

Isioma_Ezegbunem · 都市
6 Chs


Mooner was asleep inside a car sitting at the back sit while the young man who helped her earlier drove the car ,few moments later she woke up and looked around her when she noticed she was in a car 

Where are we mooner asked and the man didn't reply , where are you taking me mooner asked with a higher and aggressive tone and then the man smirked , you said you wanted to go home right, that's where i am taking you the man said and for some reason mooner became calm and relaxed but she stared at him for a long while observing him very well the young was kinda cute she said to herself but he was way out of her league he was extremely cool and nicely dressed 

They had been on the road for hours that mooner began to worry that her aunt jess would have been so she tried explaining her situation to the young man but he just behaved as if no one was talking , and not too long the car stopped and mooner immediately rushed out of the car but when she saw the huge gates in front of her she was shocked

Hey!!!!! mooner screamed with anger you said you`ll take me home, why did you bring me here this is not my home mooner screamed and screamed as her hair started to shine but this time it changed it color from crystal white to burning red and it became brighter as the seconds passed by . Mooner did`nt realize that her hair had changed color because she was all caught up in her emotions and then there was a very huge blast and every one including mooner and the young man fell to the ground with strong dusty winh hovering over them , the young man did not do anything but noticed and observed her quietly and in the midst of the wind mooner fainted and the strong dusty wind that blew stopped and the young man rushed up to mooner and lifted her up 

 Mooner woke up in a room which was ay bigger and prettier than her room she tried moving but it was of no use 

'Stop trying to move you`ll make yourself weaker the young man said as he looked outside the window 

What did you do to me earlier mooner asked 

I did not do anything to you, all the things that happened out there was all you the young man said without any emotions and upon hearing those words mooner couldn`t help but wonder she had a flash back at the kidnap and how her hair lit up but she refused to believe it was her doing 

Take me home was the next words that left her mouth and the man scoffed , you know most people who did what you did back there would be asleep for weeks or even months but your up in a few hours and your running your mouth hmm he chuckled aunt jess really did well in raising you 

Ha.....ha..how did you you know my aunt`s name mooner began to get scared and suspicious of the young man and he chuckled you mention her earlier in the car the an said and started to work towards the door get better soon you have a lot to learn he said and shut the door leaving mooner wondering what she had to learn and if her acquaintance with the young man was all planned and after few thoughts she tried moving but it didn`t work so she just complied and slept for the night 

 the next morning when she woke up she tried moving her hands and it worked then she tried getting off the bed and standing she tried walking put she slipped and feel back on the bed and groaned loudly with anger and the next second women with same uniform rushed into the room and the all greeted her and addressed her as your highness 

Your highness? mooner was so confused she did not know what to think anymore so she just laid on the bed and looked at them as they opened the curtains, got her off the bed , gave her a bathe and dressed her up just lke a princess she looked in the mirror for a while startled in at the beautiful face she saw ad then weird images began to flash in her head 

Your highness one of the women with uniforms brought mooner back 

yes mooner answered it is time for breakfast your highness the woman said and bowed down then two ladies came and put mooner on a wheel chair and took her to the dinning hall , immediately mooner was done eating she was taken back to her room and was told that a lady called kimma would be with her shortly 

mooner was alone in her so posed bed room thinking about how the people talked to her as if they knew her which mae her think if she has been her before because the place and the room she was in felt so familiar

Few hours later mooner heard a knock on the door and a lady , the lady was an average height lady , she was pretty and she seemed cool and she was dressed in a silk white long with a cover on her head .She walked closer to mooner and stopped right in front of her 

 Hi mooner i`m kimma the lady said and sat beside mooner and they turned to face each other 

it looks like we are mates mooner said and kimma laughed indeed it looks like i am way older than you mooner 

 Why am i here mooner asked , this place is called the ark home 

the ark home? then why am i in the ark home mooner asked and kimma chuckled seems like you have`nt discovered yourself yet kimma said and mooner looked totally confused well i am a sky witch kimma said and mooner burst out into laughter immediately , i get it mooner it might sound funny at first but you will believe it over time and you will get to know the reason why your here kimma said and mooner just rolled her eyes i will leave you lone for now but i want you to think of why your hair changes color and light up extremely bright , you know deep down what i am saying is true kimma said and took her vail off her head and moner was her hair which was green in color but a different and lighter type of green and then kimma left the room leaving mooner to think about everything he had said and after very long and deep thoughts 

WHO AM I ? mooner asked