
Tales of Threanas: True Romance

A princess and a peasant. A peasant and a prince. With the help of a potion from a kind old lady, Lyrus and Auria discovers the true meaning of love and standing up for yourself. Witness the beginnings of a queen and a hero. Witness one of the grandest tales from the kingdom of Threanas.

DCapybara · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Way of the sword, way of magic

"What? Are you serious?" Alea asked once more while Lyrus continued to look her in the eyes. The two had just finished running some errands for Erne and have the rest of the day to themselves.

"Please, I'm begging you. Please, teach me your swordplay." Lyrus pleaded while they sat beneath a tree, enjoying the afternoon breeze. It had been a month since the first trial and while Lyrus had been training nonstop ever since, he still felt inadequate. He cannot hope to be saved by another flash of light in the next trial, not that he expects the same to happen again. It didn't help that the king announced yesterday that the second trial was to be held within a fortnight. Desperate, and with no one else to rely on to, Lyrus decided to ask Alea to teach him her swordplay, hoping that with the proper training, he might at least be able to put up a better front on the next trial.

Alea for her part, was panicking. She cannot teach Lyrus the Autumn Blade. The swordplay is exclusive to the royal family of Threanas. It would certainly arouse her father's suspicion if word of a squire using the same technique spread. In fact, she already had restrained herself from using such maneuver, going so far as to ask Thenan to teach her the basic swordplay that the knights of Threanas use. What should she do?

"Look, I'm sorry. That…swordplay is one practiced solely by our family, the same way your father is a practitioner of dual blades," Alea apologized. She can feel herself getting flustered and at the same time…sad? Is she sad that she cannot do anything to help her friend? But there's also something else within her, a feeling which she cannot put her finger on to.

Lyrus can't help but feel a bit down. Alea was his only hope and while she was justified in refusing his request, he still thinks that it's a bit unfair of her. He berated himself for his selfishness. Alea already saved his life once, asking her to teach him her family's treasured swordplay was more than intruding on her generousness.

Lyrus stood up, trying to compose himself so that his friend will not see the look of sadness on his face. "I-it's ok. I'm sorry for pushing my demands on to you," he said, trying to smile as he did so.

"He-hey. I'm really sorry…How about this? I can spar with you and help you figure the weaknesses in your swordplay?" offered Alea, holding Lyrus' arm.

"Su-sure. Tha-that would be nice," replied Lyrus, startled by Alea suddenly grabbing his arm. He can feel blood rushing on to his face. No lady had ever held his arm, Alea was the first. Trying to get out of the awkward situation he was in, Lyrus immediately pulled away from Alea and started walking. It took a few minutes before his face turned back to normal.

The two was just a few meters from Noir's giant gates before Lyrus suddenly stopped. He cursed under his breath. Barthos and his comrades stood at the gates, laughing boisterously. He forgot that today was the day when the golden-haired knight was assigned to watch over the gates.

"What's wrong?" Alea asked, puzzled by Lyrus' tensed up posture. Looking at the gates, Alea saw the large golden-haired knight together with a few others sporting a black and red armor, the armor worn by high ranking knights.

"Barthos," Lyrus muttered. Bad luck seemed to be with him today. There's no way around the group so with no other choice, he started walking, pulling the hood of his robe over his eyes, praying that Barthos and the others don't notice him.

Alea herself felt nervous too upon seeing the arrogant knight once more. Barthos. The name spelled trouble. However, despite trying to pass unnoticed, everything was for naught, the group suddenly blocked their way.

"Hey, it's Lyrus! You think I already forgot what you did during the squire test? Huh?!" the Barthos said, poking the poor peasant with the sheathe of his sword.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean it Barthos," replied Lyrus. He knew he cannot win against the arrogant knight and that his victory during the squire test was merely on sheer luck. Ashamed, Lyrus decided to might as well let Barthos beat him to a pulp if that would satisfy the latter. However, just as the large knight about to hit Lyrus with the sheathe of his claymore, the peasant heard the drawing of a blade from behind him.

Three strikes. It only took Alea three strikes to send Barthos tumbling back in shock. Confused by what just happened, the knight looked at his armor and saw the plate on his abdomen severely dented. Lyrus looked back to see his friend holding her sword by the blade with both hands. Half-swording. Alea had struck the same spot thrice using the pommel of her blade with such force that she managed to knock back Barthos.

