
Tales Of The Abhorrent World

In a world divided by two great nations and ruled by a god, Alexander, a strange unknown young man with his adoptive father Philza, and Ranboo, a strange kid with a tragic background, found themself between a mysterious plan..

voidnovel · アクション
2 Chs

The Encounter in the Cold Wilderness

As long as this world exists there will be chaos, peace, and prosperity. Everything seemed normal. Two immense nations on the biggest continent in the middle of the ocean where nothing else is beyond that, ruled the world. Where people lived in harmony, a god named 'Nova' protected them from the upper world. Even if he couldn't affect humans or the world itself, He still protected this planet. There are 2 main nations in this world. Those 2 main nations which consist of a government. First is L'manburg, led by William, a president, the nation is composed of the ideology of non-violence and peace, which doesn't match any of their use of control of power. The second nation was Las Nevadas, ruled by an unknown person, legends and tales say that he is the best leader in this world. Both nations were very powerful in terms of resources or armies. So you might ask, "Why don't they fight to get the biggest army in the world?". To be clear they can't, they have signed a contract stating that both of the nations will be in peace and won't fight in any circumstance. While even with the contract both nations have very much more than many conflicts between them creating tension. Many other small nations are there. Most of them are organizations that exist but they are not as important as these two nations.

But…in a faraway place from the two countries, in the cold paysage, there was a house. A house where an unknown human in the world lived there…he didn't live for any of the leaders, he is our protagonist for this story, Alexander. He has long pink hair, and plain clothes which he used to be more flexible inside of, he also has reddish pink eyes which can often be misinterpreted as pure red, and has soft lips. His skin was pink to white, and he was quite tall, above average, probably around 5,11 to 6,1. Alexander lived with his father who adopted him, Philza, a blonde man, who has relatively long hair, he often wears green, white, and black color clothes, and also a green hat. 

(The story happens when Alexander and Philza are both 15 and 30 years old respectively.)

They were both outside of the house, Alex was trying to find prey to kill with a sword, and Phil was getting wood to get warmed inside the house. Alexander felt an aura next to them, the aura he felt was abnormal…it felt paradoxical yet normal. He shouted to his adoptive father "Phil! Phil! I think there is someone nearby." After a while, they both had their guard and Alexander went to see where the aura came from...it was a child.

Alexander analyzed him in his mind "Hm? He has shining eyes, green in his purple and purple in his left, he has poor, weakened clothes, he seems around 10 years old, his hair is mixed between black and white, same thing for his tail.. wait. He looks like an alderman." As he looked at him, he realized he was injured, and he knew something was off. "Why is there a kid in this forest far from the city that Phil talked about?" Alexander pondered for a bit but soon decided to ask a question.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here?" asked Alexander with his usually monotone voice that had a hint of softness that it didn't carry before.

" I-.. I.." said the lost one in a scared and low voice 

"He is scared, perhaps something has happened to him.. oh! I think I understand. I'm going to tell Phil" thought Alex in his mind.

He called Phil and immediately went into the house, Alexander of course lifting the small kid who grew even more scared. Philza got the medical box and treated the kid.

"What the heck could have happened to this poor kid," Phil asked Alexander as they let the kid rest in the bed. 

"I have a theory in my brain that makes sense to me but it's just a simple conjecture."

Phil looked at him perplexed "What? Mind telling me what this conjecture is?" Phil knew that most of Alex's conjectures were correct from experience so he was intrigued to hear Alex out to potentially know the situation.

"First you gotta wait, you hear horses coming near the house?" Alexander grew a bit serious which made Philza know that he wasn't joking like how he used to.

"Horse..?" He tries to listen closer to the door, and he realizes that multiple horses are walking, probably people. 

"Now that you know, I think they are the people searching for this kid. What if they were the ones?"

"Where are you going with this info Alex? We don't have all day." He asked, clearly concerned about the situation.

"First go hide this kid in the storage behind the chest with the fake seed, I will do the rest"

Phil trusted Alex so he did what he said. Alex went outside to find multiple men with shining armor, swords, and even a lot of enchanted stuff.

*Enchanted stuff are the magical effects in the item like sword and chest plate (mainly attack or defense tools/armor)They have different abilities such as being sharpened or dealing fire for the sword and even reducing the damage or inflicting damage to the attacker for the armor

He watched them go near him, he was quite tall, but still smaller than Alex, he had brown eyes and hair, and he had green eyes, piercing the shadow. He was also the one on top having the better armor in the group of 5, got down and went to salute him. 

