
Laying Low

After arriving back at my castle, I ordered for the prisoners to be moved to the dungeon, and asked for a maid to wake the chefs to prepare a small meal for me. As I walked through the castle, I stopped at the pictures of the family that had been painted and hung up. I stopped at the latest painting. My mother, father, and myself were depicted. I simply stood and stared at it, feeling a small sense of assimilation with my new identity.

I was pretty handsome, with deep black eyes and brown hair. Accentuated with my fair white skin, I looked much like a porcelain doll. I saw myself smiling in the picture, however when I attempted to smile myself, it felt foreign. Gweneviere looked at me and had a pained expression. To the Spiders who were escorting me, they all saw their master trying to force a smile but finding himself unable to.

At this moment all they saw was an extremely lonely young man staring at the picture of his late parents.

"Have two Spiders guard my room for two hours before switching with another two Spiders. Tell the maids to bring the food to my room when it is completed. I will eat alone in my room tonight."

With that, I made my way to my room and walked in. I lay down atop my bed, and fell asleep in my clothes shortly after. I ended up not eating dinner though. Throughout the night I battled the same nightmares, but managed to get a few hours of sleep.

When I awoke, I noticed the food from last night on a table nearby. I walked over, ate my food, and changed my clothes. I washed up, and inspected myself in the mirror. I did indeed look exactly like the picture in the hallway I saw, however my face had an indifference to it. I was constantly showing a disinterested expression.

Perhaps this was the cause of having to mature quickly.

Either way, I at least was satisfied with my looks.

As I walked out of my room, Gweneviere and a Spider named Darius walked with me. I was currently making my way towards the dungeons. Darius was a large kid, towering even me, who stood at a modest 5 foot 11 inches, with his monstrous 6 foot 4 inches of height. He was also packed with muscle, and had an aggressive personality. If I remembered correctly, he was still training in a unique fighting style of wielding a mace and shield. He was a good kid. I remembered him helping me sneak out a few times when we were children.

When we finally arrived in the dungeon, I heard the rustling of chains and soon saw Sir Barnette's face pushed against the bars of his cell.

"Please, Duke Crow, show me mercy! I didn't know what they had planned for your family, and by the time I knew I couldn't turn back so easily! You must understand I had served your father for decades, we had been friends during the times of the last great war, and since then I have made mist-"

While he was rambling, I activated my trait, and began to listen to his thoughts.

As expected, he was spewing shit constantly.

'Once word of my capture reaches Pope Francis, this brat is dead! They'll brand him a heretic and templars will march on his lands. Then I will spit on his dead corpse and steal his land!'

I began to ask him a few questions pertaining to my attack, knowing full well he was going to lie with his mouth, but he didn't know I had the ability to read minds.

He spilled everything mentally. This guy really had no control over his thoughts, did he? While I was thinking these things, and organizing my thoughts, Sir Barnette was celebrating in his mind for skillfully deceiving me.

What I had learned from Sir Barnette:

Pope Francis, the Pope of the Church of Sol, was behind the orchestrated attack on my family. The Church of Sol, was one of the most popular religions on the continent, and the largest religion in the kingdom of Nezarac. Making it much more powerful than even the king, which meant I wouldn't be anything in their eyes. I wasn't sure why they decided to attack my family, but the only logical reason I could come to is that they want to either weaken the King's forces to one day perform a coup, or to weaken him politically. Either way, I now knew who my enemies were.


"Yes, my lord."

My eyes turned solemn as I turned to him.

"Beat the man with his face covered. Break his bones and then when he is about to die, hold him underwater until he stops breathing. Then throw his body to the wolves in the forest to the West."

Without a second thought, Darius walked into the cell across from Sir Barnette, and began to beat the man to death. The cries of pain echoed the sound of meat packing.

I then turned to Gweneviere.

"Bring me butcher, blacksmith, and carpenter tools. Also, a barrel of water and washcloths."

"Yes, my lord."

She then began to walk up the stairs to carry out my order.

I turned to the guards, and ordered them to restrain Sir Barnette to the table in his cell, and to lift the side by his feet. Once that was completed, I walked into the room with a solemn expression.

However Sir Barnette had fear on his face.