"Why you?!" Barthos, enraged, was about to draw his own blade when he heard a shout from the distance.

"Barthos! Just what do you think you are doing with my friends?!" shouted Freid, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, his longsword already drawn, his grayish scarf billowing against the wind as the he walked towards the group. Lyrus was rescued again, and this time not just by Alea but also by Freid as well. The peasant clenched his fists as Freid passed by him and Alea.

"Now, now, now. I suggest you let my friends pass now. While my comrade here may have restrained herself from bashing your face in, believe me when I tell you that I have a lesser tolerance for your shenanigans," said Freid, his longsword placed on his shoulder. Even Alea can't help but shudder at the serious tone of Lyrus' friend. Barthos can only grumble as he and his friends made way for the trio.

Walking out of Noir, Lyrus remained silent, worrying Alea. Barthos. She remembered seeing the knight as Lyrus' opponent during the squire test. Has Lyrus been enduring such treatment for a long time now?

"So…who's your lady friend Lyrus? I know she's that magnificent female swordsma-err, woman from the squire test. But I didn't know the two of you are friends," said Freid with a grin, elbowing Lyrus who now looked embarrassed once more.

"She's Alea. She just moved here in Noir a few months back," replied Lyrus who seemed to be back to his normal self already.

"A pleasure to meet you Alea. I'm Freid, Lyrus' bestfriend," said Freid as he kiss Alea's hand. Judging by Freid's manners, Alea can tell that he came from a noble family, perhaps one of those dwelling in Noir. However, before she can inquire further as to the latter's lineage, the knight bid them goodbye, saying that he still has some important matters to attend to.

It was just an hour past noon when the two arrived at Lyrus' hut. Inside, Alea can't help but pity her friend a bit. The inside of the hut was meager, a table, a wooden bowl, a wooden chair, a makeshift fireplace, a mirror, and a bed was all that constituted its furniture, with a few cooking implements stacked at the side. Lyrus grabbed the large rucksack by the door and motioned to Alea to follow him.

After finding a good shady spot near the edge of the forest, the two set down their things and ate lunch. Alea was glad to find that the forest of Nieblahim seemed to have returned to normal, as green vibrant trees surrounded them and offered a cool soothing shade. Lyrus, on the other hand, was still thinking of the events from earlier. However, with Alea's constant talk, Lyrus can't help but feel his spirit lighten.

"Before we start, tell me, why do you want me to teach you my swordplay?" asked Alea as she stood before Lyrus who was holding two wooden sticks that seemed to be covered in some sort of resin.

"I-I want to become stronger. I-I want to be able to fight for myself without relying on anybody," Lyrus replied as he gripped tighter the sticks in his hands. Alea merely nodded in response to his statement then assumed her fighting stance. Taking this as the signal to start, Lyrus prepared himself.

Loud thumps echoed at the edge of the forest as the two sparred. Alea clearly had an advantage over Lyrus with her swordsmanship and small, speedy stature. Within a few minutes of fighting, she managed to send Lyrus tumbling across the ground.

"Use your body to your advantage. Don't fight the way you do a month ago. Look at your body!" shouted Alea. Not counting the squire test, it was her first time to spar with someone else besides Thenan. The difference between their abilities was apparent.

Alea was right. He didn't know if it was a side effect of Edrana's potion but his body was definitely changing. His belly had now become smaller, less rotund, and his legs and arms leaner. He didn't notice the change because he had been preoccupied with so many of his worries. With Alea's statement in his mind, Lyrus assumed a fighting stance once more.

"What the—"Alea exclaimed as Lyrus rushed towards her. Did he just become faster? Before her mind could even answer the question, Lyrus unleashed a barrage of strikes on her. While he is still not as fast as her, the added speed allowed the peasant to deliver more blows in a shorter period of time.

'Tsk. Still slow,' Lyrus thought as he distanced himself from Alea. Why did he notice it only now? He's now faster and stronger, he just wasn't pushing his body enought to its limits.

