
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · 幻想
334 Chs

After Action IX Bona's Greatness

She was simply gorgeous while unfortunately enough, he was still very much scared of her. He learned what it meant to fight her, and in his mind he won by sheer luck! She made that lightning eagle look like a draconian cow!

Resulting in him immediately hiding behind Vina causing Lady Vinny to slightly frown as if disappointed if not saddened by his reaction.

Before then ultimately sitting to Vina's side while Bona indifferently began nibbling on the young prince's ears as if utterly indifferent and daring him to do something.

In truth she had already entered The Sacred Realm and learned much of what Vinny had learned, even if she wasn't in The Heavenly Realm, that made no difference.

While it seemed her personality and behavior remained hilariously the same despite Lady Frostma's teachings.

All of which naturally caused him to involuntarily giggle after imagining Master Frostma being forced to create an entirely new lesson to confront this just for Bona to ignore it.

He could even imagine her leaving and going to the kitchen to grab a loaf of bread and simply start eating it. While shortly after thinking it Bona had finally stopped nibbling and pulled out an entire loaf of bread?!

Before then eating it close to his face as if it would take effort to move an inch and conjuring up the bread didn't! It was truly absurd.

Eesulting in him simply laughing his heart out at the scene before then pulling out a piece of cake to test his theory resulting in her eating it whole!

Causing him to then lovingly watch her while he continued to hand her random food items he had preserved and saved, many of whom were still hot and fresh as if just made as well.

And soon enough a half of an hour had passed and he simply kept going!

Until finally, he realized the time and adorably nodded before then happily hugging Bona to the fullest!

"Bona's the cutest dragoness! I'll give Bona the best snacks! But I'll need to deal with the bullies first-"

The young prince happily proclaimed, before then utterly being cut off by the hunger in her eyes when he mentioned bullies.. she wanted to eat them!

And after several moments he realized just that, causing him to curiously contemplate whether he should let her..

Maybe one of the disposable princes if they're really bullies? Causing the young prince having felt sleepy to then adorably lay his head on Vina's Lap since Bona had sensed the kitchen.

Causing Vina after the young prince fell asleep to gently pick him up and black him in Vinny's lap resulting in him unconsciously wrapping his arms around her and burying his face into her chest.

Confusing Vinny having believed this was both strange if not simply absurd, while Vina adorably whispered into her ear and explained her logic and perhaps even trickery! Maybe her little sister won't be scared if her little sister woke up on Vinny!

Unfortunately, after fifteen minutes or so he had an awful nightmare, the poor young prince adorably rubbed his eyes before then pausing and looking up since this didn't feel right.

Causing her to quickly freeze and Vinny to look down to him with a slight frown. However this time, Jade wanted to reassure her bestie!

And after several long moments the young prince shyly nodded before then adorably feeling her face. Before then quickly realizing the time causing him to adorably hop down before then shyly glancing to Lady Vinny.

"I'm.. I'm sorry for being a bully! I-I need to prepare for bullies s-so please be happy big sisters!"

The young prince adorably rushed, causing Vinny to slightly nod and Vina to proudly smile.

And soon enough after the preparations were made and the inner atrium where announcements and meetings lower level mages took place were prepared and the guards and the tower itself sealed off everything but the entrance.. and the kitchen?

Everything was already prepared, resulting in Ark returning to ensure no issues arise, and the thrones of the lower council similar to that of the Elder Council in placement had been prepared.

The young prince sat in the leading throne where the master of the tower was required to sit while Vina sat to his right and Vinny to his left. However, there were five seats in total resulting in Vina borrowing Veve from her new dungeon, and Vevian from her establishment to fill in the last two!

Thankfully both were no longer trying to wage an endless war against each other, and after being updated on the situation glady attended seeing as they were still playing around in their new roles while it seems Lady Ania was far too busy, and perhaps that was a good thing?

She was simply far too and ambitious and similar to The Queen of Senex albeit with other ambitions than the original? She was creating a bank, a black market and auction house alongside that of her own temple! So of course it was better that she was busy and not involved.

However Vina asked because she didn't want to leave her out! Ania was the kinder and more ambitious of all her sisters after all, and she liked clean things meaning no husks!

All the while soon enough word had spread of the gates of The Starlight Tower had opened and quite of few mysterious starlight silver dragonesses that looked more on the side of Palace Guards had appeared with their wings, tails, and magespears in full display.

What was even more curious was the fact that Sinclair and an advisor of The Celestial Bank were the first to arrive, while for all intents and purposes he had invited them through Jade! While Aurora felt annoyed at the fact that she was left out of it!

In any case, as a Chairman of The Celestial Bank, and Holy Prince of The Golden Banks of Aurora, he was allowed too! And because they were 'assets' he could use without going beyond his trials!

Resulting in both Sinclair and rather simply the manager of The Golden Banks who was a female High Elf, he now had everything he needed resulting in both standing behind him as secondary advisors.

Of course Vina and the others were as well while Bona.. she was busy eating the loafs of bread she found. So perhaps she was his taste tester or bread advisor perhaps?