"Hello, stranger. I'm trying to find a lost child from our nation who accidentally got lost in this forest. He has shining eyes, green on his left and purple on his left, his hair is mixed between black and white, same thing for his tail. Have you seen him?" One of the mysterious men said to Alex.

"And you are?" said Alex in the most positive angry voice. 

It kinda provoked other people in the group at Alex. 

"Hey you mour-" started one the youngest blonde in the group, but he was stopped by the leader by a sign by the hand; "Let's not get angry at this. Well he is kinda right, we are coming to this place without any notice. Well let me do some presentation, my name is William, and I am the leader and president of the nation L'Manburg, Justice, and Peace. The heated one here points at the young Blonde, his name is Tommy, he is my little brother and he is also a good fighter, one of the best warriors in this world, the one next to him is Tubbo, our vice president, he is one of the best negotiators of the country, he is also our minister of finance. Next is Quackity, my right arm, he is the leader of the army, and he is also as strong as Tommy. and the last one is Nihachu, our minister of health. 

Alexander looked at all of them, he knew something was fishy behind this, he found Nihachu pretty scared and even kinda of desperate to get out of this situation, he couldn't get to the true information, but he knew that deep down, he was going to get it. 

"My name is Alexander, my father Philza is inside the house, and for your question, no I haven't seen anyone for ages," said Alexander with this much confidence, using a passive voice, which made all of them believe.

"I see, we are trying to enforce security in the world, but Las Nevada never agreed on the other nation."

Philza got out of the house, perplexed by the situation, he whispered in the most quiet and normal voice to Alexander

"I hid the kid, who are these people?"

Alexander whispers back "As I said, they are searching for the kid, they are from the nation L'Manburg, the guy in front is the president, William."

Phil looked at Alex with a scared face "Wait you mean this guy is.."

"Yes, philza. I do think it's him," said Alexander with a serious tone.

".. Fine I will believe you once again Alexander, I trust you."

"Don't worry. I am going to handle this situation." Philza was mostly reassured, with his experience with Alexander since he was found in the same forest.

"I have a proposition William," said Alexander with a unique confidence at William and his group. 

"Well I'd love to hear it," replied William to Alexander's confidence. 

"What if you let us live in your country? Of course, we will help your nation with anything like resources or even anything related to politics. 

The group was kinda perplexed by this proposition, even Philza was, no one knew what Alexander's true intention was, but it was clear he was right.

"You want to live in our nation below our security?" William thought for a second and came up with an agreement. "We will let both of you live inside our nation with only one condition, beat Tommy in a fight, the only rule is no running or no killing the other, and the winner is the first out on the ground. Deal?"

"Haha. Alright.." said and agreed Alexander with the most enjoyed face. 

While they both agreed, Tommy looked perplexed about both agreements. He wasn't sure about Alex either, he was an unknown person living in nowhere, so why would he lose? 

Tommy thought in his mind "This is going to be an easy match. Not even need to sweat against a non-trained (paysan) in the far reaches of this coldlands. It's so cold.."

"Should they start right now?" asked Philza in a bit of fear, not knowing what the people of the city are capable of.

"Of course, let's not lose time" replied William

"I'm going to use my sword," said Alexander while taking his normal stone sword, nothing special, it even gave Tommy an even greater confidence in the match.

"Alright then, ready fighter?" Tubbo's voice cut through the tension as he arbitrated the match. Both challengers nodded in the final agreement, their duel commencing with a charged atmosphere.

Tommy was the first one to rush at Alex, his attack fast and aggressive, and Alexander's reflexes kicked into high gear. With calculated precision, he sidestepped Tommy's strike, smoothly evading the blade's deadly arc. In a seamless motion, Alexander's hand darted out, expertly seizing hold of Tommy's sword, disarming him in one fluid motion, while not even using his sword, even dropping it after that.

Tommy's eyes widened in disbelief, as he was surprised and off-balance. It also made this last use his hand to fight, but Alex wasn't impressed at his fighting skill. "Why are you trying to reach for the sword while attempting hand-to-hand combat?" Alexander's voice cut through the chaos, his words laced with calm confidence.

Before Tommy could answer, Alexander's next move came with lightning speed. A powerful strike landed in Tommy's abdomen, knocking the wind from his lungs and sending him crashing to the ground.

But Alexander wasn't finished. With the poise of a seasoned warrior, he advanced toward the fallen Tommy, his presence radiating an aura of dominance that left Tommy feeling a fear he had never before experienced.

