
Taming the wild Billionaire

"I am marrying your daughter." " W...what! What do you mean you're marrying my daughter?" Mr James asked with a thick throat. He couldn't believe what his ears were hearing. Is this man being serious or is he just joking? "James, you failed to pay what you owe, so now I'm going to take something from you, your daughter, and I shall make her my wife." " But... P-please, I don't want her or my wife to know about my gambling addiction." "It's a bit late for that... Don't you think so?" * * * Valentina Rosetta Martinez, 22 years old. She has a normal life... Or so she thinks that she does. She works in a small cafe and she lives with her mum and dad. The thing she doesn't know is her dad has a gambling addiction. Her mum doesn't know either and things are getting worse for her dad. What happens when James, Valentina's dad, gives her away to a 25-year-old ruthless billionaire playboy? Secrets will unfold... There will be heartbreak, love and betrayal.

maahisingh_1 · 都市
11 Chs

Chapter 11

Valentina's POV

Right now I am eating dinner with Luca, Daniel, and Emma. Luca is still sulking and muttering a whole load of crap. I have no idea what is wrong with him.

Daniel is being nice as usual. He is such an intelligent man and he is really funny and welcoming. When I first met him, I was really scared because I am from a different class and he was as well. I thought he wouldn't accept me or like me. But he isn't like that, he is a very nice guy.

Emma, she's sweet, funny, and bubbly. She is just so likable and welcoming as well. She told me about how excited she was when she found out that her brother was getting married and that made me smile. I guess she had been lonely for some time.

"How's the food?" Daniel asked him with a smile and then took a sip of my red wine.

I put my glass down, "It's amazing." I told him truthfully. "Haven't had such a great meal in so long."

"Well, you're always welcome here," he says with a smile.

Luca looks at me and just rolls his eyes. Now, what the heck is wrong with him? Is he seriously jealous that I'm talking to his dad?

"Thanks for everything," I said to Daniel. "You've made me feel very welcome and happy, so thank you." I looked at Emma and smiled at her. She gave me a broad smile.

"We've got to go." Luca groaned as he got up from his chair.

"Already son?" Daniel gets up as well, "Sit, you haven't even eaten dessert yet." He tries reasoning with Luca.

"No, we must go now," Luca told him. "Come on, Val."

"Honey." I looked at him, "We're not that busy, surely we can stay for a while, right?"

Luca glares at me, sort of telling me to shut up... I sighed and then looked at Daniel.

"Sorry." I said as I got up, "Luca is right, we must go. We have a few things to sort out. Thank you for the dinner though." I gave Daniel and Emma a hug.

"You will come again." Daniel states, "Emma enjoys having you here." Emma smiles at me and nods her head, she gives me a wave and I give her a wave back. I walked out with Luca, we went outside and I looked at him with anger.

"What on earth is wrong with you?" I whispered angrily, "Why do you always have to be so rude?"

"I'm not in a f*cking mood right now." He whispers back angrily, "So leave it. Get in the car."

"No," I said to him with defiance. "I am not done talking to you."

"Well, I am done talking with you. Get in the damn car now." He says to me, "Or I'll drag you in there myself."

"You will do no such thing." I said to him confidently, "Tell me what's bothering you, maybe I can help."

"You can't." He sighs as he leans down on his car and rakes his fingers through his hair.

"Luca... Tell me." I said softly as I put my hand on his arm.

He looks at me and sighs again, "One of the clubs that I own, the one that I get the most money from... There's this guy, he owns half of it. He's trying to make it all his."

"Oh." I just say, "Isn't there something you can do about it?" I ask.

"There is." He says, "There's no way he is going to take that away from me. It's mine."

"So why is this club so important to you?" I asked him, "You have a lot of clubs, you've got your own company and you've got casinos as well."

"My mum." He says, "She used to work there and the club is named after her as well."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I mumbled and frowned, "You won't lose it, I'll make sure of it."

"How though?" He shakes his head, "The guy... He's my mum's stepbrother and he's a disgusting man. He's going to ruin the whole club."

" What do you mean?"

"He is going to add in brothels, he's going to change the name and the whole flipping legacy of the club." Luca took a deep breath, "I don't know what to do."

"Then why don't you tell the lawyers or something that he's going to make it into a bad place?" I asked Luca, "It might help."

"He is rich as well." He says, "And it's difficult because he knows people... He's going to find ways to make the whole club his."

"I'll help you." I muttered, "I don't exactly know how, but I'm here and we will get this guy down."

"Really?" He asks me with a shocked look on his face. "Why would you want to help me? After everything I've done..."

"You're not that bad," I muttered and laughed. "Let's get in the car then or I'll have to drag you in there."

I feel so bad for Luca. I don't know why though. Club. I know how much it means to him now and I know that he will try and do anything to keep it. Luca has a lot of power as well and sometimes he can be mean, but I feel like there is more to him than I know.

When I told him that I was going to try and help him, he looked shocked... Like really shocked. I want to know why. I feel like there's something else to Luca, something that no one knows.