In any case, soon enough the carriages had soon trickled in, and after verifying their identities, ensuring they weren't blight spirit vessels, Void Infiltrators, and forbidding their personal guards from entering and those who had no reason to accompany them.

They had reluctantly entered under the gaze of the cold dragonesses while the many of the visitors, tourists, and mages and many more attending the festivals didn't know what to think while the cold dragonesses looked to be not at all simple.

And refused entry and closed the gates while posted as if ceremonial guards, but only in that regard while they looked to be comparable to a Queen's Guard if anything else while their armors were that of a pure artisanship and their appearances hidden outside of the obvious signs they were dragonesses.

Confusing many and eve that of The Royal City Guard and mage legions who knew very little outside of the upper echelons warning against interfering against such a unique unit thanks to Celes not wanting to deal with it.

While funnily enough they did in fact speak, of course the most basic of questions and in draconian high gothic.

But they wouldn't answer any other questions about themselves or relating to the tower or guests, while getting so close to them would result in you being introduced to a terrifying form of dragon menace.

While the only exceptions were children and the not so bright individuals who were practically shooed away by either their parents, worried mages, or the Celestial Royal City Guard who were forced to position themselves fairly close due to it becoming indeed a frequent occurrence.

All the while inside of the tower, all sixteen guests had been escorted inside and sat at their desks similar to that of the lower elder council while the privacy barrier was still up.

Unfortunately none of whom attending were fools, while those who didn't notice didn't realize that Ark was the only male dragon in attendance. While if you so bravely attempt to sense his mana, it'll become more or less an endless abyss.

Which was indeed terrifying when considering many of whom had long since entered The Sacred Realm and realized that meant very little in front of this monstrous individual while those who weren't now cautious didn't truly care because they hadn't noticed in the first place.

Resulting in all three celestial royal matriarchs realizing this may in fact lead to the worst case scenario since the red flags were far too abundant and monstrous in size. While their counterparts felt the same and the nobles were either clueless or far too optimistic.

While it seemed The Envoy or rather former ambassador of The Snow Elves frowned, while her two disposable princes joked and were simply idiots while her third wasn't even a snow elf, he looked the elf equivalent of a human and shared strange characteristics.

So much so that Ark knew what he was, it appeared he was a descendant of The Dragon Aspect of Dreams, while he only looked to be thirteen? However his eyes looked as if he had failed one of her trials while it appeared for the time being he was an indentured servant turned disposable prince.

While telling by his insignia he was from The Forbidden Continent and even a crown prince?

However, such a continent was wiped away from history or rather hidden and erased from the books and maps on purpose. The Queen of Senex had once visited such a continent while even Vina was fuzzy in the details.

Meaning he was an anomaly of sorts? Resulting in Ark simply sending him a mental message asking how did the whelp of the dragoness of dreams escape such a continent just to become an indentured servant to a disgraced welp of a princess of the snow elves.

Which in itself was quite comedic when considering he didn't hold back his words.

Resulting in that poor child who lived a hard life painfully flinching due to the slight dragon menace being infused in such mental messages.

Causing the snow elf envoy to worriedly hold his head before then glaring at Ark who couldn't have cared less.

Until finally, preparations were completed and Arc informed the young prince of such an anomaly, however that could wait while you handle these matters. He'd much prefer to wait.

While soon enough the privacy barrier had soon dissipated revealing that of all seven and the young prince at its forefront.

Surprising half of the sixteen having actually paid attention to his appearance while the others were simply suspicious of the others up until the doors had been sealed and the guards blocked the entrance.

Causing the young prince having already matched that of the character of master Frostma's, because to put it simply, he much preferred Frostma's style when it came to scaring bullies!

And he was also reminded that Molly was also targeted and they helped one way or the other.

Meaning cold indifference was far more kinder than they deserve. Despite holding back and attempting to forget such things, much like a flood gate he could no longer contain his anger.

So much so that his aura turned black and putting the fear of gods in their hearts.

While after calming down and closing his eyes he signaled Ark to pass out individual evidence sheets indicating they were not only apart of the conspiracy but supported it, each individual sheets were entirely unique to the person.

What was listed was fiance support sent through third parties funding their portion, a list of contacts, the contacts testimony, memory crystals of guards and trusted individuals who let's say were all to 'happy' to provide such things if pardoned, while there were also documents, journals, fiance books.

And provided suspicions by unrelated parties be it nobles, mage towers, trade confederations, and even banks who witnessed suspicious behavior, while for all intents and purposes Ark and Nexus had gathered a mountain of evidence for each individual.

Be it threats, promises of pardons, platinum, or 'other' methods. The reason why it was so quick was no doubt because of both Lady Frostma's teachings, methods, and because despite it being an unforgivable conspiracy, they hadn't dug a deep enough hole to hide their involvement.

They could have simply walked into the forbidden forest and that would have been easier to hide this conspiracy, but they believed they had done enough and wouldn't have been suspected, of course it was impressive if not for Lady Frostma's teachings.