
Tales of Threanas: True Romance

A princess and a peasant. A peasant and a prince. With the help of a potion from a kind old lady, Lyrus and Auria discovers the true meaning of love and standing up for yourself. Witness the beginnings of a queen and a hero. Witness one of the grandest tales from the kingdom of Threanas.

DCapybara · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Deanor's Return

Deanor felt the summer sun burn his skin, making it itch while the runes carved on him sting. He also felt a part of his strength being drained in small amounts as the enchantment on his body worked to protect him from Threanas' protective spell. The spell was put by a powerful sorcerer on the whole territory of the kingdom and would immediately kill any person branded as 'Exiled' who sets foot inside Threanas' territory.

The banished king heard a loud laugh from his side. It was Marcus. The leader of the Exiled can't help but grin at the pained expressions of Deanor and his group. "Tell me, how does it feel to be subjected to your very own spell and to the punishment your very own daughter imposed on you?" Marcus mocked the former king of Threanas but Deanor bit his tongue. After engraving on themselves the runes necessary to protect them, Deanor's group together with Marcus' immediately set out for Noir. Time is of the essence. The more they delay their return, the greater the threat to the kingdom becomes.

Deanor suddenly fell on his knees. Looking ahead, he can already see the large walls of Noir. It had been a month ever since they started their journey. One month had passed and Auria's condition hasn't gotten any better. "Do you feel our suffering now, banished king? Everytime we would enter Threanas, our bodies would be subjected to large amounts of pain and exhaustion. Even the Midnight Council understood our plight, hence they asked us not to participate directly in the uprising but only to stand guard as reinforcement." Marcus held out his hand to Deanor.

"Don't give me that look. You're part of the group now. You're an Exiled. If there's one thing our ancestors told us to never forget besides our hate, that is to help our fellowmen."

Deanor bit his lip and struggled to hide the tears forming on his eyes. He was wrong. He knew it now. He let his fears and power consume him. Now, the sins from his past had come back to take their due. "Thank you. I…" But Marcus quickly interrupted him.

"No. I won't accept both your gratitude and repentance. Come, Noir's gates beckon us." With that The Exiled continued to walk towards the capital, Marcus assisting Deanor by the arm. The two Exiled kings are about to return home.

Lyrus continued to stare at his Auria's face as he sat on the side of her bed. The queen's complexion had begun to turn gray and black veins had started to appear all over her body. A month had already gone by, yet his beloved was still asleep. Auria was fortunate though. None of the knights afflicted by the same curse survived, all of them died on the spot. "Please wake up. I need you. Threanas…never mind, Threanas. Just wake up." Lyrus kissed the sleeping queen on the forehead.

"I-I'm sorry." Lyrus turned around to Silvia sobbing while carrying a tray of food intended for both the queen and her knight. The chambermaid, and Auria's bestfriend blamed herself for what happened to the queen. Silvia tried to protect Auria even it cost her an arm.

As the masked man walked nearer to an injured Auria, Silvia hugged her friend and put herself between the queen and the enemy. Apparently, this angered the man, prompting him to forcibly wrench Silvia from Auria and to add insult to the maid's helplessness, cut her arm off, before tossing her away.

Thenan didn't fare any better. The knight commander lost his left eye to the man after a black tendril gouged the former's eyeball off. Even the most skilled knight of Threanas lost. Lyrus felt rage build up inside him at the image of masked man. He could have protected Auria and the others had he disobeyed his lover's order. Lyrus can only offer a pat to a crying Silvia's shoulder as he left the room.

He punched the wall as he walked outside the door and felt his torso hurt. He was unconscious for a week after the attack and had suffered broken ribs which until now was in the process of healing. But his pain was nothing compared to what Auria suffered.

Ever since the assault, Auria hadn't woken up yet. Five mages attended to her day and night ever since. What happened to Auria was a great blow to Threanas. Without its queen, the Midnight Council had its hands full as it tried to pacify the fears of the citizens while attending to the repair of the damage to the capital. Numerous houses, shops, and stalls of vendors were burned during the black knights' raid while many people lost their lives. Desperate, the kingdom had already asked for aid from nearby kingdoms.

