
Tales of the love

"There's no love like the first." —Nicholas Sparks No matter to whom we get married, first love will always remain constant and give a spark in our hearts while you think about it. No matter whom you are, you must experience a cute, sweet first love story which is so special to the heart. But when we talk about reality, Someone's first love will be a happy ending and someone's first love will end without a proper start. What will you do when your lost first love enter your life again? Will you embrace it? Well, like everyone Calvin Lewis, CEO of Lewis corporation has a short and sweet love story but due some reasons he has lost it before he completely feel the sweetness of it but still remembered the beautiful memories he shared with her. What happen when he crossed his path with his first love? What will he do when he finds out that his first love is his employee? Will he able to win her back? Will he able to win her heart like he did in childhood? ...... "Why dad? I want Elsa back." Little Calvin said before while tears started flowing down his cheeks "No champ, you shouldn't cry like this." Arthur sighed and said before wiping his five year old son's tears "Dad, Didn't you told me that you will get us married once I become CEO of our company?" Calvin asked "Yes champ, you can marry her—" "How can I marry her when she is not with me?" Calvin asked in between his sobs "I am missing her dad." Calvin said ..... "Babe, Did you ever thought I will be back in your life again?" Elsa asked while snuggling closer to him "I believed you will come back to me in childhood but as years started passing away, I realised you will never come back but —" giving peck on her lips, he added "You came back." "Thank you for everything cal and I love you so much." Elsa smiled and said "I love you more honey." Calvin said and pulled her to his embrace. .... Join me in discord https://discord.gg/r7npQkUA Ps:THIS COVER IS NOT MINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE BELOVED EDITOR.

Shining · 都市
131 Chs


"I mean we became good friends with no time and I—" Calvin stopped saying and looked at her.

"I like you." Calvin blurted out

"What? What did you say?" Elsa frowned and asked

Calvin gulped in nervousness when he sensed her anger. 'Did I say it inappropriately? Did she felt bad? I should have controlled my tongue but the situation called for it, right?' Calvin sighed and thought

'How am I supposed to console her? What if she doesn't want to stay with me? What if she doesn't want to see my face? What if she isn't ready for this? What should I answer her if she snaps at me?'

'Oh god Cal, you seriously know how to fuck everything.' Calvin groaned in frustration

Elsa slowly shook his hand and looked at him before asking "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything," Calvin muttered

Elsa took a deep breath and said, "Look Cal, my ears are working properly and I heard it."