
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · ファンタジー
334 Chs

Prologue I

"A war? No.. I don't quite sense the involvement of any of the gods and yet I still feel a rather familiar presence, could it perhaps be something I had overlooked or much worse? Did I simply forget one of my creations?"

The devilishly handsome young man curiously asked himself.

Before then looking off into the distance and admiring the view from above the softest of clouds.

All the while merely standing on them and gazing into the beautifully warm sunset that slowly grazed his skin.

The young man wore an elegant yet pristine white robe complimenting his long pristine white hair, skin, peculiar red eyes, and handsome features.

'The influence of the Void despite being quite thin is still more than enough to play the game? Alas, it isn't enough to explain this conflict. Which should still lead to something I may have simply forgotten?'

The young man curiously thought.

"And of course, Bradley's armies are no doubt fighting them! With Demi-Human armies no less?"

"I should perhaps get involved and set my plan into motion before this conflict get's blown out of proportion if it hasn't already. Or.. I could simply spend this time on other things and stay out of it for a time?"

He asked himself once more.

Causing the small figure he had yet to notice behind him to then adorably pout.

"Don't you dare bully!"

The small figure adorably interrupted as she pouted at such an injustice.

Causing the young man to then helplessly smile before then finally gradually turning around.

"Lady Selphine!"

The young man happily exclaimed.

All the while causing Selphie to then immediately conjure up and dump a mixture of water and flower petals seemingly out of nowhere onto the young man's long pristine white hair.

'My beautiful hair..'

The young man jokingly thought.

Causing Selphie after noticing this to then immediately pout even further.

"Lady Selphine my butt! Don't you even dare think that's an option!"

Selphie adorably reprimanded.

Causing the young man to then helplessly smile.

Selphie had the appearance of a young Elf girl who too had pristine white hair complimenting her calming white eyes, and unblemished pale white skin.

Selphie wore an elegant white Elven-influenced dress and a pair of white knee-high boots to match complimenting her adorably mature features causing the young man to then helplessly relent before nodding.

All the while he had finally met his match as this young elf girl in front of him was in fact The Goddess of The Elves and his closest friend causing his smile to then immediately brighten before then playfully bowing.

"Then I submit to you lady Selphine.. I do hope you can forgive this naïve boy"

The young man dramatically exclaimed.

'I can't disappoint Selphie can I?'

The young man helplessly thought.

Causing Selphie's pout to then immediately cease before then finally hugging the young man with a victorious smile.


Selphie adorably mumbled.

Causing her to then quickly remember the situation at hand.

"If only this hug could last forever.. but unfortunately we have work to do!"

Surprising the young man.


The young man queried.


Causing the young man to then helplessly smile once more before then remembering something himself.

"In that case.. might I trouble you to help me in rewarding a dear friend of mine?"

The young man asked in a curious yet playful tone surprising Selphie.


Selphie curiously asked.

"I wish to reward my dear brother Bradley and his female Elf companion an-"

The young man asked before then quickly being cut off.

"Say no more! No one knows more about rewarding Elves than me"

Selphie happily asserted causing the young man to then playfully sigh.

"Thank you Lady Selphine in advanced!"

the young man said almost relieved causing Selphie to then happily blush.

"You-Your welcome! Now then let's get going!"

Causing the young man to then playfully nod.


Sometime later after the two had separated to cover more ground, the young man had soon found himself in Bradley's encampment while observing Bradley's Command Tent.

While dawning the golden armor and robe of The Celestial Royal Army, he had.. 'misappropriated' after just finding it lying around unattended, causing him to playfully smile.

'Best not garner too much attention then!'

The young man playfully thought.

'Now.. how do I-'

The young man curiously thought.

Before then cutting himself off after having noticed Bradley's female Elf companion 'Aldra' with an adorable little Elf girl.

Both had pristine white hair, eyes, and skin, with similar yet noble features much like Selphie's own appearance.

Aldra wore what looked to be an elegant white elven-inspired hunting attire with the royal insignia belonging to that of a Princess of The Kingdom of The Elves. In contrast, the little Elf girl wore its much smaller and cuter counterpart.

Causing both to then quickly stand out all the while the little Elf girl who was still playing around Aldra adorably jumped into several muddy puddles causing her adorable little boots to then quickly become muddy.

'Impeccable timing!'

The young man playfully thought.

Causing him to then immediately approach the two surprising both causing Aldra to then gently smile.

"Hmm? What is it?"

Aldra gently queried.

With a curiously gentle smile causing the little Elf girl to then immediately look up to the young man with an adorably curious expression.

Resulting in the young man to then playfully removing his golden helmet that had once covered his entire face while only previously displaying his peculiar red eyes.

"Silas? When did you get here?"

Aldra asked in surprise.

"Just now! I was hoping to speak to Bradley about.. some matters of importance but.."

The young man relented with a weary smile.

"I'd imagine you've only just snuck into Bradley's encampment of all places and without a plan no less? I take it you only found me by sheer chance?"

Aldra curiously asked.

Causing the young man to then helplessly lower his head in defeat.

"Do-Don't be a bully!"

The little Elf girl pouted.

Surprising Aldra and causing the young man to then immediately pout as well.


The young man righteously pouted.

Causing Aldra to then eventually pout herself at such an injustice.

'It's not enough he stole Bradley from me.. but now Noel as well?!'

Aldra curiously thought.

Causing the young man who had already sensed this then proudly smile at Aldra's blight.

"I'll take you to Bradley"

Aldra relentlessly pouted.

Causing Noel to then adorably grab the young man's hand surprising him causing him to then proudly smile once more.

Before then finally entering The Command Tent after passing by both The Celestial King's Guard and Royal Mages safeguarding the entrance.

Shortly after entering, they waited on the side while Bradley finished his talks with his general staff, Bradley wore an elegant golden armor and robe.

The only difference being he also wore his own unique royal insignia and crowned helmet signifying his position as The Celestial King of all things if one couldn't have guessed this much before.

All of which complimented his palish blue eyes, short well-groomed platinum blonde hair, and dreamy features surprising him after noticing both Aldra and the young man had entered the tent.

"Aldra? Brother Silas?!"

Bradley surprisingly asked.

Causing him to then immediately hug the young man in a manly manner as all men should! Surprising the surprisingly diverse generals to no end.

"When did you get here brother Silas? And if I may ask.. where did you get such a stylish set of armor?"

Bradley happily joked.

Causing the young man to then quickly relent.

"Just now and why wouldn't I dawn such an armor if not to help my brother!"