"Lyrus, the council asks for you." Lyrus snapped out of his trance as Freid sat by his side. He had been staring at the daisies which Auria love for hours now, not minding the heat of the summer sun.

"What is it?" asked Lyrus. Even without looking at Freid, Lyrus can feel the seriousness and anxiety at his bestfriend's tone.

"Well…The Exiled had returned. I mean, not just those from the first one, but they're also with…Deanor and his group." Lyrus heard the hesitation in his friend's tone as the latter uttered the last few words.

Lyrus can only stare at Freid for a few seconds. He didn't know if he should be happy that Deanor was still alive and was caring enough to check on his daughter or…or if he should be scared. Deanor is Auria's father, and he wasn't able to protect Auria. He failed not just a knight but as a lover as well. Just what would he say to the exiled king? That he's sorry?

Deanor felt the cold gazes from those around them as they walked towards the castle entrance. Even the numerous ruined or burnt houses and shops didn't help to shift the citizens' attention from them. Afterall, seeing a large group of hooded men proceeding to the palace is as ominous as seeing a parade of knights heading to your house. He even can sense Marcus' frustration at the atmosphere surrounding the capital.

"See all of this? See how they stared at us? It's all because—"

"Because of me. You've constantly reminded me of my sins for the past few weeks. Do it again and I might reconsider my offer to you." Marcus recoiled at the former king's statement. Deanor, on the other hand, was relieved that somehow, he still has a bit of his ferocity in him, just enough to make Marcus stop talking for awhile.

"Just who are we up against?" Marcus upon seeing carts of dead knights being wheeled out of the castle. His curiosity had gotten better of him. However, Deanor didn't have the patience to explain things twice and merely motioned for the Exiled's leader to enter the gate. Marcus, fortunately, decided not to pester the banished king anymore and instead wait for the opportune time, when they meet the Midnight Council.

"Marcus Flaur and Deanor Glacia of The Exiled had arrived!" A guard announced the group's presence to those in the throne room. Lyrus shifted his feet as he stood side by side with Freid. Thenan, Silvia, and Freid were the only members of the council present today. Karos was busy overseeing the repairs of the capital, Erne was in charge of gathering and distributing aid to the citizenry, Castel as the kingdom's diplomat had been away and arranging help from other kingdoms while his son, Meiro, together with what's left of the capital's knights were assigned to patrol the streets.

Lyrus felt a knot formed in his stomach as he realized that he would not just be meeting Deanor himself but maybe Barthos as well. He remembered how the arrogant knight vowed to seek revenge from him. Instinctively, his fingertips ran over the scars on his face as he tried to calm himself down.

The Exiled lowered the hoods of their robes as they entered the throne room, exposing the brands on their foreheads. Eight seats greeted the group. Ever since members of the Midnight Council was appointed as advisors to Auria, seats were added beside the thrones for the royal family. Deanor saw his seat and felt guilt slowly creeping up his body. The seat had been emptied for two years.

Looking around, the former king locked eyes with Lyrus. Small scars were all over the former peasant's face, scars made by Deanor and Lophen. When the time comes, Lyrus shall be king and Deanor shall be his father-in-law. The banished king can only nod towards the direction of the knight who appeared to not notice him.

Marcus and his followers kneeled then bowed before Lyrus' group. "Show respect to the throne and the Council." Marcus whispered, prompting Deanor and his group to do the same gesture. Lyrus held his breath for a second. Barthos was not with The Exiled. Where was he? Did he die? Moreover, it felt surreal to see Deanor, the former king of Threanas bow before him. While he wasn't married yet to Auria, it had been an unspoken rule among the kingdom that he be treated as part of the royal family.

"Rise and state your business." Thenan said. Deanor saw the grim expression of the group before them and the fate that befell the knight commander and Auria's chambermaid. Knowing the two, Deanor was sure that they were the first ones to rush to his daughter's rescue the day Noir was attacked.

