
Strange Father and Mother

Ming asked old man " as far as I can remember if one has 5 elemental mixed roots they would need a large amount of spirit energy to cultivate and require cultivate 5 elements simultaneously so they won't be able to cultivate more then qi condensation 6 layers at most in the life unless they have formed a perfect balance "

old man said " yes that's true that it would require much time to cultivate from one layer of qi condensation to another and with level of spirit energy in this continent one wouldn't be able to cross 3rd layer of qi condensation, and if they have cultivated then they would have perfectly balanced between roots and they form a shapes like lotus-like in your previous life you had formed 5 elemental heavenly lotus. And cultivated Five elemental art, your previous life 5 elemental heavenly lotus is a supreme grade in spirit root."

Ming then asked " if that is the case why my father was able to cultivate up to 8th layer o qi condensation, is there some sort of mistake made by immortal at that time. "

Old Man said " That is indeed some kind of problem with that as you know there are some records missing from the past and information about the balanced roots may be lost in time let me check your father's spirit root "

Old mand enveloped Tang Jiang with spirit sense, Tang Jing was filled little dizzy when spirit sense entered inside his mind where spirit root is located. Tang Ming supported his father and asked old man " Old man what did you find " old man told in surprising voice "how is this possible first Balanced root of Creation and Destruction and now balanced 5 elemental Lotus divine root I have to check your mothers spirit root too." then he made sharp spirit sense towards Ming's house and searched his mothers spirit root he was more shocked he then told Ming " your mother's root is balanced yin yang divine root and they formed a yin- yang diagram no wonder you are abnormal, but why didn't your mother cultivate. "

Ming said "before yesterday I didn't know much about cultivation, I have to ask father can you check grandpa and grandma if they have divine roots then that would be great we will all cultivate to immortality together, " Ming said in a childish voice.

Old man said "I am curious about it myself" he checked both grandpa and grandma and then said "your grandpa is foundation early stage cultivator practiced low-grade Xuan grade art and have pure Fire Earth grade spirit root that is normal and your grandma is 9th level of qi condensation practiced top grade Huang cultivation technique and spirit root is pure wood earth grade. spirit root that is also normal for them to have this type of cultivation."

Ming asked with the shocked expression "if that's true then do you have yin-yang cultivation art"

Old Man said "I do have cultivation art"

Ming said "can you provide my mother father the cultivation art to both of them"

The old man said "I can but we have to wait till night how can I not give them cultivation art to such genius, I will be master of geniuses, who wouldn't want that" old man told in narcissism.

Ming said "You are the spirit of pendant how can you be master of someone" he spoke in a cute way

the old man felt like he falls from the sky but then he said "I can be their master, I am the spirit of Pendant that surpasses the laws of this world how can I not be master of geniuses whose root of spirit can upgrade due to cultivation art, how can I not want them"

To be Continued...