Circling his foe, Lyrus started to review Alea's swordplay in his mind. Alea's blade relies on her small stature to deliver multiple blows and stabs within a couple of seconds. He knew that he needed to finish this quickly, as he can already feel Alea's strikes that landed on his body earlier. It doesn't help that they were sparring with not even a linen armor on.

"Now!" Alea dashed towards Lyrus. She can't risk defending against those two sticks once more. Her swordplay was much suited to attacking than defending, and hesitating would only result to her defeat. Alea thrusted her blade forward. To her surprise, Lyrus, sidestepped at the last minute, striking her arm and making her let go of her stick, and bringing the one of the sticks to the side of her head. Lyrus won.

"Oh no, sorry, sorry!" Lyrus fumbled as he realized just how hard he hit Alea earlier as the latter's arm now sported a large bruise. The two was on their way back to Noir, hoping to buy some balm from Edrana for their injuries since the balm Edrana gave to Lyrus was already depleted.

"It's fine. Great job," said Alea, smiling at her friend's achievement. Lyrus smiled in return. He won against Alea. He never thought he can do it but he did. Somehow, he now felt more prepared for the upcoming second trial.

"Edrana? Do you have some balm that we can—"but Alea wasn't able to finish her sentence with the sight that greeted them. Standing behind the counter of her shop was the old lady, eyes closed, arms raised, chanting, and before her a circle of light made out of runes. Edrana was using magic.

"Do you need some balm for those bruises of yours?" asked Edrana, eyes still closed, while Lyrus has his mouth slightly opened. Of course! Why didn't he think of it? Edrana can use magic! That would explain why she can immediately concoct strong and powerful potions like the one she gave him. Herbs, medicines, and whatnot are effective in themselves but imbuing them with magic makes them more potent.

"Ye-yes. Ca-can we buy some?" inquired Lyrus, still in shock.

The old lady went to the back of the shop, still smiling. The two on the other hand, looked at each other with expressions of surprise.

"Di-did you know she can use magic?" Lyrus asked Alea.

"No. You?" Alea asked in return. However, before Lyrus can even answer Edrana had already return, carrying a small clay jar.

"Now, this should heal all your bruises quickly. No need to pay me dear. The looks on your faces when you saw me was more than enough." Edrana laughed as the two attempted to pull out coins from their pockets.

A mage. That has got to be it. Lyrus was sure that Edrana was a mage during her younger years. But why move to Noir? Is she retired? Something happened? These and many more questions popped inside the lad's head. A thought came to mind, however. Maybe she can teach them magic?

"Can you teach us magic?" Lyrus blurted out, making Alea look at him in surprise. Magic. If he can learn magic, his chances of surviving, no, of winning the second trial would increase. The image of him casting numerous lightning bolts just like Althas quickly filled his head.

Magic? Alea was never fond of magic with its long-winded incantations, complicated rune work, and the fact that it takes years of practice and study before one can be proficient at it. However, she had always been curious if she has what it takes to be a spellcaster.

"No. I'm sorry but you weren't supposed to see that. I've tried so hard to avoid using magic these past few years and if not for an urgent matter, I would not have used magic today at all," replied Edrana, the kind woman's face suddenly turning serious.

"Magic is a dangerous force to trifle with. Many has lost their lives over it. The pursuit of magic is a dangerous road unless –"Edrana looked intently at the two.

"Unless? I know that we have taken advantage of your generosity greatly, but please, I also want to learn how to use magic or at least how it works," Alea pleaded. This was bad. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her.

Edrana surveyed the two, like a scholar debating whether what he had just read has any particular importance to what he is studying. To their surprise, the old lady motioned for them to come to the back of the shop with her.

At the back, the two found themselves at Edrana's workshop. A hearty flame crackled inside a large bricked fireplace where a cauldron, as big as Karos hanged over while tons of books adorned a tall bookshelf at the left side while the other shelf at the right contained jars of different sizes. At the center of the room was a wooden table littered with books and vials with various colored liquids in them. A door was located at the one side of the workshop, most likely leading to Edrana's room. A few wooden chairs stood at the far most end of the table.

Beckoning them to sit, Edrana, brought out a piece of parchment, dipped a quill inside a bottle containing a silver colored liquid and started writing. After finishing what she wrote, she got another one and continued. All the while the two sat silently, gazing at the knick knacks in the room and wondering on what was about to happen.

