
Chapter 46

"Before we begin I need to know how much you know about mana manipulation already." Sjorn continued after which Alvar hummed for a few seconds burried in his thoughts until he gave his reply to his teacher.

"Well, Isolde told me about what mana manipulation is exactly and why we as warriors for example cannot conjure fire like the elementalists can do after they learned about mana manipulation. That's pretty much it."

"Hmm, I see. As you have not really learned what the basics for us warriors are when it comes to mana manipulation I think it would be for the best to begin with the basics.

We, as warriors, start learning about mana manipulation pretty late in our tutelage as you already know and I told you that there are reasons for that, lethal ones to be more precise.

When an elementalist studies the elements and begins to comprehend the mana within their bodies they usually are in a quiet and calm environment to focus better. Thus, it is a lot easier for them to perceive the mana inside their bodies.

For us as warriors that could be the case as well but through constant trial and error we discovered that it is much more efficient for us to rouse our mana through constant battling. That is the main reason I said that you are not ready yet to begin with mana manipulation as we warriors usually wait with that aspect of the training until, through constant fighting, the student awakens their mana on their own. This has proven to be even more important as using mana in a fight becomes nearly second nature if you awaken your mana while battling which would be a lot different should you rouse it in a quiet and calm environment.

The second reason is that you, despite being very clever for your age, are still a twelve years old child. But I suppose after all the shit you have been through we should give you a little bit more leeway than normally would be the case. None the less, my point still stands.

The last reason is the lethality of our manipulation, as I have told you before. Can you think of any reason why our manipulation is of such lethal nature?" Sjorn asked Alvar after telling him of the reasons for why he considered his student not to be ready yet, causing Alvar to finally understand what he meant by his words not so long ago.

"Uhm, I don't really know. Does it have to do something with us using weapons or something?" Alvar responded with a pondering expression on his face after which Sjorn thought about his student's words for a little bit ending with him denying the thesis.

"No, not really. Maybe it plays a little bit into the equation but it is not the point I was trying to make. Every profession, when they begin with the mana manipulation, uses some kind of medium or comprehension in order to form the mana in their bodies into a certain shape which they then learn to further manipulate. Now, we warriors do use weapons, which was why I was thinking at first that you may have had a point there, but we switch weapons regularly in our training and yet our mana manipulation gains the same quality every time.

Do you have an idea why that may be?" Sjorn asked Alvar who pondered the matter for a few seconds deep in thought but couldn't come up with any idea in such a short amount of time that could explain such a phenomenon.

Thus, Sjorn continued, no disappointment on his face as he hadn't expected Alvar to arrive at the core of the issue that fast in the first place.

"Our mana manipulation stems from none other than the ferociousness of battle. Through constant fighting and immersing us in the rush of battle do we form the mana inside of us and imbue it with the same ferociousness we feel and experience during battle. That is why our mana manipulation is so lethal! Should we loose control of our emotions and utilize our mana on instinct it can turn even a fork into a spear or a knife meant for eating into a sword that would cleave through those around you like a hot knife through butter! Do you understand now why we wait for the student to reach a certain age and experience? Do you understand now why, only after Isolde mentioned your trainings progress to me did I even think about you learning about mana manipulation?" Sjorn asked Alvar who swallowed the heavy ball of saliva that had gathered in his throat after his mind began to wander into the realm of his imagination in which he burst out in anger at something his grandparents had said and caused him to lose control over his emotions. At the pictures that formed in his head a shudder ran down Alvar's back.

'Truly, I'm not sure I'm ready for this yet…' Alvar thought to himself while Sjorn nodded after seeing the horror that had flashed for a second in Alvar's eyes, signalling him that his student had understood full well the graveness of the situation.

"Now, let us begin with your training. From now on onwards it is imperative that you keep your emotions under control at all times! If I even think that you lose control or hear of you doing so from someone then you'll wish you never entered into the ranks of the warriors! Do I make myself clear?" Sjorn asked while his face had taken on an expression that caused Alvar to unconsciously straighten his back after which he replied with: "Yes, sir!"

"What was that, boy? I couldn't hear you!" Sjorn asked back after which Alvar roared back in reply once again: "YES, SIR!"

Only then did Sjorn nod slowly and motioned Alvar to follow him to the weapons rack, which he did while he tried to supress any kind of emotion that threatened to overcome his mind in the process. Exhaling once Alvar prepared himself and sped up to not fall behind too far. He wouldn't want to annoy his teacher while the man was in such a volatile mood now, would he?

One more chapter since I didn't upload two yesterday.

Hope you enjoyed it^^

bobbarker12creators' thoughts