"We…The Exiled came bearing news." Marcus answered and look at Deanor. Deanor took it as his signal and stepped forward.

"I...I know who attacked Noir." Deanor uttered. This was it. The truth. He was about to confront the truth and his past once more.

"Who then? Because we've never seen such force before. Their knights and mages wore black armor that allowed them to blend into the night. Their equipment was enchanted, any piece of armor or weapon left after the assault immediately turned into ashes. They appeared out of nowhere and left without a trace. The enemies teleported themselves out of Noir, even the corpses came away with them. And last time I checked such kind of teleportation magic does not exist." Thenan spoke as he stood up from his seat and stepped down towards Deanor.

"And you know what else? There was this masked man. A masked man who slaughtered most of my knights…took the arm of my beloved…and put a curse on your daughter. So, pray tell me who are we up against because I can't wait to learn how do you know of such things when you were supposedly banished from Threanas." Thenan lifted Deanor by the collar of the latter's tunic. Silvia stood up as if to say something but decided against it and sat down once more. Lyrus, on the other hand, felt his blood boil upon hearing about the masked man.

"Crusdea…It was Crusdea that attacked Threanas." Thenan let go of Deanor in shocked. The banished king looked at the knight commander as the latter struggled to find the right words to say.

"Crusdea is just a legend, a tale for the children to enjoy…" Thenan slumped on his seat. Crusdea? The very same kingdom Lyrus pretended to be from, the kingdom whose armor and weapon he wielded when he assumed the identity of Elyse.

"Crusdea exists or rather…existed. I thought the kingdom had fallen a long time ago. But with what you have told me about the knights that attacked Threanas, there is no doubt that it was the one behind the raid." Deanor stared at Lyrus and felt the former's dagger-like gaze bore onto him.

"Tell me…Sir Lyrus…how did you stumble upon the Crusdean equipment you used as Elyse?" Lyrus swallowed hard. Was it because he pretended to be the prince of Crusdea that the kingdom attacked Threanas? However, Deanor's gaze did not burn with anger but with curiosity. Breathing deeply, Lyrus recounted the events of two years ago and how he found the armor, sword, and shield.

"I see. I don't see any reason though why Crusdea would take offense in that considering that what you wore were only common Crusdean armor and not even the ones used by the royal family. Still, I believe that I owe the Council and everyone an explanation. Given the dire circumstances we're in, I think it's time I tell you one of the three ancient truths of this world." Deanor took a deep breath then began.

The Three Ancient Truths of Elderone. These three truths form the very foundation of the world of humans and must never be shared unless it needed be. One of the truths is Crusdea and its existence. Crusdea was the first kingdom, the first alliance formed by humans not just among themselves but with other races as well. Its denizens were the first ones that took arms against dragons, the first knights and mages came from it as well. Only the rulers in Elderone are to know of its existence, with the truth being passed from one ruler to the other upon ascension to the throne. The throne having been usurped from Marcus' family; the truth never reached him. The same had happen with Auria. Deanor's banishment prevented the current queen from knowing.

"But you could have told her before you departed knowing that she is next in line to the throne." Lyrus remarked. Deanor sighed.

"Yes…I could have told her. But back then I had no reason to believe that Crusdea still exists. A great tragedy befell it a couple of decades ago. I thought that the whole nation perished." Deanor answered.

"What tragedy?" asked Marcus, wearing a grim expression.

"I do not know. But that was my mistake. I should have told her. Prepared her at least." Deanor bowed his head. He could have done something. He could have prevented the misfortune that Auria met.

"But how are you sure that it was Crusdea that attacked Noir?" inquired Thenan.

"Because of what you have said earlier. Crusdea is the only nation who has access to such powerful teleportation magic. Their forces are known to appear and disappear suddenly without trace. Specters they're called."