"There! This should do the trick!" Edrana exclaimed, proud at what she wrote as she each handed Lyrus and Alea a parchment. Runes were scrawled on both parchment, forming a complex hexagon-like structure, with the writings seeming to glimmer when hit with the light of the fire from the fireplace.

"That parchment contains a spell. What kind of spell? That is for you to find out. First, place your hand there and concentrate," Edrana instructed the two.

"Now, as you know magic involves the manipulation of not just the elements but mana. Mana surrounds and is presence in every living being," the old lady said as she dipped the quill once more and this time started scrawling runes on the palm of her left hand.

"However, for magic to be 'magic' an important step is required: 'Language'" Edrana showed her palm to the two.

"Language as granted to us by the Gods come in two forms, written, and spoken. Whatever form you use in magic does not matter. What matters is you use 'Language" for it allows for a precise manipulation of the elements and mana. Without it, the results of your manipulation would be unpredictable…chaotic." The runes on Edrana's palm started to glow.

"Now, after choosing the form of 'Language' you're going to use, everything else becomes a matter of 'feeling' or grasping. First, you project your thoughts and intentions through language. Then you feel your way around as you try to manipulate the mana inside and around you, and the elements. Finally, you release all of them at once." Edrana pointed her left hand at the flame burning in the fireplace which within seconds froze.

The old lady chuckled upon seeing the amazed expressions of the two. "Well, those are basics, why don't you try? Lyrus, your thoughts should focus on the term 'float' while Alea you put your mind on the term 'grow'."

Placing his right hand on the parchment, Lyrus felt a cool feeling emanating from the runes that Edrana wrote. Closing his eyes, the peasant started concentrating, focusing all his senses and thoughts to the parchment itself. At first, nothing seemed to happen, with Lyrus about to give up and open his eyes. However, just as he was about to lose focus, he felt a warm feeling coming out of his fingertips and within seconds, the parchment itself started to feel lukewarm. As it did so, a cold shiver started creeping up his spine and began spreading through his body. He suddenly felt nauseous, like he was about to collapse any moment. Fearing the worst, he quickly opened his eyes only to see Alea looking at him with great concern and Edrana with great amusement. Lyrus gazed at the parchment and to his surprise, the runes written on it were glowing brightly.

Alea on the other hand was also surprised as she looked at her own parchment which was now covered with vines. It was as if the vines grew from the runes themselves. Recalling the experience, Alea remembered a warm sensation spreading through her body and on to the parchment. The warm feeling continued for a few minutes. It was only when Alea felt something slithering around her hands that she broke concentration.

"Well, this is unexpected. Just look at you two. Well done, well done indeed," gleefully said Edrana to the confusion of both Alea and Lyrus. The old lady held Alea's hand with an expression of such delight like that of a mother seeing her daughter after so many years apart.

"You…Alea…you have an affinity with magic. It runs in your blood" said Edrana. Her? Magic? Magic runs in her blood? Does that mean her father can use magic? But she had never saw him cast even a single spell.

"Tha-thanks." Alea can only smiled at the compliment the apothecary gave her.

"Now you, Lyrus. You need not be scared of what you felt earlier. You also have an affinity for magic…but in a…. different way," said Edrana, eyes full of concern. Is having an affinity for magic a bad thing? Lyrus can't help but feel agitated with the old woman's words.

Standing up, Edrana got another parchment, making Lyrus a bit uncomfortable with the thought of having to perform magic once more. To his relief, the kind woman dipped her quill instead on a bottle of ink. After finishing what she was writing, the apothecary tore a part of the parchment into two and gave it to each one of them.

"Evelar. A powerful spell used to open up one's heart. Use it only when absolutely necessary. Oh don't you worry dear, you will know when you'll need to use it," Edrana said as she look at Alea, still smiling.

"Etrunr. Now that's a spell used to reciprocate one's intentions. Use it only when you feel that all hope is lost. Be careful, that one is quite powerful," Edrana said to Lyrus, this time with the same look of concern just like earlier.

"Now! Lesson's over! I have nothing more to teach the two of you. Go on now, it's starting to get dark," Edrana proclaimed as she ushered the two outside of the shop. However, as Lyrus was about to step outside, the old woman held his arm back and excused herself to Alea, pulling himback inside.