At this I made eye contact with Sir Barnette. I heard the footsteps of several servants, and saw Gweneviere coming.

"Don't worry, Sir Barnette. You are a noble, as such you deserve a more… sophisticated death. I will give you that, however…"

I then gestured for Gweneviere to hand me a clamp.

"I will enact the vengeance of my family onto your body."

I grabbed Sir Barnette's tongue, and clamped it in his mouth.

"Gweneviere, Darius, come and watch. I will show you what we do to those who hurt our family, and our loved ones."

I then ordered for everyone else to leave the dungeon, and that no one other than the Spiders are allowed in.

After Darius walked into the cell, while wiping his hands that were wet with blood and water. He took his spot standing next to Gweneviere. I then proceeded to demonstrate torture methods I had only seen online, or read about. Time passed, and I was lost in a sort of trance. The only thing that brought me back, was when the priest we had called in, was unable to heal Sir Barnette.

His heart had stopped, and that was not something the priest could heal. Bringing back the dead was a magic exclusive to the dark arts, and higher beings. I simply nodded, and paid the priest for his attempt.

"He died a coward's death, running from the pain."

I spit on Sir Barnette's corpse and walked out of the cell.

"Chop his body up and feed him to some pigs. I want his body to never be found."

Gweneviere and Darius both simply nodded. They had watched for a total of two whole days, of me mutilating and Sir Barnette scream until his voice no longer worked. Only his pained expressions were an indicator that he was even alive.

I walked up the steps of the dungeon, and stood in the sun for a while. Hoping that basking in the sunlight might cleanse me of a little bit of the sins I had just committed.

The serene moment was interrupted when I heard the sound of horse hooves, and a carriage being dragged. I opened my eyes and saw a dozen royal knights, escorting a luxurious carriage. They all saw me, and stopped in their place.


Is the thought that instantly ran through all of their minds. I deactivated my trait, and walked forward slowly.

"I am the new Duke Crow, Maximilian Crow the IV. I am sorry for my disorderly appearance, I was just dealing with the criminals who took part in the attack on my parents."

Surprised, the leader of the royal knights showed it on his face. The reports in the royal city were that there weren't any leads yet, but here the young duke was saying he had already found some leads and executed a criminal.

"I am Sir Lancaster, the 7th seat of the Royal Knights, I am here to escort you safely to the Royal City."

"I greet you, Sir Lancaster. Your men and horses must be tired, please join me in the dining hall for a quick meal before we set out. As you can see, I would like to bathe quickly."

Sir Lancaster nodded, and ordered his men to follow the servants to the dining hall.

Stable hands quickly came out and tended to the tired horses, while I walked towards my room. A bath was soon prepared for me, and I quickly washed the blood off my body. This world had modern amenities, such as running water, however from my memories the baths prepared for you are the best. They put soothing oils and light aromatic candles for me. It was therapeutic in a way.

After I finished, I stood before a mirror and stared at myself in the eyes.

I had killed someone. I had tortured him and caused immense suffering.

I could see it in my eyes, a depth of anguish and guilt. One that I don't believe would ever leave me. I had lost a part of myself today, a part of my humanity, which was hard to accept.

I took a deep breath, and got dressed. This was going to happen again, many times on my path for revenge, so I could only accept the guilt and anguish.

I walked out of my room, and saw Korey and Karen, who I had tasked with investigating the people who had attacked us. As I walked, they reported to me that most of the people belonged to Barnette's private army, however there were also several individuals who lived in the very city of Arcannea. I was disappointed to hear of assassins. Betrayal was not pleasant to think about however it was reality.

"You both did well. I want you two to begin an information guild. Recruit homeless people, or those in need who show promise. The more desperate, the more loyal. Come back and report to me once your business gets going. Also set up a front, employ people that Priscilla Consiglione sends you, and make sure we stay anonymous. They nodded and were about to leave when I stopped them.


They both stopped and turned back to me.

"Join me for lunch. From now on. All of the Spiders will eat with me when possible."

They both looked confused, however they didn't argue.

"Gather the others and meet me in the dining hall."

With that, Korey and Karen walked away, to find the other six Spiders.

I walked to the dining hall, not yet able to smile but I felt a little warm inside.