
Tales of the Vampires

Serolf Academy, a prestigious institution reserved for the intellectually gifted and affluent, concealed a hidden truth. Unbeknownst to all, this academy served as a school for vampires. The fate of the female human transfer student hangs in the balance after accidentally uncovering the academy's secret. Will she endure the challenges of living in this concealed world, or will she become a key player in aiding the vampires to resolve conflicts with other supernatural beings?

Jinx_Lee · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Battle with the Fallen Angel

"Prepare for the attack!" Xylon urgently commanded, his voice carrying through the air with a sense of determination.

Without hesitation, they rushed forward, their footsteps echoing off the castle walls as they advanced towards their objective. With each step, they drew nearer to their target, their determination unwavering.

Then they split up, each member of the group taking a different path to cover more ground and increase their chances of success.

Maddison and Stephen teamed up and swiftly ran as they navigated the corridors of the castle, their senses keenly attuned to any sign of danger.

Then, abruptly, their momentum halted as they came face to face with Love.

"Tss, you! You're the one who killed Genevieve!" Maddison's voice dripped with accusation as she confronted Love, her eyes ablaze with fury.

A smirk played across Love's lips.

"Yeah, it was me," Love's words dripped with malice. "Got a problem with that? Or maybe you wanna end up like her?"

Love advanced, her movements fluid and confident, a predator closing in on its prey.

Undeterred, Maddison began to recite an incantation, her words a potent invocation of ancient power, weaving a spell of pain and torment.

Love recoiled, her body contorting in agony as Maddison's magic took hold.

"W-What are you doing?" Love's voice trembled with pain.

But Maddison pressed on, her resolve unyielding as she unleashed the full force of her magic upon her foe, each syllable uttered with unwavering conviction.

Meanwhile, Stephen sprang into action, swiftly producing a length of chains and deftly weaving them around Love's body, rendering her powerless against the constricting binds.

"Aaahhhh" Love screamed.

They struggled as Love attempted to free herself from the chains, until she exerted her full strength. Maddison and Stephen were startled when the chains broke. Love drew a silver sword and attacked again.

As the sword was about to strike Maddison, Stephen quickly pushed her away, avoiding the deadly blow. However, his face was grazed by the blade, and he winced in pain as he knelt, clutching his smoking flesh.

"Ahaha that scar will be with you for life!" Love taunted with a cruel sneer.

"Tss. You'll regret this," Maddison retorted, her resolve unwavering. With renewed determination, she uttered another incantation, imbuing it with even greater power than before.

Love writhed in agony once more, gasping for breath as her decaying skin bore witness to the strength of Maddison's magic. Seizing the opportunity, Stephen seized the sword and plunged it into Love's chest, causing her to crumble to ashes in an instant.

Disposing of the sword, Stephen turned to Maddison, his face marred by the fresh scar.

Concern etched on her features, Maddison inquired, "Are you alright? The wound looks severe."

"I'll manage," Stephen reassured her, his voice steady despite the pain. "Let's get out of here."



Heberlin and Blake now stood face to face with Fall, their expressions etched with determination and anger.

"You will pay for what you've done to our friends!" Heberlin's voice rang out, a thunderous declaration of retribution.

Without hesitation, they launched themselves at Fall, their movements swift and purposeful.

In an instant, the sturdy wall cracked and crumbled under Fall's control, sending large chunks of cement hurtling towards them.

With lightning reflexes, the duo dodged it. Seizing the moment, Blake retrieved his flute and played a haunting melody, aiming to disrupt Fall's focus.

Fall, caught off guard, instinctively covered her ears, her concentration shattered.

Capitalizing on the opportunity, Heberlin swiftly closed the distance, locking eyes with Fall in a chilling stare.

"I will strip you of your sanity," he vowed, his voice low and menacing.

In a flash, Fall's eyes turned an eerie white, a testament to Heberlin's dark power.

With a silent signal from Heberlin, Blake wasted no time, driving his sword deep into Fall's chest with a single decisive blow.

As Fall disintegrated into ashes, Heberlin and Blake exchanged a nod before resuming their search inside the castle.



"You are the root of all this," Aria said.

They are now facing the chief minister.

"Hahaha Lady Aria Malkovich... the lover of the late Lord Crayven Cee," the minister sneered.

"You are the reason he became a monster! You will pay!" Aria's voice echoed with anger.

She knew it all too well—the chief minister was the mastermind behind the organization that created the chimeras. Crayven had fallen victim to their cruel experiments, ultimately meeting a brutal end because of him. She will never forgive him.

In a blur of motion, Xenon teleported behind the minister.

In an instant, he seized the minister by the arms, rendering him powerless.

"You have no power. Your time has come," Xenon asserted.

Indeed, the chief minister doesn't have power like the other nobles and his children. That's the reason he experimented on humans and vampires—out of envy and greed for power.

