
Taming The General's Daughter

Yohan Lim was demoted from his position for insubordination and it led him astray. He quit the army and left everything behind in the barren country of Iraq. Where life and death was like a passing wind. He returned to his roots and maybe to find something that interests him. When the plane safely landed at the airport, authorities came in and detained him. “What? Is there some kind of misunderstanding here? Hey! I’m a law abiding citizen in this country! I’ve done nothing but for the good of our country!! At least I deserve some kind of explanation!” he said as he tried to reason out to the officers that detained him. *** “Lt. Yohan Lim of Special Operations!” said the angry voice behind him. “Sir! Yes sir! Lt. Yohan Lim reporting. The young madam skipped classes again today by jumping off from the fence. She went to her ‘club’ and after that she has beaten this subordinate until this subordinate passed out. This subordinate woke up in her bed... U-un.. der her... N-na...ked... Young madam slapped this subordinate hard enough for this subordinate to pass out. End of report sir.” it was the very first report in his entire life that was in shortcut because he was utterly embarrassed. *** “I want him.” she said while pointing her fingers on the screen. The man who was in military uniform, but he had that carefree profile. Messy hair like of birds nest, prominent but lifeless eyes, that nose that she wanted to nuzzle and those slutty lips that she wanted to nibble. His face like of ideal men in romance novels. She can’t believe that she will be instantly find her fated! Wait, how come the roles are reversed?

Army_21704 · 一般的
13 Chs

Hired for a Job

After hearing this, he's shocked to the core. What was this woman spouting? Obviously, they were totally strangers! How come he became her boyfriend? And with that look? No way! Even if they will feed him to the devil, he would not accept her as the woman's boyfriend.

Lei smiled at him for no reason, or so he thought. In truth, Lei is very happy that she finally came to meet the man she wanted to have.

She looked at him like she was examining some exotic goods. She's eyeing his whole body like it was some kind of new found treasure.

Sure, she was delighted that the man is more handsome than that picture.

With her continuous eyeing, his hair stood because of those prying eyes.

He looked at the man beside the tomboy and was taken aback.

Yohan knew who was the man beside the tomboy. He knew about General Jin Han and his commander, they were war buddies and best friends.

If what he thought was correct, his commander just sold him out. But for what reason? Upon seeing General Jin, stood up and saluted because he was still his superior. In fact, more superior than Commander Sun.

The general motioned him to sit down and he obeyed. He sat up straight.

"May I know the reason of everything that had transpired, sir?" Yohan put up alot of courage to ask the man.

"You are hired for a job. That's all you need to know." General Jin said sternly. He had that serious look but then Yohan found it laughable.

He had the sudden urge to laugh but if he will, the man in front of him will be mad and it will be dire for his situation.

"It will be my honor sir." of course not! Who would like to be hired this way? Is this the new trend in the Emperial?

Yohan looked at General Jin with a serious face. He could not read his thoughts at all!

Lei on the other side still looking at Yohan with starry eyes. She could not take off her eyes to the man who's sitting straight up like a true soldier.

Yohan on the other hand did not glanced at the tomboy across him. It grossed him out. If he will be hired for a job better not to be a body guard of this lunatic.

"It's getting late. Let's head back and Sgt. Lim, head back with us. You can stay at the general's residences for the time being." said General Jin before standing up.

"Sir! Yes sir!" saluted Yohan and marched after General Jin out from the room. He did not forgot his belongings.

He swiftly picked them up and shut the door behind him. General had walked quite far from him and alongside with him were the airport authorities and his private men on the other side. He knew that it was illegal but he wanted to know what is General Jin's true motive thus, he did not create a fuss at all. He just follow behind quietly while Lei walked with her face facing him.

"How creepy!" he thought and his body involuntarily shivered from her stare.


The general's residences is a huge mansion in the middle of the military base of Empire. It contained alot of top tier security features and aside from that it is the home of the current general, it also housed his army and private men. No one really knew about his private army but they have quite a reputation to the higher ups.

Being hired as one of his men, you should be exceptionally skilled in different areas. And being poached by them, Yohan thought that he is quite exceptional. Ha! That narcissistic side of him surfaced at this crucial time. But true enough, he is quite skilled so it's natural for him to think that way.

In any way, he still wanted to know what is the real motive of this old fart for recruiting him. He had that hunch that it will not be just a simple job.

They had long arrived at the residence and an orderly of General Jin showed him his temporary room. He combed all the nook and cranny of the room and found a total of 20 hidden cameras.

"It's that tomboy! Gah! Why am I so unlucky!" he screamed and pulled his hair out of frustration.

He will not fall for their trap. At least it's still an ankle deep. He still have a chance to turn back and run away from that lunatic. But how? That's the only question. He knew how powerful General Jin Han is. At the end, he dejectedly accepted his temporary fate.

He settled down his belongings after he got rid of the hidden cameras. He knew that that was all and no bugs installed in the room.

Here's an update.. Sorry if it took long.. :/ I will constantly update this after I finish my other novel.. Mend My Broken Heart.. :)

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