
Tales of Memes and Deities

In the vast internet, there are pictures that are called Memes. Memes are basically a picture with texts on them, but in the ancient era, Memes are life itself. When there is life, there is also death, that is Meme Review. Meme Review is the taker of memes, once a Meme goes on Meme Review, its death is inevitable. The host of Meme Review, the God of Death, the taker of memes, the Supreme Being, PewDiePie. A once mortal man who has achieved godhood by killing memes. In the Cyber Era where memes are banned, a young boy will risk everything just to get ahold of the memes from the Ancient Era, the memes that were once profound is now lost, the memes that are present is mediocre. He will trek the depths of the deepweb just to get even a piece of the meme, he will go as far as to go to Realms like [Facebook & Instagram] to take back the memes that were once theirs. Come join the adventure of a young man who will gather all the memes and meet the Supreme Being, PewDiePie, to bring back the meaning of memes to the Cyber Era, to bring happiness to the people. ----------- Because nobody comented on my thread, I decided to make a novel centered around memes. Note: This is only a troll novel, I'm not gonna pursue this in the future, well, maybe.

WannaBeAuthorHaru · ファンタジー
8 Chs


Zeno sat back on his chair and looked at the third panel again, in the middle of the sad and happy emoticon is an arrow, 'What could it be telling me?'

He wiped off the sweat on his face and leaned closer to his monitor.

The arrow is showing the growth of the happiness meter but he's too engrossed to realize.

He placed the three panels side by side corresponding to when he found them.

'I undertand 80% of it but...'

Zeno thought of an idea he would never think in his entire life, that is to rearrange the panels.

He placed the first panel in the top left, the second panel beside it and the third panel below the first panel. It's the art of making a 4 panel comic, and because the meme IS a comic, he decided to go that route.

'But... shouldn't the last line be in the last panel...?'

'The arrow... The emoticons... The guy's expressions... They are telling me something!'

Zeno cropped the parts that contains some sort of facial expressions.

In total, he obtained eight facial expressions, that includes the half oval bike poles in the first panel.

He arranged the expressions, he made a list, in the left it's a list for sad expressions, in the right is the happy expressions.

He got six sad expressions and only two happy expressions. He squinted his eyes at the notepad in his computer, 'What the hell do these even mean?'

There is six sad expressions, and two in those six is a half oval pole. 'Doesn't that mean the pole has connections to the last panel?'

His gaze became serious as he observed all the three panels, 'They are all facing towards me, doesn't that mean that the last panel will have its back face m--'


There's only so much 'Profoundness' I could find in the Stolen Bike meme, lol.

WannaBeAuthorHarucreators' thoughts