
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · ファンタジー
46 Chs

The Head Shaman Part 1

( Hours Ago. )

[ Yakujin's Lair, Treasure Room ]

" A 'hand'? " Shiro asks when he opens the Black Box, using his hands like Azi Dahaka said.

" Yes, it is. "

" My proudful Dragonic Hand, one used to rip out the flesh of my enemies. " Azi Dahaka tells Shiro.

" Your Master, Yakujin, obtain it when going overseas from this Nation you're at. "

" 'Nation'? " Shiro asks Azi Dahaka.

* Azi Dahaka went silent. *

" You didn't know what the hell a 'Nation' is? " Azi Dahaka asks Shiro.

* Shiro shakes his head. *

" Seriously boy, how much of a 'villager' are you!? " Azi Dahaka wonders, wondering if Shiro really live in such a remote place, separated from the outside world to even him not knowing what a 'Nation' is.

" Simply put, a Nation is a large group of people who shares the same either history, culture, and those other things that inhabits a certain region. "

" A region that include these very Mountains you're in. " Azi Dahaka explains.

" Fine, let me double the speed! "

" The Nation you all exist in is called 'Land of Cherry Blossoms, Sakurakoku'. "

" One of the Nations in the Continent called 'Easterion', you should've known that one? " Azi Dahaka asks Shiro which he nods.

" 'That', I already know! " Shiro responds.

" But Head Shaman Yamagami refuse to teach me further before I was sacrificed here. " Shiro tells Azi Dahaka.

" Head Shaman, you mean that Yamagami Arikato? " Azi Dahaka asks which Shiro nods.

" Fufufu..., I see. "

" Child, I will help you then, put my hand as a glove to your hand, quickly! " Azi Dahaka says which Shiro did it, which made him stunned. 

" Good. " Azi Dahaka says as he takes over the body using the equipped hand.

" With your body, let's give the Head Shaman a visit, shall we? "

" Shiro... " Azi Dahaka says as he takes over from that moment.


( Present time. )

[ Sakurazaka Village ]

" Spare...us... " a man plea for 'Shiro', he who had been possessed by 'the' Chimera Master himself, had decided to take matters privately.

* Head sliced. *

" Hmph, Spare. You? " 'Shiro' asks the man after he kills him.

" You, who clings your life and prosperity to that of a 'child'. " 'Shiro' references the Shiro, the owner of the body himself.

" Hmph, losers like you all never deserve to live, I must say. " 'Shiro' approached the man he killed.

" You're all horribly worse than this loser brat! " 'Shiro' steps on the man's corpse, the step obliterates the body into pieces.

" Hmph, no wonder kids like Shiro had no respect for adults these days. " 'Shiro' then realized.

" Despite the kids' weakness, I finally realized the source of it, which... "

" Perhaps, that's the reason why, why the New Age kids are weaker in the first place. " 'Shiro' chuckles as he walks through the corpses of the villagers, he grins.

" Because their adults are also weak. " 

" They lose their respect and thus their weakness cursed their children, kukuku. "

" The fruit does not fall far from the tree. " 'Shiro' concludes as he went through all those he killed, approaching Yamagami's place as he prepares.

" I'm coming, Yamagami. "

" I'm taking back what's mine. "

 ( Years ago. )

[ Sakurakoku Nation Sea Border. ]

[ Justice Union's Private Fleet Ship. ]

" Is it true, Union Leader? " Head Shaman Yamagami asks to the Leader of the Justice Union.

" You doubt me? " he asks back while showing the Head Shaman the Huge Golden Crystal.

Both the Head Shaman from the Sakurazaka Village and the Justice Union Leader who came from the Nearby Nation discussed something, something so serious that needed to be done in a Fleet Ship.

" With this, even that 'Yakujin' of yours would be defeated. " the Justice Union Leader tells the Head Shaman.

" The 'Land of Cherry Blossoms' had suffered so much in the hands of the Chimera, those ruthless monsters. "

" As the Leader of 'Justice Union', the Union filled with Warrios, striving to Preserve Justice with Strength. "

" I couldn't let my eyes blind, to the horrors and chaos the Chimera Masters' brings towards humanity. "

" Hence why, with great effort. "

" I and the Union killed the bastard Chimera Master who once ruled our land. "

" Filthy huge beast finally died, with the help of this Golden Crystal we manufactured at that time. " the Leader explains the power of the Golden Crystal to the Head Shaman.

" So, with this Crystal... "

" All beings that are not human, will be... " Head Shaman Yamagami was going to ask, but he forgets to finish it after the Justice Union Leader explains it's benefits.

" This is all for Justice, Head Shaman. "

" For a Head Shaman of the 'Remote' high mountains, searching the Union's help was a great service for your Village and Nation, no... "

" For Justice. " Justice Union Leader praises the Head Shaman.

" Soon, all Non-human beings will falter. "

" For it is time, for us, humans, to reach the next step of evolution, with our own power. " Justice Union Leader said to the Head Shaman, making him honored.

" I'm honored for this opportunity. " Head Shaman gives gratitude.

" Go, Head Shaman of Sakurazaka Village. " Justice Union Leader tells him.

" Bring forth Justice. " 


( Present time. )

[ Sakurazaka Village, Shaman's Temple Yard ]

The Temple Yard is already filled with Enhancements, the Head Shaman had already prepared himself for the incoming danger that approached his place calmly.

" Nice temple... "

" A great place to Pray and Worship. " 'Shiro' praises as he meets the Head Shaman.

" Your face, you're- "

" You know this body, Head Shaman. " 'Shiro' says to him.

" You must've thought this body is dead, didn't you? " 'Shiro' asks the Head Shaman.

" How... "

" Well... " 'Shiro' interrupts.

" Turns out the Kitsune is quite forgiving... "

" The fact this body still lives after meeting her, means that your Chimera Master spared you not because of your ploy, but because of the boy. "

" How very lucky of you, all of you who sacrifice a boy for a nothing, as your puny lives depend on something like him. " 'Shiro' chuckles, revealing the Dragon Hand to him from his robe.

" Azi Dahaka... " Head Shaman Yamagami finally knew what's going on.

" So you found yourself a human body? " he asks Azi Dahaka as he prepared himself, revealing to Azi Dahaka, the Golden Crystal he covered with a huge cloth curtain.

[ Golden Crystal Activated ]

[ Exorcism Divine Formation ]

[ Capture Release, Parade of Hundred Demons ]



The Nation this all takes in is named 'Land of Cherry Blossoms, Sakurakoku'. This is one of the Nations in Easterion.

The source of the Current Age people's weakness.

Head Shaman Yamagami's Past.

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