Deanor continued to divulge the truth about their enemy. He recalled how the specters were the avant-garde of Crusdea. Highly trained knights whose enchanted armors and weapons seemed to be made of darkness itself. They would be sent to capitals as a show of power, reminding its ruler that his reign is and will always be at the mercy of the nation. The specters would usually engage in blatant pillaging and massacre before disappearing into the night. They're the omens of death and within a year, whatever kingdom or monarchy they descend into would be no more.

He then explained that far from the legends, the kingdom was not the resting place of heroes but rather the most powerful militaristic nation in Elderone. Rulers bow down at the whim of Crusdea. Their knights and mages are unrivaled, their magic of greater depth that Adrana. Dragons fear even its lowly knights, while elves and dwarves marvel at their armor and weapons.

The thought of Crusdean monarchy giving Threanas an ultimatum, after being dormant for so many years sent a shiver down the spines of all those present. Even the battle-hardened Thenan, sweated heavily as Deanor narrated everything the former king knew about the nation.

"So…are you saying we only have a year before Threanas falls? But why bother attacking us? Why now?" Thenan gripped tightly his seat, restraining himself from standing up.

"I…I do not know…Maybe it felt threatened with the newfound prosperity of Threanas? Maybe it was threatened by the fact that…we have a prince slayer." Deanor turned his steely gaze towards Lyrus. Lyrus, on the other hand, had something else on his mind.

"You…you could have told her. You could have told her and prepared her. But you did not!" The knight wasn't able to contain his emotions anymore. Lyrus ran and punched Deanor on the face.

"You…you could have protected her, prince slayer." Deanor retorted, putting emphasis on Lyrus' unofficial title.

"I did…I did protect her! It was you who was not there!" Freid held back Lyrus as the latter tried to punch Deanor once more. Thenan and the others can only look on as Freid dragged his bestfriend out of the throne room, and just like that the meeting was finished. Thenan arranged for The Exiled to stay inside the castle. If what the banished king said was true, then they would need every help they can get their hands on.

"You didn't tell them about the spell. You didn't ask them to allow us to return." It was Marcus' turn to get angry. He held Deanor by the collar as the two talked outside the latter's room.

"But I managed to secure our lives here. They need us. They won't let us go. In due time we shall speak to them about such things." Deanor declared, the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Things didn't go according to his plan. Had he still been the king, then this crisis they're facing wouldn't happen.

Lyrus sat the side of Auria's bed once more. It was just a few hours into the night, but he already felt the toll of today's events. He contemplated whether to tell the sleeping queen about her father's arrival and the news the latter brought with him. She deserves to know. She's the queen. The thought echoed inside the knight's mind and within minutes he had started talking to Auria, all the while holding the hand of the woman he loves.

After relaying what happened to Auria, Lyrus continued to ponder about the things he learned. Was everything a mistake? Did he, by assuming the identity of Elyse doomed the whole Threanas? However, his musings were interrupted by a knock at the door. Opening the door, Lyrus was surprised to see Deanor infront of him.

"May I come in?"

"Su-sure. Have a seat."

"I'm sorry. Not just for my remark earlier…but for everything. I was because of me that you were subjected to such hardships." Deanor looked intently at Lyrus, the latter averted his gaze.

"You don't need to apologize. It was my decision to assume the identity of Elyse and pursue Auria's hand." Despite avoiding Deanor's eyes, Lyrus can see the dull white scar on the forehead of Auria's father, a scar he inadvertently caused by loving Auria.

The two sat in silence for awhile, both watching Auria, both of them afraid that if they even blink Auria would be gone. However, sleep descended upon the two and before long Lyrus and Deanor fell into a slumber, the two of them holding each of Auria's hand. Their dreams were interrupted though by a knock at the door.

"What is it?" Lyrus asked as the face of a castle guard came into view. It had only been a few hours into the night.

"The Council asks for you and Deanor sir. They are waiting in the throne room together with the apothecary, Edrana."

Expositions abound this and the next chapter. Don't worry. Will be releasing a part 3 of What you need to know by next week.


Lyrus starts assembling his party by the next chapter.

DCapybaracreators' thoughts