As Tommy struggled to regain his breath, he felt fear for the first time in his life; he had never seen someone this scary. He thought in his mind, still scared by the aura that Alexander was giving away "H-He.. is a monster.. Not a demon..He is the demon.. Incredible.." thought Tommy.

Everyone was shocked by the speed of the fight, William started clapping, smiling at Alexander's win. 

"Bravo. Insane skill Alexander."

"Thanks for the compliment, William." He took Tommy's hand to get him up, this last was embarrassed by his loss against him. 

"Good fight." said Alex to Tommy, to which he replied with a "Yeah yeah."

William took a deep breath of the cold air and finally said "You are amazing Alex, your process in the fight, your skill in a fight, and your survival in this far cold, and hard life, you are someone. For our agreement, you and your father can come to our nation. 

"We are going to pack up our stuff if that's okay," said Alex, glad to hear William agree.

"Take your time."

While packing up the essentials, Alexander found a small box where he could put the kid inside of it. He made sure that the box was filled with small flowers from the garden behind the house. He made some holes and added food inside of it to keep the kid alive. He made sure that the box was only openable from the inside and covered it with a bag with a hole behind it.

As they charged a horse with the essentials and the bag, Alexander whispered in a small voice so nobody heard it "Be silent, you are going to be safe for the time being. I will protect you."

The strange kid felt a weird feeling of safety and confidence with the ensuing words that Alex gave him. Even though his voice was the same and seemed to have not changed it still had a slight hint of softness which made the kid feel a slight warmth in his heart.

Later on, as they were thinking of choosing who should ride the horses and who should walk. They decided to settle it by the old-fashioned rock, paper scissors.

In the end, William ends up having to walk, which he said he doesn't mind, even with the demand of other members walking in his place "I am only doing my job as a leader and I feel it's unfair for another person to face the consequences of losing on my behalf so let us continue"

"If so, I'm going to walk with you." said Alexander, jumping from William's horse, leaving Philza at it." 

"Alright, I don't mind company," said William.

On the long journey to the nation, William and Alexander talked a lot about their life and situation, and Alex persuaded him to say those, most of them were confidential, but he couldn't get the most important, which if he asked he would lose trust from them; about the kid and their violence against him, what happened?

"Well Alex, do you have any siblings? Or are you just a single son in this small family?"

" I used to have 2 other brothers. But they disappeared one day."

"Oh yeah? For me, I vaguely remember having an adoptive brother and both of my parents, but I lost them a long time ago, sad times. Now I only have my little brother, at least he gives me the courage to live in this world."

"..." Nothing came out of Alexander's mouth, he knew something about the situation but did not say a word, he stayed emotionless. 

"Enough of my endless talking, I never spoke to someone like this for a long time. I feel you have a lot of potential in this nation, oh and I forgot, how old are you?"

"I'm 15, what about yours?" asked Alexander in a gentle voice.

"I'm almost 20, and this is perfect. Even after this long walk, we have finally arrived in the nation. We will stay in one of the few small houses near the main city. 

As they all agreed, Alexander looked around him, it didn't look like his usual sighting. A beautiful afternoon, in the middle of the vast plain, green as an emerald, few trees were standing, a refreshing cold breeze came touching Alexander, making his pink hair agitated. 

As the sun sets down, they arrive at the small basement composed of 8 houses, Alexander and Philza decide to take the one a bit further than any other of them. 

It was nighttime, and after eating, Alexander took the time to take his food and take it to the small house. He opened the box where the kid was and gave him the food. The kid was happy about someone giving him good and hot food. He made him sit down in the two beds where Alex decided to have a small chat.

"Do you know how to talk?" asked Alex in a slow and gentle voice.

"Y-yes.. " responded the kid with a small and shy voice. Alex almost chuckled at his shyness although he had a hard time containing his laugh after seeing the little shy guy stuttering. After a very short while, Alex decided to take this seriously and asked the little boy a question.

"No need to be shy, little guy, what's your name?"

"My name is.." He hesitated for a second. "My name is R-"

He is interrupted by the door getting opened by someone, Alexander stays calm and sees Nihachu at the entrance, shocked by the presence of the kid, but Alexander sees that she is more relieved than scared. 

This seems a bit weird in his eyes as he is sure that the people of this nation are supposed to be looking for this boy, so why is she so relieved at the fact that the boy is fine? 

"Maybe she doesn't want to harm or capture the boy and somewhat cares for the boy's freedom and safety," Alex thought of this possibility before quickly bringing back his focus to the current predicament.