
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · 幻想
334 Chs

The Rabbit Hole IX Norn III

"Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately for The Snow Elves, all of who involved weren't, in fact, royals, ultimately resulting in the scenario where they 'condemned' those involved and ultimately banished and exiled them funnily enough"

"So it wouldn't be unrealistic that she simply remained queen seeing no point in abandoning her many new assets she was originally meant to destroy?"

Silas playfully explained surprising everyone even further by the randomness of it all before then ultimately continuing leaving Norn no time to truly react.

"From what I can assume it could quite possibly be an 'open' secret knowing how many Base Humans or Elves managed to obtain Snow Elf Bloodlines? Some even revealed their secret years later to little or no effect due to how long ago it truly was?"

"From the description you've given, her name should be The Queen of Snow, Snophine Selfina Snow of The Kingdom of Snow on the farthest known continent known as Distan? From what I believe it should be known as a snowy paradise where many Snow Elves, Sacred Beasts, and Frost Dragons reside?"

"I see no reason why she'd require assistance into The Heavenly Realm unless she was either cursed, smited, or to put it simply had her progress sealed as a form of punishment. However, it also seems she had entered The Heavenly Realm and even flourished quite a few years ago?"

Silas curiously speculated before then simply showing her an image of her, resulting in Norn's face going pale before then ultimately crushing her glass of water and bloodying her palm, the image itself was that of her mother and looked like a much prettier, and royal, older version of her.

Causing her after several moments to then immediately calm down and nod, as she slowly cleaned up her mess while Asher immediately began cleaning her hand and using healing magic with the assistance of Sabine and Sura.

Causing Norn to then look to the image of her mother for several more moments before then ultimately nodding.

"That's her, now please throw that image into the nearest fire pit! I don't care about that woman's past, or how happy and prosperous that monster is, I hope all of her children are bronze human and she lives a miserable life, I don't care and I don't want to reminded of that 'thing' again, 'anything' else is fine"

"At least that demon 'wanted' me, and that demon gave me more attention than that woman ever had, even if I was supposed to be disposed of after fulfilling my use, at least it's better than being sold by someone you loved and trusted more than life itself?"

"I'm sorry but I don't want to answer any more questions about that topic, I'd rather make happier memories with Asher than to ever see or even hear her name again"

Norn indifferently confirmed before then simply pretending that the discussion never happened and playing with Asher causing Octavia to then immediately glare at Silas causing her to then pout having realized someone had taken her jug of grape juice!

While as Selphie pouted up a storm and Silas playfully sighed while Alfinia gently sighed having felt Silas had good intentions and perhaps with better timing it would have been quite preferable.

However, no one aside from some momentary pouts truly blamed him, if anything else Iva, the young prince, Mili, and the others believed it was a good thing.

Soon enough however, Emilia, Selphie, Iva, Katie, Aubrey, Octavia, Aldra, and the young prince were now in the tent while Rory and the others adorably made plans and thought of gift ideas since it was still very much the young prince's birthday week.

Hence why it was so busy since schedules were practically based around it. Be it from Asher's return to everything else apparently? Could have even been preplanned after the young prince's birth? In any case, with his birthday came the convenience for many!

All the while back in the tent Octavia had soon explained that she now knew everything, ultimately revealing the fact that the young prince was a god after Selphie had already stopped time and with his permission since his favorite big sister already knew everything resulting in Aubrey pleasantly surprised.

This was no doubt because The Goddess of The Wood Elves much like Selphie loved Elf babies! And much like Selphie she had visited the palace and even played with Aubrey in her dreamworld resulting in a strangely similar scenario taking place, so much so that it was almost comical.

Meaning not only had Aubrey known what that meant, but she had actually seen Lady Silva The Goddess of The Wood Elves in her unsuppressed state and learned even more about the gods through doing so.

Resulting in her after she had learned her baby brother was born a god to warmly hug him to the fullest, especially after hearing the explanation from Selphie meaning he didn't really have a choice and despite his achievements, he's still a baby!

While she was simply happy beyond belief that he felt safe enough to reveal such things.

All the while after the adorable antics Octavia had continued by explaining her favorite little brother's predicaments!

Ultimately explaining the stress and burdens he had to face and now wanted his mommy and Selphie to handle the many assets and godly matters that they'd previously spoken of.

Resulting in both agreeing to handle such responsibilities since originally they were supposed to. The real issue was the fact that their celestial teddy bear hid so much! Let alone everything else he never mentioned?

While as for Aldra her knowledge of everything the young prince had previously told her was already outdated it seemed.

And after what felt like several hours of cuddling, reassurances, lists, Aubrey's curiosity, and a blissful nap, the young prince's fever had finally calmed and Selphie had finally unstopped time, while the young prince continued to blissfully sleep away in his mommy's forever warm arms.

Causing Katie to then surprisingly pout out of curiosity wondering if he'd ever fall asleep in her arms. Even if she was a Dragon of 'Justice' she still wanted things..

Resulting in Aldra gently smiling having sensed as much to then lovingly whisper into Katie's ear surprising her to new heights before then excitedly nodding in agreement.

Causing Aldra to then gently nod before then effortlessly transferring her sleeping baby prince to that of Katie's causing Katie's eyes to then immediately sparkle.

All the while back with Asher, after what felt like an hour of playing on the balcony and meeting new friends, Aurea had finally made an appearance, and ultimately met the group who remained on the balcony.

