I give them both a hug.

"Bye," they both said. I left the kitchen and went back into the living room. Luca is looking at a framed photo of me when I was little, he is smiling - which is sort of creepy.

"Luca." I got his attention, and he turned around and then gave me a bunch of gorgeous red roses. "Wow thanks, they are lovely," I said happily.

"Well come on." He groans, "We don't have all day."

Just as I thought he was being nice, he had to be a piece of shit again. God dammit.

I ignored him and I went back into the kitchen. I put the roses in a vase with water in it and then I went back to Luca.

"Next time don't ignore me." He says rudely. I just rolled my eyes.

"Next time don't be such a bitch." I spit back rudely and he just walked off... That's right, you better walk off.

I followed him to the car and I tried to sit away from him but he just did not want to be away from me. He sits so close to me, yes he smells amazing, but it doesn't mean that I want to sit this close to him. "Could you move a little bit?" I glared at him.

"No, you smell nice." He moves closer to me and smells my hair.

"I feel uncomfortable." I mumbled, "And you don't smell nice so please move away from me." I lie, HE SMELLS FREAKING SO GOOD.

"You're so annoying." He mutters, "Oh and next time don't ever tell me what to do."

"Listen to me, Luca." I said with venom in my voice, "Just because I am marrying you doesn't mean I will take any other orders from you. I don't care who you are and how much power you have, you are nothing to me."

"Like I give a shit about you." He murmurs, "You should be thankful you ungrateful bitch." I feel my heart drop, I've said bad things to him but the way he said you ungrateful bitch hurt me. I look at him waiting for him to say something else, then he says, "You're marrying someone with status, something you would never be able to get."

The rest of the car ride is filled with total silence. I didn't even look at him. What he said to me, and I don't know why we were doing it, hours ago and he had to say something so hurtful to me.

The car stops, and the Chauffeur opens the door for Luca and me. I quickly got out of the car and tried to ignore the fact that Luca was there. He knocks on the door and I wait beside him. A maid opens the door and lets us in.

The house looked phenomenal on the outside; the inside is absolutely lovely as well. It's very modern. I like it. There are massive glass windows, you can see the street lights and the tall buildings. It's something so amazing, so unbelievable.

Luca ignores me as well and we both go into the dining room. I then saw Luca's dad. I feel so anxious now... Oh, someone help me.

I hope that Luca's dad isn't a prick like Luca.

"Hello." His dad, Daniel, says happily, "Sit down, please."

I sat down opposite Luca, who was glaring at me - can he stop?

We sat down for a while and I talked to Daniel. He is very intelligent and funny. Luca didn't get any of those two qualities from his dad.

"So where did you both meet?" Daniel asked. I look at Luca and then he quickly says, "At the Casino, dad."

"She can speak for herself." Daniel chuckles, "But anyways, let's eat."

The food is set and we all start to eat the delicious food. There is rice with chicken curry, freshly cut salad, there are samosas. Everything is beautifully presented, it's amazing and I am so glad I have come today to meet Daniel. I am glad because Daniel is nice and the food is fantastic, which is a huge bonus.