"Lyrus, listen to me closely. Be careful, ok? The king will definitely not be pleased when he finds out that the prince of Crusdea is in reality a peasant," said Edrana, to the shock of Lyrus. How did she know? Was it because she made the potion? Did she foresee him using the potion for such purposes?

"Now go. Your princess awaits you," Edrana said with a smile and tears welling up in her eyes. Lyrus has so many questions for her, however, the kind old woman insisted for him to leave and pushed him out of the shop.

Stumbling back into the streets of Noir, Lyrus saw Alea waiting for him, the first beam of moonlight hitting her face. Remembering that he had something to give her. Lyrus slowly approached his friend, all the while trying to hide his gift to her.

"He-hey. Tha-thank you for saving me, not just earlier, but awhile ago when I had wood fever…Uhmmm…He-here. I had Karos made this for yo-you," Lyrus stuttered, handing a silver bracelet to Alea, the bracelet was engraved with the picture of the sun and the moon. It glimmered under the night sky of Noir.

"Tha-thanks," Alea said in return. She can feel her face getting red all over. It was the first time she received a gift from another man besides her father. Alea put on the bracelet and examined it. It was simple yet it looked more elegant than the luxurious trinkets her father would bring her from his trips. The two stood for a few minutes in silence, then realizing that it was almost supper and that her father would be looking for her soon Alea bade Lyrus goodbye. Lyrus for his part can't help but feel a weird feeling from his stomach as he saw the squire put on the bracelet. Glad that his friend loved his gift, Lyrus also bade Alea goodbye in return, walking home with a smile.

It was around midnight when Auria left her room, deciding to take a stroll around the castlegrounds, the events of the day making her feel restless. Passing by the hall leading to the throne room, Auria saw her father leaving the said room. Had he been there all night? Sensing something wasn't right, she followed him.

After a few minutes of his father seemingly walking randomly, King Deanor stopped beside one of the large paintings adorning the hall leading to his quarters. Her father pushed one of the bricks beside the painting and to Auria's surprise, a large part of the wall rotated inwards, showing a set of stone stairs which King Deanor descended into. Upon checking that no one was around, Auria quickly entered the mysterious room.

A few seconds after entering the stairs, the stone door closed, making Auria panic a little. In her distress, she held onto a lever besides one of the torches lighting the stairway, which opened the door once more. Knowing now how to get out, Auria slowly descended the stairway which lead to a wooden door. However, just as she was about to enter the mysterious room, Auria heard the voice of her father.

"I am glad that you managed to join me tonight. As you are well aware, my daughter is getting married to anyone I deem worthy of her hand. That is why, knowing of your stature and abilities, I would like to formally offer you…well, my daughter's hand in marriage," said Deanor, to the shock of Auria.

"I most gladly accept your offer, your majesty," said the other voice. To Auria's horror, it was Lophen's voice.

"And what is it that you require from me in exchange of this wonderful gift?" asked Lophen, his glee evident in his voice.

"Allegiance, not just of your kingdom, but of the others as well. You see I have heard rumors that Quirun is in possession of a potion that can make anyone, and anything bend to the will of another," said Deanor.

"Ah, now I see why you undertook all those trips outside of your kingdom. You were trying to find out if the rumors of the existence of our kingdom's greatest treasure is true. Your greatness and intelligence truly precedes you," replied Lophen.

"Enough with the pleasantries. What I want to know is if you indeed have something to offer to me," said Deanor, impatience clearly present in his tone.

"Of course, of course. You will find that in due time, all the other kingdoms will be yours," answered Lophen who have started to laugh.

Tears ran down Auria's face. Is it true? Had her father just given her away in exchange of the allegiance of the other kingdoms? While she never approved of her father's ways, Auria never thought that her father would go as far as to…as to sold her. Not wanting to hear any more of the conversation, Auria quickly left the secret room, and once more, cried herself to sleep.

Hope you like this 'light' chapter (I know the last part was a bit 'heavy' on drama) before the particularly 'heavy' (there's drama, blood, and intrigue so I guess it qualifies as heavy) one.

DCapybaracreators' thoughts