However, what was truly strange was how exhausted she looked coupled with that of her messy hair and strange expression as if frustrated and in pain but attempting to hide it.

Causing her after entering to then immediately ignore everything and hug Bradley, surprising him having not directly spoken to or met Aurea, albeit he did know it was his precious child's mortal avatar and simply him but a girl.

So there wasn't any difference really, especially when considering there was Laurel.

Unfortunately for Bradley, Aurea wasn't in a mood especially after discovering something that made her truly unhappy..

Resulting in her whispering into Bradley's ears surprising him to no end and causing him to then helplessly smile.

Before then simply sending a mental message to Colin asking if such a thing truly existed and while Colin spoke to Sabine and the others he had then confirmed that because of Avery chances are it now could.. resulting in his fears coming true..

"I-It seems that's now the case? From how Colin explained it, it seems due to Mother's fragments chances are that some side effects may occur-"

Bradley helplessly reassured before then all but immediately being cut off.

"SIDE EFFECTS?! For all intents and purposes whatever happened restarted my menstrual cycle and now I'm livid! It's like being the real Aurea all over again and now the mental link is numb and the cramps are killing me! Aurel's sleeping but I can't! Now I'm stuck as Aurea and everything that comes with it!"

"I suppose that wouldn't have been an issue if not for how painful it all felt! The fact alone that I got out of bed, barely got dressed, and didn't even bother to brush my hair should have been your first clue! What's worse is now that the mental link is numb and I or he or whatever's asleep, nothing's holding back Aurea or me or whatever else!"

"My head hurts and I want to kill something! It feels as if all of the cycles combined into one unholy monstrosity and now the pain is unbearable! All because Mommy Avery decided to be smart and cause all of this! I swear for all intents and purposes I'm going to pull an Octavia and throw a bottle of blood wine all over her! You know what?! I'll just throw the bottle! I swear I'm going to bite her!"

Aurea painfully complained all the while the tears streamed down her face and her hug became tighter having in truth now being affected by Avery's fragments, albeit she wasn't going to turn into Avery or anything rather she'd have to temporarily suffer through only some of its aspects?

Albeit it in itself is an anomaly and Colin had only offered his opinion and theory based on the information he knew which in itself was pretty close however like anything else it was still very much a mystery, one simply couldn't predict how long such things lasts.

Perhaps it's simply backpacking onto other related Mortal Avatars or those of the same origin, one simply wouldn't know however Colin had suspected such things would probably end after the process is complete or if she manages to counter or even block such effects.

Ultimately resulting in the same conclusion while surprising everyone else while Aurea felt overwhelmed with it all! Be it intense joint pain, feeling bloated, awful headaches if not even worse migraines, and immensely painful cramps.

Borderline violent mood swings, no energy, so much so that she could barely move but simply managed to through will alone, along with not being able to sleep or if she did only for ten or so minutes before then waking up in a cold sweat?

And what was worse was the fact that instead of taking turns or being replaced, all of it began happening at the same time meaning she was not only livid but felt as if she was being tortured!

Causing Bradley to then try his very best to reassure her while Kethryllia, Annie, Devyn, Marjorie, Suna, Sura, Amber, and surprisingly enough even Gemma and Ayrenn soon got involved and after Bradley had explained Aurea's 'unfortunate' situation.

All eight couldn't help but frown especially after both hearing Colin's explanation and Aurea's confirmation resulting in Kethryllia gently sighing.

"I'd imagine Lady Avery's antics are truly unpredictable, as are the consequences they have on those unfortunate enough to be around such things it seems? I'd also imagine she herself wouldn't have been able to truly predict such things"

Kethryllia gently sighed knowing Avery wasn't entirely at fault and causing Sura to then immediately pour a special potion focused for such occasions down Aurea's throat for some relief.

While the potion itself was simply called Advanced Menstrual Detox Potion which essentially dealt with a number of her symptoms.

Albeit to a lesser extent due to the uniqueness of her situation? In truth, no one could have truly prepared for such random nonsense but thankfully enough Sura was always prepared! Causing Bradley to then helplessly sigh with relief.

"In mother's defense, I highly doubt she could have if not would have accounted for such a situation, of course, that could be said for many things?"

"Unfortunately in this case it had affected my precious Aurea, and no matter how it appears she's very much my daughter in all regard. No matter the uniqueness of it all, it seems I'll need to speak to mother directly and much sooner than I anticipated it seems"

Bradley warmly confessed before then reassuringly kissing Aurea's forehead.

"Mother will no doubt have a proper solution, and even if it takes quite a bit of convincing I'll ensure she'll be the one to resolve such matters"

Bradley playfully added before then ultimately pulling out a small unique golden orb, quite similar to that of his previous communications orbs however this one wasn't at all simple and appeared to originate from The Imperial Era resulting in all eight nodding and reluctantly returning to the table.

Typically speaking chatting with Avery via this method is supposed to be kept quite and confidential and only ever used in a timeless or private space due to how bizarre her method of communication truly was.

Resulting in Bradley surrounding both Aurea and himself within a sacred privacy barrier resulting in the orb slightly glowing causing Bradley to then playfully sigh before then biting his thumb and inserting his blood for verification which in itself was quite odd however he simply didn't care.

All the while after what felt like six minutes and twelve seconds it seemed Mother Avery had finally decided to answer..

Revealing that of a picture-perfect crystal screen and finally the terrifying Mother Avery herself..

She looked to be around sixteen years old surprising Bradley by the fact that she had chosen to make herself three years younger.