The minister, utterly defenseless, could do nothing as Aria drove her blade into his chest.

In an instant, he disintegrated into ashes.



"Phoenix, why are you doing this?" Xylon's voice trembled with a mix of confusion and sadness.

Even after Xenon had relayed everything Phoenix had said, Xylon couldn't comprehend why his best friend would choose the path of darkness.

"You are the very root of all these tragedies," Phoenix's tone was heavy with bitterness and regret.

"I still don't understand, but... Phoenix, it's not too late for you to return to us," Xylon said, his voice filled with hope and desperation.

Phoenix's smile was devoid of joy as he cast aside the sword he held.

"They're all gone... I have been defeated," Phoenix's words hung heavy in the air, laden with defeat.

Xylon was stunned into silence by Phoenix's admission.

"It would be easier if you ended me too, Your Majesty," Phoenix's plea was filled with a sense of resignation.

"What do you mean?" Xylon's voice was laced with concern and confusion.

"I once believed that becoming King would bring Jade back to me. But I was wrong. My own greed has cost countless lives," Phoenix's confession was fraught with remorse.

Kneeling before Xylon and Kan, Phoenix implored, "Please, Your Majesty, forgive me. Punish me. End me."

"No, Phoenix..." Xylon's voice cracked with emotion.

Phoenix offered a sad smile in response.

"If that is truly the case, then I shall take matters into my own hands," he declared solemnly, retrieving a dagger from his pocket.

"Please promise me you'll protect Jade, always," Phoenix's voice carried a note of desperation.

"No... Please, don't!" Xylon pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

With a heavy heart, Phoenix plunged the dagger into his own chest, his form slowly dissolving into ashes.

Xylon sank to his knees in shock, his heart heavy with grief.

"N-No! No!" Tears streamed down his face, heavy with sorrow.

He had lost another friend, and the weight of the loss bore down on him like a crushing burden. Why was this happening to him?

He yearns to bring an end to this relentless cycle of chaos and tragedy.

"Your Majesty, we need to hurry... for Jade's sake," Kan urged, breaking Xylon's emotional moment with urgency.



They finally reached the top of the castle, the air thick with tension and anticipation.

"Ahahaha, I must say, I'm impressed by your prowess! You've managed to defeat them. But now, it's your turn!" Jinx's voice echoed with malice.

In a blur of motion, she launched a ferocious attack on Xylon, her strikes swift and relentless. With each blow, Xylon and his allies were sent reeling, their bodies battered and bruised, struggling to remain upright amidst the onslaught.

"S-She's strong," Blake muttered.

Despite the pain coursing through him, Xylon refused to yield, his resolve unyielding as he fought to rise once more.

"I-I won't allow you to control Jade," Xylon declared, his voice trembling with determination.

Jinx's laughter rang out, filled with contempt as she brandished a gleaming silver sword.

"Pitiful king, today marks your final hours in this world, for you shall meet your demise," Jinx proclaimed, her words dripping with venom as she lunged at Xylon with lethal intent.

Suddenly, amidst the chaos, Arden intervened. Everyone's eyes widened, and even Xylon was shocked. Arden positioned his body to protect Xylon, causing himself to be stabbed in the chest.

"A-Arden..." Xylon muttered, tears falling from his eyes as he glanced at the silver sword piercing Arden's chest.

"J-Jade..." Arden held Jade on her shoulders. "D-Don't let her control you... F-Fight..." he whispered.

Jade's body recoiled. Jinx clutched her head in pain.

"Y-Your Majesty... thank you for everything," Arden said before disappearing completely.

Xylon was stunned. Why did Arden do this?

"A-Arden... is gone," Maddison's voice wavered with sorrow, her heart heavy with grief.

In the midst of the turmoil, Jinx's screams pierced the air, a testament to her growing desperation and loss of control.

From the world of emptiness, Jade was fighting back.

"I WON'T LET YOU DESTROY THE WORLD!!!" Jade's defiant cry reverberated across the void.

Jinx finally emerged from Jade's body, her presence looming ominously.

Jade struggled to stand, her strength waning.

"Damn it! How did you manage to break free from me?" Jinx's enraged voice echoed through the top of the castle.

Xylon rushed to Jade's side, offering support.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"I'm fine. Finish him off," Jade asserted, determination burning in her eyes.

Xenon and the others rose to their feet, gathering around Xylon in solidarity.

Pooling their powers, they prepared to confront Jinx once and for all.

"I-Impossible.. Y-You guys are all weak!" Jinx panicked, sensing the impending onslaught.

Without a vessel she won't be able to use her full power.

With synchronized precision, they launched their combined attack.

Jinx screamed in agony as the force of their assault overwhelmed her.


In a swirl of black smoke, Jinx vanished, leaving behind a sense of eerie calm.

Exhausted, Xenon and his companions collapsed, spent from the intense battle.

"Finally... it's over," Xylon breathed, relief washing over him like a tidal wave.